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"yes we can elect to use vacation if we want."

thanks for clarifying however we can't elect they just take it out.

I know from personal experience....

got to remember 2 different animals. DL is pretty much labor friendly. I don't see why they would even offer since

we will be giving them field stations on a platter. tweak the schd and puff there gone.
hot d*mn ..


anyone wanting to jump on the OOOOOOOOOOO's bandwagon .. hurry up they won't be on top long.

except PJ.. thinking he might be on crack.......
I don't see why they would even offer since

we will be giving them field stations on a platter. tweak the schd and puff there gone.

Not if the new T/A gets in...they will have 3 years at least. What do you think will happen to those 18 stns if we vote No?
well to be honest I don't know the TWU language and since those stations fall under the west I am not sure , I am guessing

status quo . cause if the company could have farmed them out they would have....As far as the IAM rolling the west into the east

I don't buy that at all . They would have done that already. Your an eastie you know that the IAM treats us like the red headed step

child . so when they say they didn't because they wanted to help us out . I don't buy it. Go back to our orginal debate, If they gave

a s*it about us they wouldn't have divided class I and class II.. It's the same this go around . Same politics except they are

reversing them selves and putting class II against class I . If that makes any sense.
When they divided up class I and class II it was b/c of the bankruptcies. I firmly believe that. (But YES the hubs did vote it in! 😉 )

But this is where you & I disagree. I don't feel they are trying to pit class I against class II or the east against the west. I think they are trying to bring us under one umbrella to set up for a smoother merger with United. That's why they threw a bone to everyone on this T/A.

I completely agree that this T/A could be a lot better. I would have liked to see at least $19.50 and 6 weeks vacation. But I think they are done screwing with fleet. That's what an AGC told me, and call me naive, but I believe him.

Then we get back to the CIC.......which is whole other debate in which I promised Roa not to bring up anymore. 😀
I agree to disagree. and if they want to bring us under one umbrella . I am all for that . Said that many times. But don't go

into to OUR contract and extend and replace scope. that has nothing to do with a T/A . the company is doing TRADITIONAL NEG and

calling it a TRANSITION. A T/A is exactly that bring everyone together until the amendable date. THEY could have done that . THE IAM is

afraid of going into TRADITIONAL NEG. Example . they had the company on the ropes with the threat of sec 6 on the west . didn't want

to go there. WHY .. IF our UNION is fighting for US then they would tell the company H*ll no . we'll transition and go to TRADITIONAL in

09 but wait the IAM wants to extend our BK contract. My friend (please don't be offended) I am done with extend extend extend.

IF the company wants TRADITIONAL NEG. then fine lets get it on . page by page. But unfortunately they don't have the timeframe

to do that since UA is knocking. Did WE (even though I VOTED NO) make a mistake in 05 . H*LL YEA we did. I just don't want to

go down that same path again. We on the east have since this movie played out again and again.
P Rez.
? how much to rent a spot on camelback mtn. and put an RV there.

I'm thinking that would be what PERV would be looking at . and also . by any chance are there any true PHL cheese steak places

out there . I've know perv and he's a pretty big boy....... 😛 :lol: :lol: :lol:
I see your advanced. in less than a month. pretty impressive. it took me about 3 months of typing to get there 😀 😀

GF has the gift of gab just like you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offense intended GF.

Oh and Oman,

GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The thing is O-man with the state of our economy right now and the projections for the rest of the year and beyond, I'm not sure I would even want to start traditional negotiations at the end of 2009.

Sh$t man, I've been getting paycuts since the Gulf freaking war and I'm sick of it! I'm not convinced we wouldn't see one again in 2009.....this old dog has seen all the tricks...

I'll take extend, extend, extend....as long as it has a bump....not a paycut.....
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT'S WRONG >>>>>>>>> completely WRONG>>>>>>>>>..

see if MF comes back to your house again..... 😛
there you go boys,,


someday PJ someday .

back to topic. folks remember READ THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL don't just look at the upfront money. YOU will have to live

with this for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time....

Don't hate the player, hate the game. But in our case, we can hate the player(s) and the game. IE the company and the I"LL ASK MANAGEMENT. And you know the SOX will take the division this year don't ya.
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PJ---have you been to espn.com today.....rays got your boys today...who'd a thunk the the Sox and the O's on top...... 😱

my yanks will be there soon enough

note to mod.....I will be back on topic now...sorry
I hear yea. But remember 1 thing. the IAM and Company came to this agreement last Jul. when the economy was not in the

sh*tter . all they did was move the shells around. So don't let whats current scare you . ? for yea. think when the eco turns

around the company will come back to us and say " he fellas things are going really good on ourside you want to sit down and talk"

remember . DP WOULD NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT SITTING DOWN WITH US FOR 2 1/2 YEARS. He was publicly quoted as saying

"It's cheaper to run 2 seperate groups and I will do that as long as I can" ......Guess what HIS time has run out. And now

4 sitdowns in 5 months. what ya think.
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