So if a guy on the west that has a family needs insurance and is now making 12 bucks and hour going to say 14 bucks an hour if this TA is ratified he will make an extra 320.00 a month. Then the company insurance costs you 316.00 bucks, the westie ends up with a whole 4 dollar raise!
WOW what a good deal!
OK.... this is for the people here who still can still see clearly and have half-way decent math skills and who sometimes read these posts and the numbers spewed out and might actually believe the information is accurate and not mis-leading....
This postee cleverly shows with his brilliant math and biting sarcasm how moronic it is for the west to vote yes because it would only be a $4/mo. raise if you selected the insurance policy which he states is the best available. Of course he makes a couple of assumptions that are a bit deceptive....
First off .... the basic TWU pay scale is as follows: Beginning Year 1-3 $9.00 10 $12.65
4 $9.24 11 $13.62
5 $9.59 12 $14.21
6 $9.83 13 $14.45
7 $10.17 14 $14.95
8 $10.51 15 $15.20
9 $11.68
No one is at $12.00........the year 9 employee @ $11.68 would go to $16.22.... let's see, take the 2 ...ummm...carry the something or other and get a $4.54/ hr which is $786.93 more a month before taxes of course.... ( and there are 52 weeks in a year, not 48 ... so that $320 by his figures is really $346.67, so he got that wrong too.) ... a year 10 employee @ $12.65 goes to $17.40 which would be $823.33 more a month. ( before taxes) a good deal!.... but wait there's more!.....aforementioned postee somehow thinks that out west they get that max coverage for free, so he takes his inaccurate figure of $320 more a month income, then plugs in that $316/ month for ins. as if you are paying nothing, now I don't know the exact figure that an employee w/family is paying but I know it's more than zero and probaly at least close to $150/mo if not more. So using aforementioned postee's own inaccurate numbers it would be $320 - $150 = $170.00 more a month ... not $4 but as I have already shown the raise being voted on is substantially more than what many here would have you believe. But wait again ....there's even more......even if aforementioned postee was still right about the $4/mo. raise ( which he wasn't).... he seems to think that health ins only goes up when a raise is voted flash---- whether anybody gets a raise or not, ins. is going up, so if a westie didn't vote himself a raise ( which would be stupid ) that raise helps defer their increased costs so---- that is a plus $4 instead of a possible minus $50.......
So, on the fence voters, .....don't fall into the speculations, the misinformation and rumor-this and rumor-that that these scare tactic posters love to use...... go with the facts in front of you.....not the what ifs.