Jester please . I thought your were smarter than that. You know why there are no Easties in phx the were contracted out. When you vote yes. You open the west up to everyone . Its called a systemwide transfer.
which means You can go where ever your SENIORITY will allow you. As far as having more time that was good for a laugh . my rain gear has more time then you do. the BWI thing Us took that away many moons
ago. besides 24 yrs wouldn't get you FT in Bwi.. try again.
Now, now, O-man, let's not resort to intellectual dishonesty here.
First, are you now suggesting the T.A. will pass contrary to yours and various other opinions on this board?
Second, are you still holding to the pipe dream that CIC is still valid and worth something in an United deal?
Let's go through the various outcomes:
Yes-Yes: You can transfer to PHX (as BWI is sandwiched between PHL and IAD it will be the next IGM), enjoy the 125 degree ramp side temperatures as you will need the extra pay from the CIC to afford living here not to mention moving across country (assuming you can afford to wait several years for a favorable ruling on the CIC).
Yes-No: You can transfer to PHX (as BWI is sandwiched between PHL and IAD will be the next IGM), enjoy the 125 degree ramp side temperatures, but you will need to wait to save enough money to afford your move across country for no more extra pay, but hey, PHX temperatures won't change much in the several years you have to move due to your wise support of the T.A.
No-Yes: You cannot transfer to PHX even as BWI pulls down to RJ City with a Mesa ramp, and since you rejected the T.A. your 60-Day timer starts running after the United deal is announced, although you can afford to move somewhere closer to home (again assuming you can afford to wait several years for a favorable ruling on the CIC) after you do a fire sale on your home because 60 days really isn't much time, especially during the mortgage meltdown.
No-No: You cannot transfer to PHX and Do Not Pass Go, as your CIC is worthless, and by the way, BWI is still RJ City with an United deal, so start packing. (How many minimum mainline flights a week with the current IAM contract? 56?)
My guess is that you are thinking "No-Yes", but in all scenarios the United deal is on, and frankly, that does not bode well for BWI. If it is "No" to T.A. then you lose an what you could have saved (hear that 60-Day timer ticking?) and you still cannot transfer to PHX. This T.A. is not holding up any United deal either way... what's that ticking sound?
My point being is that your threat to move to PHX is hollow, and given the under all scenarios presented it makes little sense or it is even impossible. Your best option would be to vote "Yes" on the T.A. as it allows you to transfer to those "juniority" West stations and puts money in your pocket now. However, if you do manage like a modern pioneer to cross the desert to end up in Arizona, dirty, penniless and disenfranchised, I know plenty of West rampers with a couch in their home to rent and tequila in the liquor cabinet.
So Figures Jester.