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IAM -- Fleet Service Thread 2/29-3/7

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Oh, but wait, when I retire I went to go work on airplanes again after 40 some odd years of crawling around. Give me a flippin break!!

When and if any reasonable offer is made by this worthless company transition team, then I will decide what I can or can't live with. I am surely not going to base my desicion from a bunch of con artists #### house lawyers on this forum that just splew there opinion as fact on a daily basis.

Educate yourself: From the IAM NPF website

You are only partially correct..that website doesn't tell the whole story...you have to log in to see the rest:

If you return to work after you have retired and
while you are receiving a pension from the National
Pension Plan, your pension may be suspended,
depending upon your age and the type of work you
are doing.
If you have reached normal retirement age, your
pension benefits will be suspended for any month
in which:

– You work 40 or more hours in any industry and
geographical area
which was covered by the
Plan when you retired, and
– Your employment is in any trade or craft in
which you worked at any time under the Plan
after your contribution date,
which is generally
the date on which a contributing employer first
became obligated to make contributions to
the Plan (or a prior plan) on your behalf.
If you have not reached normal retirement age,
you cannot receive pension benefits and work for a
contributing employer or for any other employer –
including self-employment – in the same or related
business or industry from which you retired, regardless
of the number of hours worked or the geographical
area in which you worked.
Further, you may not work
in any employment that would be disqualifying
employment at normal retirement age.

Your pension benefits will not be suspended after
you have reached the date at which benefits must
be paid automatically – generally, the later of the
April 1st following the year during which you retire
or the April 1st following the year during which you
reach age 701/2. (See When Benefits Are Paid
Automatically on page 35.)

What Happens If You Return to Work After You Retire?
If you are thinking about accepting any employment
after you retire, please contact the Fund office
to get a ruling on that employment. You can also
download a “Ruling on Employment†form from the
Plan’s website at www.iamnpf.org. You are required
to report all employment to the Fund office within
30 days of the start of such employment.
The Trustees may require you to periodically provide
information about your employment status.
Disability pensioners are required to report any
employment to the Fund office within 15 days of
returning to work. Failure to make a timely report
of employment may result in disqualification of
benefits for six months.
Tims comparision was pretty accurate. Not perfect, but FAR more accurate then your ignorant comparison.
Thanks necigrad,

Jester discounts the things he has like more paid holidays, double time, premium pay, paid sick time, STD, LTD, scop protections, better vacation schedule, better duration, along with the things he doesn't have like "Pay date seniority and 60 day rule" as "MINOR". His opinion is not reasonable or even inside the margins.

As aside, the vast majority of us are here because it is our career and that is why NOTHING will get passed that doesn't have a minumum of $20hr among other benefits. Bottom line. If it's not doable then we can wait till 2009 since most of us plan on being here. For those who aren't thinking about a career here and only looking towards an extra buck at the cost of benefits and scope then you can evaluate if you're in the wrong job or not.


Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
As aside, the vast majority of us are here because it is our career and that is why NOTHING will get passed that doesn't have a minumum of $20hr among other benefits. Bottom line. If it's not doable then we can wait till 2009 since most of us plan on being here. For those who aren't thinking about a career here and only looking towards an extra buck at the cost of benefits and scope then you can evaluate if you're in the wrong job or not.


Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Unfortunately those like Jester may have a vote to control our destiny, and then vacate their position as an employee, while the rest of us wallow in this P.O.S. Remember there's no " I " in we.
20 an hr will not get my vote unless years 1 thru 9 are seriously addressed
Tims comparision was pretty accurate. Not perfect, but FAR more accurate then your ignorant comparison.

And I'm the one is accused of name calling and derailing a threat, go figure...

To address your alleged "points":

First, are you sure that you work for West? When I have a holiday, if I work it, then I get time and a half rate, if I don't work it then I still half time rate sitting at home. Personally, I like idea of being paid even half time rate for doing nothing, even though I never understood this half pay, no work concept. Double time for holidays? Never heard of it.

Second, face it... the overwhelming majority are part-time and want to stay part-time and while there are people who are part-time and work full-time hours, it is because they want the flexibility to reduce hours as they desire, as most part-time people are dropping hours as if it was a high school French. Of course, you are using some relatively small numbers of workers to make a point. Should I call a buddy at LAS and throw down some intials in here for you to verify, assuming you really do work for West at LAS?

Third, how does zero sick time hours for part-time West rampers become "better" than anything greater than zero being offered by the East contract, even if only at 50% pay, that's 50% more than I am making now! Must be that "new math" kids are talking about now.

Fourth, speaking of small numbers of people, Oncearound was kind enough to post the number of years required for 4 weeks paid vacation as being 13 YEARS! Hello? What percentage of company West hires will EVER get to 13 years? Less than 1 in 1000, but you are worried about one extra week of vacation for less than 2% of the current West ramp agents while leaving a large pay raise on the table?! That will be the most expensive vacation any West ramper ever took with all the extra money left behind!

And a Big WOW Fifth, as you contribute 7% of your pay and the company matches 3%?! Let's see, once again, some of my "old math" assuming you have been here 10 years and earning $12.65, the company will match you 3% or 38 cents extra per hour? So as you are full-time, and Tim claims the pension would benefit you by $1/hour vs. the 38 cents/hour, that you are better off with West contract, even though you could still contribute 7% to a company 401K (with much higher pay too) without the company match? Yeah, you keep budgeting for that extra 3% on $26,312 ($12.65 x 2,080 hours in a year) for $789 company contribution while you are leaving on the table that $5/hour more over 2,080 hours during that same year.

So Calculates Jester.
Unfortunately those like Jester may have a vote to control our destiny, and then vacate their position as an employee, while the rest of us wallow in this P.O.S. Remember there's no " I " in we.
my understanding is that the west is only suppose to have 30% part time based on some calculation of some time ago. Is this accurate? If so then why isn't the IAM pursuing the part time grievance? The only time I see the IAM talking about the part time grievance is when they are attaching it to negotiations and throwing it under the bus. Why not arbitrate it already becuse if Jester is accurate that most workers are part time then something is wrong.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
my understanding is that the west is only suppose to have 30% part time based on some calculation of some time ago. Is this accurate? If so then why isn't the IAM pursuing the part time grievance? The only time I see the IAM talking about the part time grievance is when they are attaching it to negotiations and throwing it under the bus. Why not arbitrate it already becuse if Jester is accurate that most workers are part time then something is wrong.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago


It isn't accurate. No more than 70% part-time vs. 30% full-time. Given the bank style of operations, it wouldn't make sense for the company to have large numbers of full-time people to stand around for 2 hours at a time between some banks during the day and early evening.

So Observes Jester.
Mr. Jester…

Glad tahh have yahh back ! Yahh took ahh beatin’ in tha last forum!... Gotta hand it tahh yahh… yer tuff !

As far as this Part Time situation goes, I fully understand yer position…however… please bear in mind tha majority of tha east has made this ah career. These Boy’s ‘n Gals here in CLT ain’t fightin’ fer “Sh**’s ‘n Gigglesâ€â€¦ tahh paraphrase ah statement yahh made about yer own reason fer workin’ fer tha airline in tha last forum.

This is democracy at work… tha majority have tha ultimate say. Any future T/A will have to be ratified with tha majority of tha Fleet Service Classification Vote.

CLT is adamant, ‘n solid... ‘bout keepin’ this an occupation…not ahh pass time !

Did yahh know… I’m whuch yahh call “bi…lingual� Yup… I can speak either "South", er "Deep South" with equal fluency!

It isn't accurate. No more than 70% part-time vs. 30% full-time. Given the bank style of operations, it wouldn't make sense for the company to have large numbers of full-time people to stand around for 2 hours at a time between some banks during the day and early evening.

So Observes Jester.

What page in the TWU contract is that on. I have looked everywhere for ratio verbage
This is the key word that is stated on many occasions


Main Entry: opine
Pronunciation: \ō-ˈpīn\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): opined; opin·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French opiner, from Latin opinari to have an opinion
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb
: to express opinions
transitive verb
: to state as an opinion

Most of what was stated as facts is nothing more than an opinion. No basis in facts.
Are there any new negotiation dates set up? I was wondering when we would be walking out after being insulted again.


What page in the TWU contract is that on. I have looked everywhere for ratio verbage

That's what a station manager told me along with one of his managers, and I think it to be accurate, because otherwise Company would convert everyone to part-time status as it would be cheaper (no family health insurance benefits and less down time between banks), not to mention a great way to force out the few long-term, full-time employees who are topped-out and making decent money.

And My Dear Friend Roabilly,
Ah, democracy at work whereby the majority can repress the minority... just as the East hubs sold out their minority outstations for a few piece of silver. Just as East can tell West to pound sand and wait for parity while they play their games over CIC, new unions, a new contract for themselves, and new leadership. Democracy without protections of the respect of equality and rights for all people is just mob rule through the ballot box (not to get off the topic or anything).

'N Roabilly, iffin' you's be thinkin' dat wuz a beatun lass weke, den you's don't no me nuthin' as I's in ma pryme.

So Recalls Jester.
That's what a station manager told me along with one of his managers, and I think it to be accurate, because otherwise Company would convert everyone to part-time status as it would be cheaper (no family health insurance benefits and less down time between banks), not to mention a great way to force out the few long-term, full-time employees who are topped-out and making decent money.

And My Dear Friend Roabilly,
Ah, democracy at work whereby the majority can repress the minority... just as the East hubs sold out their minority outstations for a few piece of silver. Just as East can tell West to pound sand and wait for parity while they play their games over CIC, new unions, a new contract for themselves, and new leadership. Democracy without protections of the respect of equality and rights for all people is just mob rule through the ballot box (not to get off the topic or anything).

'N Roabilly, iffin' you's be thinkin' dat wuz a beatun lass weke, den you's don't no me nuthin' as I's in ma pryme.

So Recalls Jester.


Main Entry: 1ru·mor
Pronunciation: \ˈrü-mər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English rumour, from Anglo-French, from Latin rumor clamor, gossip; akin to Old English rēon to lament, Sanskrit rauti he roars
Date: 14th century
1: talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source
2: a statement or report current without known authority for its truth
"He made it clear that the N/C would not accept substandard T/A proposals"........I am sorry Roabilly but the proposal the negotiations team already presented to the company from the 141 website is substandard. So I would say that is a inaccurate statement as there is no protection for the timebombed west cities, furloughed people,and they took money from junior agents already agreed upon in the first TA. I just dont get it.

I hear yahh “West Fleetâ€â€¦

I think it’s great that yahh find tha IAM “proposal†substandard… cuz… that’s what it is… ahh “proposalâ€!

Remember… fer ahh “proposal†tahh become ahh Tentative Agreement (T/A), tha Union, (IAM), and tha company (LCC) have tah agree to present it to tha Membership (That’s us) fer ratification.

Therein, demonstrates our true clout as ahh “Collective Bargainin’ Unitâ€.

Remember…they can propose all kinds ahh sh**… but, till someone sticks ahh tentative agreement in front of our face, its nuthin’ but ah “proposalâ€!

My suggestion is this… tell everyone yah work with, tah carefully study any future T/A that may come down tha pike. Decide whut is good fer you, and yer coworkers.

That is why we are ah, Collective Bargainin’ Unit ! We got tha final say !

If it ain’t whut yahh want vote no !
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