Hey, just so you guys know, (and im sure you already have heard) There was a letter posted in the PHX breakroom today saying that Randy wants to bring the west under the east agreement, and that they want to wait until '09 to do Section 6 negotiations.
He basically stated that any negotiations would be fruitless, and they are awating the companies response to that course of action.
Good for PHX, bad for the rest. I think they are doing this because their waivering support in the west. They need all the votes they can get the next time they wipe their a$$ with a sheet of paper and present it to us to vote on.
Who signed the letter?
Something to ponder. Why wait till 2009? Why not negotiate off of the "West Contract"? The west contract blows the east contract away under every article and is worth more. Plus it has the additional benefit of beating the east contract by 2 years in getting to section 6 negotiaitons.
Consider the following
Article 3: Scope
West contract has 10 times the scope as the east contract. Jobs/stations are protected, unlike the east contract which has the absolute worst scope in the industry, including the non-union carriers who have no scope.
Advantage West by millions and millions
Article 5: Hours of service
not sure of west swaps or if a part timer can work only 2 hours. Alot of east siders wouldn't mind 4 10hr shifts a week though.
Advantage west contract
Article 6: Overtime:
east contract has no double time.
Worth millions. Advantage west contract
Article 7 seniority: East has 60 day rule, Pay date seniority.
Advantage West by millions.
Article 8 Filling of vacancies: East has ready reserve.
Advantage west by thousands$
Article 13: Sick leave: East has unpaid sick leave. Call in sick, no pay.
Advantage west by Millions$
Article 14 Holidays: 5 holidays for east, no premium pay for holidays.
Advantage west by millions.
Article 15: Vacations: top out of only 4 weeks of vacation.
Advantage west
Article 18 Uniforms: East doesn't get uniform pay, does west?
Article 19 shift differs: East doesn't get shift differs. Advantage West. hundreds of thousands.
Article 19a Ops pay and Geographical pay...
advantage West
[FWIW: the west has many stations that get
geo pay. For instance SJC gets a top out of $15.20 plus a geo pay of 23% on top of that [heard today it was 30% though], and
$1 operatons pay.
Article 22 Insurance: East insurance plans aren't the best but heard the west pays less for better coverage. Dunno.
STD: East doesn't have company paid short term disability.
Advantage west
LTD: East doesn't have company paid long term disability.
Advantage west
Article 23: Pension
IAM pension was a big concession to our 401k but is basically $1hr for full time, $65 cents hr for part time. West has 401k but I'm not sure of the company contributions.
Article 26: Part time employees. East has 40%, dunno what the west has???
Article 30 Compensation. $17.52 for the hubs, $15.76 for the majority of stations for east. West has $15.20 for all stations [plus geo, ops pay as mentioned above]. Overall, advantage east by IMO millions.
miscellaneous: East has change of control: $21.43hr if triggered, Profit sharing. Advantage east by millions
Article 31 Duration: West is 2 years ahead of the east and can already negotiate in section 6. Advantage west....
In conclusion, I have no idea why we don't use the west contract since everything we are asking for is already contained in the west contract and alot of what we haven't asked for is.
Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago