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IAM -- Fleet Service Thread 2/29-3/7

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I completly agree. In fact what needs to happen is since there are now West metal and East metal flying around our system into the Hubs On the east in say CLT and PHL we should make it clear that
east guys should only work East metal A/C. In Phx the same but in reverse.
When East metal comes in well you figure it out.
Now Im saying thats what Canale should tell the company not of course just do it but yes the helping hand needs to go. When we transistion than we can talk than an only than.
in your station, DFW, east and west work separately, yes?

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
To a degree, one would have to think this entire "debacle" rages on because we have companies with little leadership quality.

Not ONE party involved with US AIRWAYS wants to take the initiative to make decisions and all parties involved continue to "Pass the Buck".

Could anyone wonder if the leaders of both company and union have no military leadership experience.

Lord, hope there will never be a WWIII. We have no direction!
The thing that Tom needs to recognize is that in 2 years, we have finally seen a company proposal and it only contained a merger of the west into the east and at significantly reduced rates. In two years, that's how far AL has come....2 steps backwards. This explicitly shows that the company does not want a transition agreement.

Since Tom recognized correctly that the majority have no remote interest in voting on anything close to what Hemenway wants, there are only two options, neither of which Tom wanted to talk about. So ask Tom, is he going to continue to agree with Hemenway to shelve section 6 for the west and wait till 2009??? Or is he going to consider it? It's either/or with nothing else between. Therein lies the question Lith. Otherwise the east is getting closer to its own ammendable date.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
If anything the Companies letter had probably created MORE solidarity. More solidarity to wait for the right agreement. More solidarity in believing the Company has no respect for it's employees. More solidarity that Canale needs to go. Huh, maybe this was a good thing.
you are absolutely right
Mr. Bill Chandlee give us the hard to swallow outline of the loss of the CIC over two years ago when IAM came to Phoenix and announced themselves. If IAM losted CIC the company would have control over negotiations and only when East and West were combined with a new contract would anyone see a new pay scale. That' when I got time on the beach on this forum when we suggested he (Chandlee) bring protection when he came out to give us the news.

He was straight-up. Now it rings in our ears!

Pretty sure RR stated also, that the company would never work with Section 6.

What a GAME!
in your station, DFW, east and west work separately, yes?

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Yes we do work separtely for the most part but there are times when the helping hand is use by mangament. What Im suggesting is there are west metal planes that are flying into and out of CLT and PHL where there are no west agents is that right? Which means that east agents are working those planes. Im not sure how it works in PHX.
I also think that in our station that the M/R boys should if they dont get an agreement stop working on the east planes as well. These are just the small ways we get our message across.
As I said before this of course would need to be done thru the union and not as actions on our own.
You guys keep saying we need to let the company know we are solid, than the union needs to stop these handshake agreements that make us look as if we are one company all working under the same rules. This is just one of the things that needs to end.
Yes we do work separtely for the most part but there are times when the helping hand is use by mangament. What Im suggesting is there are west metal planes that are flying into and out of CLT and PHL where there are no west agents is that right? Which means that east agents are working those planes. Im not sure how it works in PHX.
I also think that in our station that the M/R boys should if they dont get an agreement stop working on the east planes as well. These are just the small ways we get our message across.
As I said before this of course would need to be done thru the union and not as actions on our own.
You guys keep saying we need to let the company know we are solid, than the union needs to stop these handshake agreements that make us look as if we are one company all working under the same rules. This is just one of the things that needs to end.

I agree---if the union says it is legal. Let's put the hammer down and let management know how much they REALLY need us. In PHL, the HP flights were worked by another airline who were contracted out to work them, so I don't know how that would work there. Don't know how it worked in CLT.

Now is the time that we really need to stick together and WORK SAFE and by the COMPANY'S rules. We need to be persistant and constant in our efforts and make a conscious decision to work the way we are required to, not like dogs trying to quick turn or power load these planes for our own benefit. Everyone knows what I am talking about by this.

The company obviously thinks we are a joke by what they brought back to us. Let's show them how much they really need us. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET REALLY SERIOUS. SPRING BREAK IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER and I could care less about their measly $50 on-time performance bonus.
What exactly is the "helping hand" agreement. Who thought it up, and when was it implemented?
I have never heard of it before? In my station, we work 1 "west metal" a/c a day. When we first started after the merger, a few of us had to go to HP W/B class. Since all a/c are ACARS now, would we still be considered "contractors" for HP? Because that is essentially what we were prior to the "One Certificate". There are no "West" Fleet Service agents here. Can we just ignore the "helping hand" agreement? Is there a copy of this agreement around somewhere? Can someone post it?
What exactly is the "helping hand" agreement. Who thought it up, and when was it implemented?
I have never heard of it before? In my station, we work 1 "west metal" a/c a day. When we first started after the merger, a few of us had to go to HP W/B class. Since all a/c are ACARS now, would we still be considered "contractors" for HP? Because that is essentially what we were prior to the "One Certificate". There are no "West" Fleet Service agents here. Can we just ignore the "helping hand" agreement?

This agreement was put in to allow some guys in east stations that were closed to return to work for the west station that still had employees there. I beleive that is a very small number and the reason the union agreed to it was to protect them and keep a job but work for the west.
For us it is used to have both east and west work each others flights as needed.
It doesnt happen to often but it still occures.
Unfortunally we cant ignore it becasue it is a handshake ageeement, but it needs to end becasue it was only suppose to be a temporary agreement until we came together . Well that was almost 2 years ago. It needs to stop now and we need to tell our reps as such.
You M/R guys need to do the same.
So basiclly it was canoli kissing the ring again? FIGURES! :down: :angry: :down:
Ole dougweiser an co. would sh*t a brick if this action were to be done. But our illustrious union leader will never undo the "handshake", like someone in te I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT once told me, "You can't put milk back into the jug". I say we try though.
Ramp Rogue,
How is this done at your station. Do you guys have this "handshake agreement".

Who is your AGC that told you to do this and agreed to this crap, off the record. Or was it your local chair.
From USAirways about US.
"THE NEW USAIRWAYS NOW PRODUCES LEADING EDGE PROFIT MARGINS IN OUR INDUSTRY", This is a quote from DP on media day in Tempe on the 28th.

New to the forum, low seniorty west employee. I was reading the union to company proposal and the scope language looks worse or the same. I think I am reading it wrong would someone explain please.

thanks, also thanks for everything you guys have done.

New to the forum, low seniorty west employee. I was reading the union to company proposal and the scope language looks worse or the same. I think I am reading it wrong would someone explain please.

thanks, also thanks for everything you guys have done.
Yes, it's worse than what you currently enjoy. The scope is one of the concessions to get a wage increase and dues increase. Cost neutral

I'm not surprised at why our contract sucks so bad if the unions initial offer is already conceeding scope. But then again Tom Brickner thinks we will kill the golden goose if we leave the bottom of the food chain.

New to the forum, low seniorty west employee. I was reading the union to company proposal and the scope language looks worse or the same. I think I am reading it wrong would someone explain please.

thanks, also thanks for everything you guys have done.

Hi Westie,
Thanks for joining keep the pressure on Canale to force section 6 on the company. The Easties will support your efforts
Hi Westie,
Thanks for joining keep the pressure on Canale to force section 6 on the company. The Easties will support your efforts
Canale can kiss his job and his ticket goodbye for good if he doesn't want to negotiate in section 6. Pj's quote of Parker saying we have the leading edge profit margins in the industry is something that Tom Brickner needs to pay attention to instead of talking down to us saying us ramp rats are going to shut this company down.
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