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F/A Attrition ONLY

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I dont know the exact reasoning, understand though one is voluntary and the other is not. The OVL is a union negotiated benefit.

Maternity is mostly voluntary, but I don't agree that you should have to pay dues to be out on it to vote while you don't being a furlough.
If the services began charging F/As to drop, I imagine they'd lose a lot of business as people who hold good trips could simply dump them in HIBOARD. I always thought it strange that F/As in JFK pay to drop, but every base is different. Trip trade companies also provide helpful services such as bidding for F/As who are unable to do so themselves.
Art in MIA

One might also ask, why don't those f/as put their trips in HIBOARD anyway? That way the f/as who need those trips for financial reasons are not burdened by the cost of having to pay a trip trade service. But then, that would require thinking about someone other than oneself. :shock:
One might also ask, why don't those f/as put their trips in HIBOARD anyway? That way the f/as who need those trips for financial reasons are not burdened by the cost of having to pay a trip trade service. But then, that would require thinking about someone other than oneself. :shock:
There are many reasons why F/As sometimes prefer to use a bid service as opposed to HIBOARD. Maybe you haven't been flying long enough to understand the benefits, Jim. For example, I was supposed to fly to CDG tomorrow (a major holiday weekend). I found out at the last minute that I needed to be in Florida and could no longer fly the trip. Do you seriously think my sequence would have been picked up through HIBOARD? There are so many trips listed there that I can't count them. One call to the bid service, however, and the trip was off my schedule in 30 minutes. If it is selfish of me to want to get rid of my trip in an expeditious manner, then so be it. I now have the peace of mind knowing I can tend to important family matters and whoever bought the trip from the bid service is obviously happy to fly it (s/he could have chosen any number of trips from HIBOARD but obviously wanted to fly to Paris). I don't see any victims in this scenario.

Jim, you are extremely judgmental. I wish you well.

Art in MIA
There are many reasons why F/As sometimes prefer to use a bid service as opposed to HIBOARD. Maybe you haven't been flying long enough to understand the benefits, Jim. Jim, you are extremely judgmental. I wish you well.

Art in MIA
Anecdotal evidence such as your last minute emergency is not proof of anything other than you had a last minute need to be in Florida instead of Paris. The majority of f/as who use trip trade services are only interested in dropping trips. Flydcoop mentioned that the trip trade service in SLT had changed hands 3 times in less than 6 years. One of those previous owners told me he sold it because it wasn't a trip trade service, it was a drop service. No one ever wanted to pick up anything, just drop. And, since most of the more junior f/as know how to trip trade, they didn't need to pay a trip trade service to pick up trips.

You call me judgemental and you are condescending. I love how f/as at AA assume that more seniority means anything other than more seniority. There are a lot of f/as at AA who haven't had 20 years experience as f/as, they have had 6 months exp. 40 times. They have made a point to not learn a thing since they got off probation.
Anecdotal evidence such as your last minute emergency is not proof of anything other than you had a last minute need to be in Florida instead of Paris. The majority of f/as who use trip trade services are only interested in dropping trips. Flydcoop mentioned that the trip trade service in SLT had changed hands 3 times in less than 6 years. One of those previous owners told me he sold it because it wasn't a trip trade service, it was a drop service. No one ever wanted to pick up anything, just drop. And, since most of the more junior f/as know how to trip trade, they didn't need to pay a trip trade service to pick up trips.

You call me judgemental and you are condescending. I love how f/as at AA assume that more seniority means anything other than more seniority. There are a lot of f/as at AA who haven't had 20 years experience as f/as, they have had 6 months exp. 40 times. They have made a point to not learn a thing since they got off probation.

You are judgmental. Re-read your posts. I don't care if you have 40 years or 8 years of seniority. You are judgmental.

Bid services are businesses and the folks who use them are clients. You state that anecdotal evidence such as my scenario offers proof of nothing. However, it is proof that bid services have a place and that those F/As who CHOOSE to use them are free to do so. The fact that you paint these F/As with a broad brush as being selfish merely demonstrates how judgmental you are. If I appear condescending it is because I have wearied of your incessant whining and judgment calls.

Good luck. You obviously need it.

Art in MIA
I especially don't need your good wishes. I have an income that ensures that I don't need this job. I stayed the first 3 years for the fun of it. I'm staying now for spite. Just to point out inconvenient reality to you lifers. Just hope that AA makes it. Because most of you could not survive in a real job.
I especially don't need your good wishes. I have an income that ensures that I don't need this job. I stayed the first 3 years for the fun of it. I'm staying now for spite. Just to point out inconvenient reality to you lifers. Just hope that AA makes it. Because most of you could not survive in a real job.

You're kind of like the town freak that gets off on making everybody else miserable....a la Elmira Gulch...Put any dogs down lately? You must be real proud of your anger.
When I was based in LGA, my trip trader, Colette, was absolutely wonderful. She charged a flat fee to drop/or pick up. If she did 4 transactions on my schedule, it was 80 bucks $20.00 per transaction. Fair and square. However, here at IOR, there is a fee based on the layover. That to me is ridiculous and yes, I have flown with junior fas that have shelled out $65.00 to fly a NRT trip. The services do not charge the senior fas who can hold these primo lines(NRT/DEL/PVG). One of these ladies said to me, "I have a special relationship with them." Well, tell me, is that fair? They sell her trips. I would love to fly to CDG, Art, but I cant. It's not in HIBOARD at IOR.If it is, they want something else for it. I don't know what its like at IMA but at IOR HIOBARD, you see this a lot:


Now, how is a junior fa going to pick up this trip if he/she has absolutely no chance of ever, ever holding a DEL line or even get one on availability unless one is glued to the computer 24 hrs a day and has a AVBL schedule? I would love to help out another fa, but I can't. So, I go on MU or OPT II and pray to God I'm senior enough on the list to get something, anything. But, I will never, ever, for as long as I'm based at IOR, pay a trip trade service. The way it is run at IOR is vastly unfair to junior flight attendants. And at IOR, 21 years and under is considered junior.
You're kind of like the town freak that gets off on making everybody else miserable....a la Elmira Gulch...Put any dogs down lately? You must be real proud of your anger.
I'm not angry at all. I'm enjoying this way too much. The fact that all any of you can do is attack me personally or repeat ad nauseum that non-argument of "you're just a junior f/a. You don't understand" tells me that deep down you all know that there is no BUSINESS justification for a system that allows employees to not come to work for years on end. Personal convenience; the vaunted "flexibility"; ability to prevent someone you don't like from holding better trips. All of those might be arguments for the current system, but nothing in the way of a business justification.

How do any of you get any work done on the airplane if you are this sensitive? :lol:

And, if you don't start looking at AA and your job as a business venture and not just something you use to get away from your spouse/partner/roommate or provide you free transportation to the island where you pick up the goods for your souvenir shop, you are going to be out of a job. The financial situation at AA is much worse than we have been told officially.
I'm not angry at all. I'm enjoying this way too much. The fact that all any of you can do is attack me personally or repeat ad nauseum that non-argument of "you're just a junior f/a.

I think I'd rather fly with Jim than some of the other native whiners. You think you've seen bad times?... I've said it before -- AA employees got off with an unwanted pat on the butt compared to the gang raping that other airline employees wound up with. And just wait for the bloodbath when DL/NW have to start furloughing...

And, if you don't start looking at AA and your job as a business venture and not just something you use to get away from your spouse/partner/roommate or provide you free transportation to the island where you pick up the goods for your souvenir shop, you are going to be out of a job. The financial situation at AA is much worse than we have been told officially.

Agreed. If you haven't been moving towards putting yourself on a cash basis (e.g. wipe out your cc debt NOW), you should be...
I especially don't need your good wishes. I have an income that ensures that I don't need this job. I stayed the first 3 years for the fun of it. I'm staying now for spite. Just to point out inconvenient reality to you lifers. Just hope that AA makes it. Because most of you could not survive in a real job.

I agree with ArtTang, you are very judgmental and bitter. It might be time for you to hit the road.
One might also ask, why don't those f/as put their trips in HIBOARD anyway? That way the f/as who need those trips for financial reasons are not burdened by the cost of having to pay a trip trade service. But then, that would require thinking about someone other than oneself. :shock:
I will tell you why I do not. FA's who call are a pain. IF it says OE drop just take, they are seldom in TT mode, and dont answer when you call to let them know, so you can take the trip.

When I am trying to TT a trip my comments read for "TT for europe only" I dont like MAD, but if the whole line is Europe I want to keep the same long type flights. I get calls to drop only, TT for 2 PAP turns, TT for a 4 day CARIB. I get people with an attitude when I say thanks NO. But that get tiring when I am specific in my comments.

I will stick with the TT service. I used to just fly my line and pick up a trip or two. Now I just give them my line to drop. Then it just disappears and I dont need to get on SABRE to do the TT for them, or listen to someone tell me how I should take there trip its easier to drop and they will pick up mine. I always ask, if it is so easy to drop, why am I having to take it? Like I say for me avoids having to deal with stupid stuff on the phone.
I especially don't need your good wishes. I have an income that ensures that I don't need this job. I stayed the first 3 years for the fun of it. I'm staying now for spite. Just to point out inconvenient reality to you lifers. Just hope that AA makes it. Because most of you could not survive in a real job.
"Because most of you could not survive in a real job."

Hmmm, and you do not perceive yourself as being judgmental? Interesting.

Jim, many of us have second jobs or are working toward that goal. Many of us know this ship is sinking and do not want to be caught with our pants down when the "matter" hits the fan.

The fact that you are staying in this job "for spite" is apparent to anyone who reads this board.

Signing out of this (tired) thread.

Art in MIA
Telling people to hit the road is more judgmental than anything recently posted in this thread.

You might to read my post again...

I said "It might be time for you to hit the road." I din't say "hit the road." Big difference in the two. I flew with your wife a couple of weeks back, very nice lady.
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