When I was based in LGA, my trip trader, Colette, was absolutely wonderful. She charged a flat fee to drop/or pick up. If she did 4 transactions on my schedule, it was 80 bucks $20.00 per transaction. Fair and square. However, here at IOR, there is a fee based on the layover. That to me is ridiculous and yes, I have flown with junior fas that have shelled out $65.00 to fly a NRT trip. The services do not charge the senior fas who can hold these primo lines(NRT/DEL/PVG). One of these ladies said to me, "I have a special relationship with them." Well, tell me, is that fair? They sell her trips. I would love to fly to CDG, Art, but I cant. It's not in HIBOARD at IOR.If it is, they want something else for it. I don't know what its like at IMA but at IOR HIOBARD, you see this a lot:
Now, how is a junior fa going to pick up this trip if he/she has absolutely no chance of ever, ever holding a DEL line or even get one on availability unless one is glued to the computer 24 hrs a day and has a AVBL schedule? I would love to help out another fa, but I can't. So, I go on MU or OPT II and pray to God I'm senior enough on the list to get something, anything. But, I will never, ever, for as long as I'm based at IOR, pay a trip trade service. The way it is run at IOR is vastly unfair to junior flight attendants. And at IOR, 21 years and under is considered junior.