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All you do is complain about everything. You are full of anger and hate! I have been flyimg for 17 years and yes, I am on reserve. Do I like it? No! Ypu have the glamorous life compared to what I did when I first was hired. If you hate it so much...quit!
Again BooHoo to you BigBang Theroy! Glamourous life? 17 years? Again, another whiner between 10 and 20 yrs seniority...No sympathy about your "Reserve" situation from me sorry! Quit? No way...I have learned to live with what I have been dealt with...Complain? No more than u seem to be doing with this post? Anger? Damn right? I lost my home, my family and my pride for individuals like you who "paved the way for us jr folk". I have a backup plan, I work another full time job, and I still fly a full schedule without having to drop every trip every month.

You seem to be a very angry person..Do you actually have any common sense in your head?...You may not like what I say on these message boards because your hate for individuals on here is pretty apparent...However, if you actually got to know who I really am perhaps you understand it's OK to agree to disagree...In fact you might actually like me. Instead, you would rather rant about how misguided I am, I speak only 1/2 truths etc....You don't to like what I say on these boards, but you dont have to critiscize everything I post...You are the one who seems to be a very angry individual..I hope you do have a new career and are very successful at it.

BTW...Where do you get that i need dollar facts to back up what I am saying? Common sense dictates that if someone needs training then the person doing it (the training) is probably getting paid for it...I doubt that they are doing out of the goodness of their heart. There are individuals like you, on the line, who have never had to endure anything like "we" are currently enduring right now. Those individuals seniority ranges between 10 and 20 years at AA...THose over 20 years completley understand, and those under 10 years are living it. I am not saying everyone between 10 and 20 yrs ,but alot of them...These individuals feel like those JR to them owe them the world..That we should thank them for what they have done for us...Paved the way for us...Sorry, I don't feel that..I will work with you , we can laugh in the galley, cry on the jumpseat, and shake each others hands after the trip..I guarntee you will enjoy your experience on a trip with me, but if you expect me to cherish, and agree with every one of your statements about the company. It won't happen. If you expect me to thank you for your years of service, and for paving the way for us while you are out using your "Flexiblity" to not work .I wont...
Best of luck to you.

Is it true Mikey you are really coming to LGA?

You seem to be a very angry person..Do you actually have any common sense in your head?...You may not like what I say on these message boards because your hate for individuals on here is pretty apparent...
I am angry? Because I point out your ridiculous baseless half thought points out. Interesting how everyone here has that take on You. Common sense I have plenty. You on the other hand believing that there is an EPT instructor at HDQ for every 100 flight attendants is off the charts. Posting statements that defy logic, reason and any basis in fact, shows you have no common sense or decency to try to add to a conversation, VS trying to hijack it with your unsubstantiated baseless comments.

However, if you actually got to know who I really am perhaps you understand it's OK to agree to disagree...In fact you might actually like me. Instead, you would rather rant about how misguided I am, I speak only 1/2 truths etc....You don't to like what I say on these boards, but you dont have to critiscize everything I post...You are the one who seems to be a very angry individual..I hope you do have a new career and are very successful at it.
Notice Ed not one person or flight attendant here agrees with you. In fact they all seem to be pointing out the same things. I criticise what I see is wrong. You know it is and cant back up anything with a fact of any sort of fact or reference. You refuse to answer any questions on what you post, because there is no way to back up what you say.

BTW...Where do you get that i need dollar facts to back up what I am saying? Common sense dictates that if someone needs training then the person doing it (the training) is probably getting paid for it...
If you want to make a valid point you have to have something to back it up with. You cant even give an educated guess on the number of FA's who drop and dont fly, or fly less than 420. You have no earthly clue on how many actual EPT instructors there really are. You also seem to not understand they are line flight attendants, and if not needed there, they go back to the line. BTW everyone who works here is actually getting paid, not probably getting paid.

I doubt that they are doing out of the goodness of their heart. There are individuals like you, on the line, who have never had to endure anything like "we" are currently enduring right now.
Whats that Ed not holding the pemium lines? not being able to OE on reserve, having 1 on 3 off rotation, having to sit in your house or the airport, by a phone, staying in range of your crappy beeper, making less than you do right now. Guess again.

Those individuals seniority ranges between 10 and 20 years at AA...THose over 20 years completley understand, and those under 10 years are living it. I am not saying everyone between 10 and 20 yrs ,but alot of them...These individuals feel like those JR to them owe them the world..That we should thank them for what they have done for us...Paved the way for us...Sorry, I don't feel that..
Really all those over 20 years understand? I dont think so. All those under 10 years think live and believe the same drama as you? I dont think so. Everyone between 10 and 20, oh I am sorry a lot of those in the 10 to 20 range seniority think you should thank them. I dont think so. Since you brought it up, how about you post the seniority list and mark a check next to each person over 20 years who you spoke to and completely understands. Mark and astrict next to all those between 10 years and 20, {the lot of them, as you say} who think the under 10 years owe them a thank you. Last mark a pound sign next to all the under 10 years who think the over 20 understand and the 10 to 20 owe thanks. This way we can see how many people are on board with you.

I will work with you , we can laugh in the galley, cry on the jumpseat, and shake each others hands after the trip..I guarntee you will enjoy your experience on a trip with me, but if you expect me to cherish, and agree with every one of your statements about the company. It won't happen. If you expect me to thank you for your years of service, and for paving the way for us while you are out using your "Flexiblity" to not work .I wont...
Best of luck to you.
Myself nor anyone else here, and I am willing to bet money on the line has ever walked up to you or anyone else and demanded a thanks for paving the way as you say. Its a figment of your bizarre twisted imagination. I have never asked you to cherish or agree with anything I have ever said. I have only repeatedly ask you to back what you say with real facts, which you have YET to do even one time. Working with you, thats sounds like a nightmare, if you are only 1/2 the bitter hate filled person posting here, its more than I am willing to deal with.
Is it true Mikey you are really coming to LGA?
Likely by the end of summer, I need to continue to drop lots of trips, I think I may do better there than IMA. The bid sheet there seems more consistent than here. So unless there is an early out of some sort, I will ride out my last 3 years that way.
You on the other hand believing that there is an EPT instructor at HDQ for every 100 flight attendants is off the charts. Posting statements that defy logic, reason and any basis in fact, shows you have no common sense or decency to try to add to a conversation, VS trying to hijack it with your unsubstantiated baseless comments.
I never once believed there is an EPT instructor for every 100 F/A's..It was a general statement and that in theory is fact..It wouldn't matter if it was 1 fa/ per 1000 or per 10,0000...They have to be paid for their services. Do you think the materials presented to you on paper, on computer, and in slide presentations at training are done gratis? I guess you want me to give you the exact number of peices of paper given to each f/a at training? I wonder how many rev paxs are bumped off of full flights so a f/a going to training can be put on a plane to keep their qualifications current, eventhough this f/a hasn't stepped on a plane in over a year? Exact numbers and figures you want..Find out yourself. I don't need them. The mere fact that one of them is doing it is all the fact that I need.

Notice Ed not one person or flight attendant here agrees with you. In fact they all seem to be pointing out the same things. I criticise what I see is wrong. You know it is and cant back up anything with a fact of any sort of fact or reference. You refuse to answer any questions on what you post, because there is no way to back up what you say.
There are those on here who agree, and there are those that disagree..That's the beauty of these message boards and living in the United States..We can express our own opinions..It's those individuals like you who can't understand why individuals would not agree with your opinions that you have to continue to insult them in a public forum instead of acting like a mature adult.

I dont need actual numbers Mikey to make my point...If it's even 1 f/a who doesn't fly, and is still retaining a seniority number that's one too many! There is a fact Mikey...That's my "Educated guess"...1 too many! I know they (EPT instructors are line F/A's), but did you know there is other contract help there as well? Oh, sorry I don't have those Exact Numbers for your meager little head, but they are there...You want Exact numbers, find out yourself.

Whats that Ed not holding the pemium lines? not being able to OE on reserve, having 1 on 3 off rotation, having to sit in your house or the airport, by a phone, staying in range of your crappy beeper, making less than you do right now. Guess again.
Premium lines ? What's that? Maybe in your international operation there is such a thing. Why don't try some domestic sequences Mikey? I have always stated I know I will be on reserve for the rest of my career. In fact, I have commented that I would sit reserve every month if I were given the chance to go back to my base prior to furlough. Don't berate me with your inuendos about sitting in a home next to a phone, sitting at the airport or playing with my crappy beeper. I do it. I live it, and I love doing my job.

Most of my good friends on the line with 20 plus years have been through mergers before, have seen thier jobs disappear through a failing company, and understand what many of us have gone through and are currently going through. MIkey? Have you ever been forced from your home because you made a career decision?, Have you ever been displace from your family because you wanted to you love your job? Have you ever had to file a personal bankruptcy beacause a company furloughed you? Its those of us jr to you who keep you employed, who give you the cushion to fall on when times get tough, yet when we bring up the facts that there are individuals using the company, retaining seniority numbers, and not working, you scream "Flexibility" , and we should shut up and deal with it. Mikey? What's your response to those APFA members on the dues arrears list who according to the contract should be terminated? Let me guess? You want me to list all of them on here? Why are they still on the line Mikey? Hmm..I know..they have seniority is why.

One of my best friends has 15 years with the company...He graduated the training school with the base of his choice, he has never been displaced, and continues to hold decent lines...He has repeatedly said he doesn't understand why any of us would come back to this job after furlough?

Myself nor anyone else here, and I am willing to bet money on the line has ever walked up to you or anyone else and demanded a thanks for paving the way as you say.
I will never forget my last trip prior to my furlough, when a fellow f/a came up to me and I quote stated " They should furlough more of you jr f/a's, I have done my time, I have made this job what it is, and I shouldn't have to take a pay cut for your jr people"...
By the way Mikey, that's my bizarre, twisted, figment of an imagination making that one up.

Working with you, thats sounds like a nightmare, if you are only 1/2 the bitter hate filled person posting here, its more than I am willing to deal with.
That's too bad you feel that way Mikey. If you change your mind, I think you would enjoy the experiece...Perhaps, you would like to meet for coffee ( I'll buy ), and we can discuss it like mature adults?, or are you so bitter you can see the day of light?
I never once believed there is an EPT instructor for every 100 F/A's..It was a general statement and that in theory is fact..It wouldn't matter if it was 1 fa/ per 1000 or per 10,0000...They have to be paid for their services.
They are line flight attendants who are trip removed. The cost associated are inconsequential. They have already been figured in to the whole of the operation. Since the number of FA's who as yo put it never fly is trivial at best, there can really be no associated cost savings.

Do you think the materials presented to you on paper, on computer, and in slide presentations at training are done gratis? I guess you want me to give you the exact number of peices of paper given to each f/a at training?
No its done by the training department. Its a figured cost, there would be no savings. Tell me how many pieces of paper are we getting this year? 2 or 3?

I wonder how many rev paxs are bumped off of full flights so a f/a going to training can be put on a plane to keep their qualifications current, eventhough this f/a hasn't stepped on a plane in over a year?
I wonder, tell us how many Ed? BTW planning and sales also have that figured in. If they felt the need there would be a larger AC or some other arrangements made.

Exact numbers and figures you want..Find out yourself. I don't need them. The mere fact that one of them is doing it is all the fact that I need.
If you want to be taken seriously, which I doubt you ever could be using this screen name. If you post something dont tell everyone else to get the facts, thats your job. The last sentence there, really sets you apart from all the rest of the people here.

There are those on here who agree, and there are those that disagree..
I have seen the agreeing people yet. They are still figments of your imagination.

That's the beauty of these message boards and living in the United States..We can express our own opinions..It's those individuals like you who can't understand why individuals would not agree with your opinions that you have to continue to insult them in a public forum instead of acting like a mature adult.
There is a difference between opinion and total misinformation. I didnt know asking for verifiable information, facts and answers to questions was in your world considered insulting. In the real world its debating.

I dont need actual numbers Mikey to make my point...If it's even 1 f/a who doesn't fly, and is still retaining a seniority number that's one too many! There is a fact Mikey...That's my "Educated guess"...1 too many! I know they (EPT instructors are line F/A's), but did you know there is other contract help there as well? Oh, sorry I don't have those Exact Numbers for your meager little head, but they are there...You want Exact numbers, find out yourself.
Again Ed even if a the few FA's who are not presently flying were not in the pool of people going to EPT's. There would still be a help desk for those needing it. That makes that like the other things I pointed out associated cost, already figured in to the operation and necessary regardless.
Likely by the end of summer, I need to continue to drop lots of trips, I think I may do better there than IMA. The bid sheet there seems more consistent than here. So unless there is an early out of some sort, I will ride out my last 3 years that way.

My spouse, is enjoying the flying out of LGA/JFK even with exTWA seniority. Compared to some of the posters
here who have more seniority who whine and whine, she is very much enjoying herself. And we like the flexible system, even reserve has proven quite doable.
Premium lines ? What's that? Maybe in your international operation there is such a thing. Why don't try some domestic sequences Mikey? I have always stated I know I will be on reserve for the rest of my career. In fact, I have commented that I would sit reserve every month if I were given the chance to go back to my base prior to furlough. Don't berate me with your inuendos about sitting in a home next to a phone, sitting at the airport or playing with my crappy beeper. I do it. I live it, and I love doing my job.
There are plenty of premium lines in both domestic and international. Please as long as you have been here its been one boo hoo after another. If you got back to your base and were given 25 years free seniority, you would still be hate filled and miserable.

MIkey? Have you ever been forced from your home because you made a career decision?, Have you ever been displace from your family because you wanted to you love your job? Have you ever had to file a personal bankruptcy beacause a company furloughed you?
You were not forced from your home, you made a decision to stay with a company. Thats a personal decision, you made. Displace my family, No I wouldnt to keep this job, I would maybe commute for a short period till I found something else, then leave. Family over job any day. No BK either, I try to keep a large emergency cushion to fall back on just in case. But given the volatility of these Bush/Ward years nothing is sacred or secure any more

Its those of us jr to you who keep you employed, who give you the cushion to fall on when times get tough, yet when we bring up the facts that there are individuals using the company, retaining seniority numbers, and not working, you scream "Flexibility" , and we should shut up and deal with it. Mikey? What's your response to those APFA members on the dues arrears list who according to the contract should be terminated? Let me guess? You want me to list all of them on here? Why are they still on the line Mikey? Hmm..I know..they have seniority is why.
Any facts to back it up? No, thought so.

One of my best friends has 15 years with the company...He graduated the training school with the base of his choice, he has never been displaced, and continues to hold decent lines...He has repeatedly said he doesn't understand why any of us would come back to this job after furlough?

I will never forget my last trip prior to my furlough, when a fellow f/a came up to me and I quote stated " They should furlough more of you jr f/a's, I have done my time, I have made this job what it is, and I shouldn't have to take a pay cut for your jr people"...
By the way Mikey, that's my bizarre, twisted, figment of an imagination making that one up.
I guess since you claim 1 person said it, everyone else must be saying it and believing it as well. Time to take the meds ed.

That's too bad you feel that way Mikey. If you change your mind, I think you would enjoy the experiece...Perhaps, you would like to meet for coffee ( I'll buy ), and we can discuss it like mature adults?, or are you so bitter you can see the day of light?
Why discuss over coffee, you wont post facts, you have a blurred line of reality, why take the time to say in person. Debate with facts and figures, answer up to those who challenge with comparable figures and you might not have such a negitive rap here.
They are line flight attendants who are trip removed. The cost associated are inconsequential. They have already been figured in to the whole of the operation. Since the number of FA's who as yo put it never fly is trivial at best, there can really be no associated cost savings.

No its done by the training department. Its a figured cost, there would be no savings. Tell me how many pieces of paper are we getting this year? 2 or 3?

I wonder, tell us how many Ed? BTW planning and sales also have that figured in. If they felt the need there would be a larger AC or some other arrangements made.

If you want to be taken seriously, which I doubt you ever could be using this screen name. If you post something dont tell everyone else to get the facts, thats your job. The last sentence there, really sets you apart from all the rest of the people here.

I have seen the agreeing people yet. They are still figments of your imagination.

There is a difference between opinion and total misinformation. I didnt know asking for verifiable information, facts and answers to questions was in your world considered insulting. In the real world its debating.

Again Ed even if a the few FA's who are not presently flying were not in the pool of people going to EPT's. There would still be a help desk for those needing it. That makes that like the other things I pointed out associated cost, already figured in to the operation and necessary regardless.

Trying to reason with you is like pulling out my own finger nails...You can say nobody on here believes me, Everyone on here thinks I am an idiot etc...What ever makes you feel good Mikey, you are going to believe it...I wish you well with your journey in your new career..As for me, I am going to continue to do the job I love, I am going to continue to make my opinions heard, whether you want to listen or not, and I will go about my life the way it is...Go ahead and belittle me on a public forum..Apparently, thats what makes your day
My spouse, is enjoying the flying out of LGA/JFK even with exTWA seniority. Compared to some of the posters
here who have more seniority who whine and whine, she is very much enjoying herself. And we like the flexible system, even reserve has proven quite doable.
I have a lot of friends up there, who would never leave for anything or any where else. When I get up there, I will keep you all advised and if she wants anything on my schedule, hey free for the taking.
I think you kids should all work a 777 trip together. Get it all out in the open.
Again BooHoo to you BigBang Theroy! Glamourous life? 17 years? Again, another whiner between 10 and 20 yrs seniority...No sympathy about your "Reserve" situation from me sorry! Quit? No way...I have learned to live with what I have been dealt with...Complain? No more than u seem to be doing with this post? Anger? Damn right? I lost my home, my family and my pride for individuals like you who "paved the way for us jr folk". I have a backup plan, I work another full time job, and I still fly a full schedule without having to drop every trip every month.

First off, you didn't lose your pride - you gave it up. Next, if you chose to give up your home and your family for AA well, I think that speaks volumes. Really, who chooses their job over their family? You come off as whiney. :down:
I have a lot of friends up there, who would never leave for anything or any where else. When I get up there, I will keep you all advised and if she wants anything on my schedule, hey free for the taking.

That is very gracious of you. When you get here I will ask my spouse to go out of her way to meet you.
This will be my last comment on this subject as well.
Art, we said the same thing but your's as always was much more eloquent.
Mike, I am glad you are sitting in a classroom. That is the smart thing to do. Thank God the senior mama's paved the way for us to be able to do this. Isn't it wonderful that we can plan ahead to cover ourselves in case of the loss of employment! BTW, LGA is perfect for dropping trips if you bid accordingly. You are the same seniority as me so commutable T/c's will probably be the way to go. L1011's wife as well as many of other whineless flight attendants are more than happy to pick up trips. I am also biding my time, 3 more years....and God willing I am out of here. Perhaps by some miracle we will be offered something like Delta, but I doubt it.
Ed, everyone else has said it all....I am so sorry you feel the need to blame others for your lot in life. When I started with AA, it never crossed my mind to blame the senior F/A's for anything unfavorable that came my way. Instead occasionally I would thank one for paving the way for me to get married, have babies, gain weight :bleh:, not wear girdles and Blessed be God be able to keep my job. Sometimes having a positive attitude and making lemonade from lemons goes a long way in life.
After reading 14 pages of posts, most of them pissing contests, I'd like to weigh in. I am a 10 year flight attendant currently international. I am still on RSV every 4th month and consider myself extremely junior. I like the system the way it is, I couldn't care less about the amount of people above me that don't work or work infrequently.

During my interview a big part of it was how flexible this job is, how once you get a bit of seniority you can work as much or as little as you want. I use this to my benefit as well. Some months I don't want to work my schedule and get rid of most of my trips and some months I want to pick up and thankfully there are people who want to drop their trips. I would rather pick up from another flight attendant than go on makeup especially when there are still folks out on furlough.

As for the people who don't agree with the trip trade service I disagree with this as well, at my base the trip trade person is a Goddess, she makes things happen that I would figure to be impossible. One call to her saves me time that I don't want to spend on trades, drops or pickups. Frankly when I walk off that plane I don't want to think about AA until I leave for my next trip.

I don't know why people on this board worry so much about what other flight attendants are doing or not doing, it really isn't your business. Worry about yourself. There are so many options out there, transfer to another base such as LGA where your seniority goes further. I could go back to domestic and be off RSV but for me I'd rather serve RSV that 3 times a year, we all have choices, just don't blame everyone else for the choices you make.

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