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2009 Flight Attendant Attrition

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According to the AFA, AA FAs are the second most expensive FA group, behind WN:


Of course, the expense to the company doesn't always translate into pay for the employee (expense and compensation are two different things), but it looks like a decent proxy.

According to Bob Herbst, AA FAs are the most expensive FAs on a unit mile basis:

http://www.airlinefinancials.com/airline_d...omparisons.html (chart 27)

From the two sources, it looks like WN FAs are probably paid substantially more than AA FAs, but they're more productive than AA FAs.
Actually Jim, the so called attacks are against your belief that there should be limited or no flexibility to force people out so that the very JR people can have what takes years to achieve in a day. How did we get to this point of open ended flexible trip trading? A work group of mainly women who are having and raising children. Are JR people now against mothers and families?

You must have trained in rhetoric at the feet of Rush Limbaugh. If you don't have a logical argument, twist what the other person said, and add false emotion. I never said I was in favor of limiting flexibility to force people out who are still working. And I defy you to find any place where I am against mothers and families. If anything, the practice of people never coming to work and not retiring is causing mothers with children at home to be out of work on furlough. There are a lot more junior people with children at home than the ones I am talking about, and you know it. Unless, of course, we need to get the National Enquirer to do a story on AA f/as who get pregnant past 60. I dare you to show the senior flight attendants who are dropping all their trips because they need to stay home with their small children. I'm sure there's at least 2 or 3. And, it's their grandchildren they have custody of more than likely. In that case, more power to them. Though I wonder how they are paying their bills if they are not working.

Obviously, you don't have an answer; so, you just make up something. Are you going to say next that my objection to people who never come to work but won't retire or quit is an attack on the SPCA? And, don't try the specious argument that I am now saying that people on the sick list should quit. As you said, come on. you can do better than that.

And, you are the one who quit AA and said that you were fed up. Did your trust fund mature? You seem to be on here almost 24 hours a day. And, yes I can afford to play on here. In fact, even though I was in the 1200 subject to furlough, I proffered for and was awarded the modified partnership flying so that I could save the job of someone junior to me.
Limiting the ability to drop is not limiting flexibility? I never said you were against mothers and families. I also never said there were 60 year olds who were having children. I did say that the flexibility came about by those very people, and now we see the JR people who want the ones who paved the way to step aside. They want the good trips, schedules and days off. What ever happened to seniority and waiting your turn?

I am sorry there are people on the street. I cannot even imagine, and would want to be in those shoes for anything. This has always been a volatile industry, even more so today.

Yea I left, but I am not going to say I did it so save someone else's job. I don't need the cheap accolades. I did it because the time was right for me. I am glad to know you have taken such a personal interest in monitoring my usage here.

If you left this job, then why so much interest on what goes on at AA?

Thanks, I know the number summaries which are the usual contract comparisons. What I was trying to get was a wag from the FA's at to how far they are away from the FA's who have the "best" contract.

I know it's subjective as h**l, since one FA will weigh her CDG layovers as better than SWA's 737 ones, but surely there is an average guess amongst the group. From the pilot side, 0-5% difference is pretty much the same to me since other factors play into it such as basing, schedule, ect. 5%-10% comes with a little more beetching but intangibles still could play a big role. Any more than 10% starts to become annoying. Then again, it's just one guys opinion.

Any FA's got a wag how their contract ranks?

I think the only airline that may have a comparatively better contract is SW. I have always been for leaving this contract alone, there is really no way we will come out ahead...
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