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F/A Attrition ONLY

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Thank you for stating why I dislike TT services so eloquently. They are scamming for senior people and the only one's who appreciate it are the ones who are willing to pay/benefitting from the scam.

Flexibility is a great thing to have. I agree with the posters on here, however, who have a problem with that flexibility if it means those dropping their trips are padding trip traders pockets and keeping trips away from the regular working flight attendants who don't have aspirations to do anything else other than being a flight attendant. I also object to some people who try to make it seem as though those who don't want to leave are ridiculous because they choose to look at this job as something to "get out of". I'm not pointing fingers to any of the posters here with that statement. We all come into contact with many of these smarmy, annoying, flight attendants who DO feel that way. If you choose to be offended by my observation than you most probably ARE one of them.

Why do you insist on blaming the senior FAs? It is every FA who believes they should fly trips beyond their seniority and who pays for those trips that are to blame. It takes at least 2 to tango.
Why do you insist on blaming the senior FAs? It is every FA who believes they should fly trips beyond their seniority and who pays for those trips that are to blame. It takes at least 2 to tango.

I'm not just blaming senior people for using trip trade services. My example was that the senior line holders who only use trip traders prevent most people from having access to trips they could have if everyone had to rely on hiboard. I am aggravated that services profit off of people just trying to go to work and that AA condones this unfair labor inequity by licensing the services and profiting from them. This, IMO, translates to AA charging us to come to work.

Yes, junior people use services too. Junior people don't hold stuff anyone really wants , though, so putting them in my statement wouldn't exactly hit my point home as hard. 😉 The good news is that more and more people are starting to use hiboard.
I especially don't need your good wishes. I have an income that ensures that I don't need this job. I stayed the first 3 years for the fun of it. I'm staying now for spite. Just to point out inconvenient reality to you lifers. Just hope that AA makes it. Because most of you could not survive in a real job.

I hope we can count on you then to take an Overage Leave in the fall when the schedule cuts come into play. If you are just hanging around, it would be best for you to take the leave to save the job of someone junior who for whatever reason needs it.
New Numbers posted this evening. I am assuming these are the end of April numbers.

Totals for 2008 & month of April
Domestic 145......................23
Internatl 95......................21
Total 240......................44
Retirees 126......................26

The retirees are still comprising over half the total attrition for the year. Average attrition/month down slightly to 60.

New totals for 2008 & month of May as of 06/06/08:
Domestic 175...........................30
Internatl 118...........................23
Total 293...........................53
Retirees 158...........................32

Retirees are 54% of total attrition. However, avg. monthly attrition has dropped to 58.6.
New totals for 2008 & month of May as of 06/06/08:
Domestic 175...........................30
Internatl 118...........................23
Total 293...........................53
Retirees 158...........................32

Retirees are 54% of total attrition. However, avg. monthly attrition has dropped to 58.6.

Jim, of the retirees, 2 were notably Tommie Hutto Blake and Kathy Lukensmeyer. They are gone now but THB's endless side letters of agreement that she signed sidestepping any membership votes remain entranched. Many thanks to those of you who have retired or are planning to retire. You may just save a couple jobs in the fall.
New totals for 2008 & month of May as of 06/06/08:
Domestic 175...........................30
Internatl 118...........................23
Total 293...........................53
Retirees 158...........................32

Retirees are 54% of total attrition. However, avg. monthly attrition has dropped to 58.6.

Another set of "new" totals. Again, I am assuming through 31May.
------For 2008-------------------May, 2008
Domestic 178.........................33
Internatl 121.........................26
Total 299.........................59

Retirees 159..........................33
Jim, of the retirees, 2 were notably Tommie Hutto Blake and Kathy Lukensmeyer. They are gone now but THB's endless side letters of agreement that she signed sidestepping any membership votes remain entranched. Many thanks to those of you who have retired or are planning to retire. You may just save a couple jobs in the fall.

What side letters sidestepped membership votes?
What side letters sidestepped membership votes?

Well, there was the one that created the line 2000 Availability experiment which was nothing more than an agreement between the company and the union to put the most junior people in each base on reserve year round and just not call it reserve.

Unfortunately, it blew up in their faces because the senior f/as in the major bases who have dropped all their quals except 777 and 767, but who never fly, started bidding it and got paid 70 hours for not flying because there are almost never 767 or 777 trips in Open time. If there are, people like me who are 777-qualified, but won't live long enough to hold a 777 line ( :lol: ), snap them up. By the time 12 noon rolls around and scheduling could start calling those people, there weren't nuthin left to offer them.

That's why that little experiment only lasted 2 months. :lol:
Jim isnt it true you can only drop the MD80 qual? How many people were really only MD80 767 and 777?
What side letters sidestepped membership votes?

I may be mistaken here but Im gona have to say that its a fact that John Ward signed more LOA that Tommie did during their prospective terms as president(s)..

LOA have been around forever and are part of the dynamic of working under a CBA....we would be screwed without them...

and ..jimntx..

F/As with limited equip quals have been bidding AVBL for years and getting paid 70hrs...
I just returned from recurrent training, and I kid you not...Ran into 2 ladies only 757/767 qualified and ORD based...25 plus years seniority, and have yet to hold one of those lines on the bid sheet, thus getting paid their guarntee without having to step foot on an aircraft...That's the job I dream of having one day!! Pay without working....The "American" dream!
Jim isnt it true you can only drop the MD80 qual? How many people were really only MD80 767 and 777?

Yes, that is correct. They dropped the S80 qual which as you know makes up most of the fleet. They, of course, dropped their 727, DC10/MD11 and 747 quals when those a/c were retired. That left them with 757/767/777. And, they certainly didn't raise their hands to get qualified on the 737. I'm not sure how they did it, but I was told by an FSM at DFW that there are some of the senior f/as who also were able to get rid of their 757 quals; so, they are only qualified on the 767 and 777.

That's why they bid availability. They get paid 70 hours for not flying. It is extremely rare for a 767 or 777 trip to drop into open time, and I can assure you it won't last until 12 noon which is the earliest that crew scheduling can call an availability f/a.
I just returned from recurrent training, and I kid you not...Ran into 2 ladies only 757/767 qualified and ORD based...25 plus years seniority, and have yet to hold one of those lines on the bid sheet, thus getting paid their guarntee without having to step foot on an aircraft...That's the job I dream of having one day!! Pay without working....The "American" dream!

ORD domestic 757 lines aren't 25 plus years seniority. Most are in the 8-15 year range. For June 2008, the most junior non speaker who held a 757 line was seniority 16999. They weren't telling the truth. If they purposly bid AVBL, then AA could get them trips as well just by offering PVD's to 767 and/or 757 trips 10 minutes before noon. Poof, then plot them as an AV and they go to work. There is no deadline to offer PVD's as far as I know. Although I could be wrong and am too lazy to look it up. The union might complain, but so what.
I just returned from recurrent training, and I kid you not...Ran into 2 ladies only 757/767 qualified and ORD based...25 plus years seniority, and have yet to hold one of those lines on the bid sheet, thus getting paid their guarntee without having to step foot on an aircraft...That's the job I dream of having one day!! Pay without working....The "American" dream!
If that is your idea of the American dream, I feel sorry for you.
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