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Delta Labor Relations thread.

Kev3188 said:
Yep, totally dead. No cards coming in, no cards going out, no nothing.

It's all over...

Im sure it'll happen....Soon™
Glenn Quagmire said:
Well there you have it.
There was this guy in band camp...
I'm sure nothing compares with getting it straight from the mouth vs. getting info from a dude typing on his keyboard in his mom's basement, who has absolutely no ties to DL.
WeAAsles said:
Directing this in response to Dawg.

AA does not need the RR program ever brought to our airline. They already have plenty of flexibility. Before the BK we used to have FT and PT protection. I was FT protected which meant that if there was a layoff in my station the company had to guarantee me a job somewhere in the system in my status. It could be through an opening or I bumped a junior guy either to a different location or to the street if he wasn't protected yet.

I'll explain the protection using myself as an example. The status protection came by whatever position you held on the DOS of a new contract. I hired on just before the signing of a contract. That contract passed and I was now PT protected. (Because I was PT at that moment) Everyone who hired on after me late that year had no protection. Our next contract to pass was in 01 and I was now FT so I gained FT protection. Whatever status people were again at DOS is the protection they gained and those hired after had none.

So the company absolutely had flexibility. Say I'm in a city and my life and family are already well established in that city. I'm FT protected but I really don't want or it's not cost effective for me to commute. Ok so instead of bumping the system or moving I go down to a PT position and yes bump the Junior unprotected member out the door. The guy essentially that the company doesn't need to keep on payroll.

Again the BK took away the protection status which I hope our negotiators can get back? Oh and BTW in our concessions in 03 we also gave the company flexibility in that area. We agreed that anyone with less time than July 1998 would not have protection status. So the company at that moment had 5 years worth of flexible hiring and displacements or layoff potential.

So again IMO Ready reserve is not a "needed" program. It's only use is to take advantage of people. There's no timeframe for when someone can get out of it because there is no "employment contract" that tells them if or when that will ever happen.

So no I would never agree with such a program and I would vote no if it were ever introduced (outside of BK) at my airline.
 and like i have said before, if you don't evolve you will be gone. Your job will just go to the lowest bidder. 
Not trying to be mean, but people like you have been trying to do the same thing for the longest time. It doesn't work. Yes in the world of unicorns farting rainbows and sunshine what you want works. 
Problem is this is a cut throat industry. If you don't allow the company flexibility you die. Very simple. This is why your company is trying to outsource as much maintenance as possible and Delta is going the opposite direction. Flexibility, with fair limits, isn't bad. 
Your protection issue isn't flexibility by the way. Its a rounding error at best and cost the company money. Windfall transferring like that isn't letting the company be flexible it is generally going to keep them at fatter staffing than they should be because its just cheaper to keep everything as it is vs moving/training etc. etc. everyone below you on the list. (note, this is how it should be, it shouldn't be easy/cheap to layoff employees but that isn't flexibility) 
southwind said:
Just spoke with a guy, who's in my shop now and came from ramp. He says the IAM doesn't stand a chance but, I guess it's always nice to dream!
and I just talked to a guy on the hang floor who is "going to get AMFA in here" 
So I guess that means the ramp is staying non-union but TechOps is going union right?
topDawg said:
and like i have said before, if you don't evolve you will be gone. Your job will just go to the lowest bidder. 
Not trying to be mean, but people like you have been trying to do the same thing for the longest time. It doesn't work. Yes in the world of unicorns farting rainbows and sunshine what you want works. 
Problem is this is a cut throat industry. If you don't allow the company flexibility you die. Very simple. This is why your company is trying to outsource as much maintenance as possible and Delta is going the opposite direction. Flexibility, with fair limits, isn't bad. 
Your protection issue isn't flexibility by the way. Its a rounding error at best and cost the company money. Windfall transferring like that isn't letting the company be flexible it is generally going to keep them at fatter staffing than they should be because its just cheaper to keep everything as it is vs moving/training etc. etc. everyone below you on the list. (note, this is how it should be, it shouldn't be easy/cheap to layoff employees but that isn't flexibility) 

and I just talked to a guy on the hang floor who is "going to get AMFA in here" 
So I guess that means the ramp is staying non-union but TechOps is going union right?
Dawg where did I say in any way shape or form that the company shouldn't have some measure of flexibility? I 100% understand and agree that the company HAS to have flexibility for staffing. As a matter of fact I'm probably the only totally pro Union guy on this board who's put his name out there and said it. I think you're reading your own thoughts into my comments?

But I also think there has to be a ceiling on how flexible the company can be so they don't take advantage of our service to continue to up the ceiling in regards to profit over people. There always has to be some measure of balance.
To paraphrase:

"Anyone who actually works for Delta want to ask why someone who has never worked for our company "ever" feels the need to involve himself in "OUR" issues and offer "HIS" advice what "WE" should do for our "choices?"

Shouldn't this individual worry just maybe a little bit more about his own house..."

topDawg said:
and like i have said before, if you don't evolve you will be gone. Your job will just go to the lowest bidder. 
Not trying to be mean, but people like you have been trying to do the same thing for the longest time. It doesn't work. Yes in the world of unicorns farting rainbows and sunshine what you want works. 
Problem is this is a cut throat industry. If you don't allow the company flexibility you die. Very simple. This is why your company is trying to outsource as much maintenance as possible and Delta is going the opposite direction. Flexibility, with fair limits, isn't bad. 
Your protection issue isn't flexibility by the way. Its a rounding error at best and cost the company money. Windfall transferring like that isn't letting the company be flexible it is generally going to keep them at fatter staffing than they should be because its just cheaper to keep everything as it is vs moving/training etc. etc. everyone below you on the list. (note, this is how it should be, it shouldn't be easy/cheap to layoff employees but that isn't flexibility) 

and I just talked to a guy on the hang floor who is "going to get AMFA in here" 
So I guess that means the ramp is staying non-union but TechOps is going union right?
I take it the Dude who's going to get AMFA in here is ex-NW?
Last time there were ANY serious union talks in maintenance and actually handing out cards, was about 17 years ago......since then, nothing.
But I will say, if having to choose a union, definitely would go with a craft union, like AMFA vs. a homogenized IAM/TWU.

And again and sorry if certain people don't like it.....not really, just relaying what a previous ramp employee said!
topDawg said:
 and like i have said before, if you don't evolve you will be gone. Your job will just go to the lowest bidder. 
Not trying to be mean, but people like you have been trying to do the same thing for the longest time. It doesn't work. Yes in the world of unicorns farting rainbows and sunshine what you want works. 
Problem is this is a cut throat industry. If you don't allow the company flexibility you die. Very simple. This is why your company is trying to outsource as much maintenance as possible and Delta is going the opposite direction. Flexibility, with fair limits, isn't bad. 
Your protection issue isn't flexibility by the way. Its a rounding error at best and cost the company money. Windfall transferring like that isn't letting the company be flexible it is generally going to keep them at fatter staffing than they should be because its just cheaper to keep everything as it is vs moving/training etc. etc. everyone below you on the list. (note, this is how it should be, it shouldn't be easy/cheap to layoff employees but that isn't flexibility) 
and I just talked to a guy on the hang floor who is "going to get AMFA in here" 
So I guess that means the ramp is staying non-union but TechOps is going union right?
Rumors have it that there will be some changes at the top rung of AMFA.  When that happens I think you will se some changes in how involved the top rung will get involved with campaigning for other airlines to come into AMFA.  Would love to see you guys go AMFA, look for the changes in Oct. and then you guys should really start to hit it then. Good luck...
southwind said:
I take it the Dude who's going to get AMFA in here is ex-NW?
Last time there were ANY serious union talks in maintenance and actually handing out cards, was about 17 years ago......since then, nothing.
But I will say, if having to choose a union, definitely would go with a craft union, like AMFA vs. a homogenized IAM/TWU.

And again and sorry if certain people don't like it.....not really, just relaying what a previous ramp employee said!
You totally missed TopDawg's point...
700UW said:
Did you expect anything different?
Surprised he didnt call Dawg a racist.
How much did you donate to Dr. Ben Carson's campaign again?
southwind said:
How much did you donate to Dr. Ben Carson's campaign again?
Kev3188 said:
To paraphrase:
"Anyone who actually works for Delta want to ask why someone who has never worked for our company "ever" feels the need to involve himself in "OUR" issues and offer "HIS" advice what "WE" should do for our "choices?"
Shouldn't this individual worry just maybe a little bit more about his own house..."
I'll make you a deal that I can guarantee you will refuse. You stay off my thread and I'll stay off your little one here?
