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calibrator said:
Thanks dell for Info.

Speed, you need to do some soul searching, your thing about 700 is not even healthy. 700 is only doing his part. You, Rico, Itrade, Spin and the other blow hard company hacks should go to a GOP love fest and enjoy the orgy and leave the other “normal" posters to themselves.


calibrator;PRES BUSH talks to god and god is in cozumel, you can Quantum as much as your ass like, REALITY IS . we are not all equal ( NOT EVEN IN HEAVEN)

what dont you understand?

are you one of those lav dumpers, t*&^d sniffing, no good for nothing , ex U EMPLOYEE



IAM :down: :down: :down:
umech said:
calibrator;PRES BUSH talks to god and god is in cozumel, you can Quantum as much as your ass like, REALITY IS . we are not all equal ( NOT EVEN IN HEAVEN)

what dont you understand?

are you one of those lav dumpers, t*&^d sniffing, no good for nothing , ex U EMPLOYEE



IAM :down: :down: :down:
As far as heaven....you don't have Prayer
The question here is how many pussies does it take to compensate for losers running an airline?
700UW said:
You really need to call Bill W, your word means nothing.

And I have not been to work in several months, but I guess you can't comprehend from my posts where I have been.

I am glad the only thing you do on these boards is stalk me and try to attack and insult instead of actually disproving what I post.

Guess the move to FL has done nothing for you.
As usual, 700 you ignored everything I said on OTHER threads that I DID disprove you!! Who the hell is Bill w?..... (don't bother to respond). And, I can guarantee you one thing....This move I made to Florida was the best choice I ever made, think what you want....You would not even comprehend!!!!
Delldude has taken over as the king of info on these boards, while you are left to sniveling, and continually accusing anyone who disagrees with you as "stalking", and/or "attacking" you!! Good luck to you 700......PUT ME ON IGNORE....I"M THROUGH WITH LOSERS SUCH AS YOU!!!!!! GOODBYE, GOOD LUCK, and GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like YOU ALWAYS say....Glad to see you can add to the topic at hand!!!

AGAIN.........GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!
PS......Almost forgot......For the last time...just for you, 700.......
There are approx. 1100 (mech, Lead mech, & Insp.) in Pit right now, so cutting to 300 is quite a bit more than 50%.
delldude said:
back to the original topic.....................
seems word has it that hangar 5 staffing to be in the neighborhood of 2 's' chks and one drop in with a mech compliment of around 120.....also late word indicates management is going to go with a work week of 4 ten hour days(no midnite)...sources indicated management "floated" this tonite...but recent experience with SPINA and compny would lean towards it being law...and expect your daze off to be t/f/s and s/m/t.....take it to the bank...dude told you....
also word of inspection positions being totally abolished and rebid for a PIT total of 44 inspectors......
look for a mech compliment in PIT of around 300 people total for base.....
and if you check on the HUB......logon,go to divisions.......go to maintenance ops...open right drop box an look up base maintenance tracks....clt/pit are listed and you can only view from work unless you have lakefield for a suckbuddy.... (does not work from home)
Delldude, thanks for the good info!!! You always had your way to get it!!! In this 300some #, what about line compliment? I know they were being reduced severly several months ago......any change there?

As far as the hub, I know someone who indicated in another thread that Lakefield was a "good guy"!!!!(just ask him..he'll tell you!!) Must be his new suck buddy!!! What a difference a contract makes!!! LMFAO!!!!!
calibrator said:
Thanks dell for Info.

Speed, you need to do some soul searching, your thing about 700 is not even healthy. 700 is only doing his part. You, Rico, Itrade, Spin and the other blow hard company hacks should go to a GOP love fest and enjoy the orgy and leave the other “normal" posters to themselves.

With all due respect, I have done MUCH soul searching......Much more than you could imagine!! If you must know, I chose to move on..... You, or whoever chose to stay, thats great, and I wish anyone who did the best of luck! However, I won't stand by when someone gives a totally one-sided view to a very bad situation! If you REALLY think 700 is doing his part, well calibrator......i'm sorry for you :down:

Also, to name the other posters, and to refer to them as "company hacks", and relate them to the GOP, and then in the same sentence remark to leave the other "normal" posters to themselves, is disingenuous at best!!! That remark really shows you true colors, and your ignorance! Best of luck to you....GOOD DAY!!!!!!
PCM78 said:
There are approx. 1100 (mech, Lead mech, & Insp.) in Pit right now, so cutting to 300 is quite a bit more than 50%.
there are around 90-100 linemechs now i believe and it will probably follow the flight/overnite schedule i'd think...
so around 400 total give or take....
looks like a 64% reduction.....
i don't think management totally knows whats going down yet....
one thing you can see is they are going to go bare bones as far as the work force....
lots rumors too...time will tell..
delldude said:
there are around 90-100 linemechs now i believe and it will probably follow the flight/overnite schedule i'd think...
so around 400 total give or take....
looks like a 64% reduction.....
i don't think management totally knows whats going down yet....
one thing you can see is they are going to go bare bones as far as the work force....
lots rumors too...time will tell..
dell, in a previous post, thats what I was referring to, whats rumor, whats fact?
anybody figure out why no mention of the strike vote being made public??
it wasn't a union that voted it in bob....
there is no union at U anymore bob.......
700 and his/her associates; bob ,are a union.....
too many have forgotten what union is or meant......bob.
PineyBob said:
Not to rub salt BUT if you look at the voting results today you'll find that it is YOU and YOUR associates who are in the minority. That being the case and applying your neo facist approach it is you, 700UW, and several others who should depart the board. BTW I'm a Libertarian
I now EXACTLY who you are...the guy who loves to screw his fellow workers and then preach to others about how to run ones life... You slam the IAM hence the membership because you envy the leadership always pointing to their compensation and then have the balls to come on here and preach how to win friends and influence people. You need the EAP program more then all the U employees put together with your needy self. Show us something that will benefits the readers, go jump in a dirty river.
Sorry Bobby Boy,

I won't be going anywhere.

If you and and my stalker (NFS) don't like what I post then leave.

You are not the ones living this nightmare, you are not one of the 1,938 IAM Mechanic and Related or 600 Fleet Service workers that are going to be laid-off while Glass and cronies get bonues and their pensions fully funded while our is gone.

I for one am tried of all these sideline non-employees telling the employees what do to.
700UW said:
Sorry Bobby Boy,

If you and and my stalker (NFS) don't like what I post then leave.

I for one am tried of all these sideline non-employees telling the employees what do to.
Had to get your final shot, 700??? I don't think so......By the way Noone is "telling" you what to do....There are merely some on these boards who DISAGREE with you and your constant diatribes......Keep trying, someday you may be something, but, I doubt it!! Again, put me on ignore..... GOOD DAY!!!
NeedForSpeed said:
By the way Noone is "telling" you what to do.... Again, put me on ignore.....

Your hypocrisy is evident, just read your own post.

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