WeAAsles said:
On the contrary Dawg. I'm keenly aware of what year it is.
I question if you do in the business/airline industry world. Ready reserve isn't the terrible thing you make it out to be. The abuse of ready reserve is the problem here.
WeAAsles said:
Don't mistake me that I'm blaming Delta management for just taking advantage of what those people allow them to do to them without voting to be represented and at least trying to get that changed. I also don't blame the sub contracting companies for doing the same thing as long as they can get away with it. If they're getting a steady pool of applicants who feel about themselves that this is the best they can do, that's who needs to shoulder the blame.
I don't think you are blaming Delta management, although it is their fault somewhat.
They need to stop abusing RR and start bringing back work if a station is over a line. Stations like MIA, RDU (almost 100 daily flights!), SAN, CLT and a few others being done by vendors is a damn joke.
WeAAsles said:
In this case I blame the Delta rampers themselves. They're witnessing all of these things happening around them and all they're doing about it is cowering in the shadows and the background hoping that things change or that others stand up for them. They're hoping for an Angel to swoop in on a White horse and lift them up.
I think they are looking at what the other two airlines have and just aren't seeing much better. Maybe if the IAM/TWU can hit the ball out of the park but so far combined post merger world the IAM at least has shown they are trying to outsource people as fast a management is.
WeAAsles said:
I understand very well also that society as a whole is trying to do away with good paying jobs for people with minimal skills and education. The days of earning a decent wage for the sweat you provide is getting little value in return.
Unions need to do more to prevent this.
Oh and it will help if they are going to keep tossing votes at the left that the left stop screwing them over just as much as management.
WeAAsles said:
Back to Delta ramp though I'm just wondering if they have a breaking point? So far it just doesn't seem like they do if Kev is right and they're growing and taking advantage of that RR system. My involvement in the discussion does come with a bit of selfishness because I'm aware that my Union has to compete with what goes on over there. But as far as the RR idea ever being introduced in the house I live in, I don't know? It's just not something I feel very comfortable with. The idea that for me to have great pay and benefits I have to stand on top of these guys shoulders. Because that's really what it is let's not fool ourselves.
but this is the problem. When it was started and why it was started this wasn't really true. It allowed the airline some flexible staffing and thus they wouldn't have to bring in contractors in the high seasons or add employees just to lay them off in a few months. It gives the young guys a chance to get a foot in the door when they couldn't really do so if they were having to work FT.
I know quite a few people who started as a RR while they were in college and have moved on to better things.
again its the over use of this program that is the problem, not the program. IMO the program keeps more work in-house. Just like having non-A&Ps in maintenance.
WeAAsles said:
I want my Union to give my company some flexibility in case the need arises again as you said. Just trying to figure out where to draw that line is the hard part?
drawing the line isn't really that hard though.
The company and employees need to come together with a number they both see as far. Say RR20/80 in spokes RR30/70 in hubs. Kev would you agree to that?
or maybe even set some company wide numbers that can be somewhat flexible per station. That way if you get a station that is supper senior the manager can make a RR into a benefited spot because it would take a crazy amount of time for a benefited spot to leave.
finding the answer is never that hard WeAAsles. The hard part is to get everyone to wake up, understand we are the same team and work together. Delta is the best of the three big US carriers to do it, but management needs to do a better job now that they are rolling in profits. If I were the ramp I would look toward an in-house because, IMO, they have a better chance of fitting the needs of the Delta ramper not the needs of XX union international, AFL-CIO or the democratic party. Just my humble opinion though.