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PineyBob said:
Not to rub salt BUT if you look at the voting results today you'll find that it is YOU and YOUR associates who are in the minority. That being the case and applying your neo facist approach it is you, 700UW, and several others who should depart the board. BTW I'm a Libertarian

What does that mean? So you are in a minority so what? Give up? I bet you wish the founders of this nation did just that.
delldude said:
back to the original topic.....................
seems word has it that hangar 5 staffing to be in the neighborhood of 2 's' chks and one drop in with a mech compliment of around 120.....also late word indicates management is going to go with a work week of 4 ten hour days(no midnite)...sources indicated management "floated" this tonite...but recent experience with SPINA and compny would lean towards it being law...and expect your daze off to be t/f/s and s/m/t.....take it to the bank...dude told you....
also word of inspection positions being totally abolished and rebid for a PIT total of 44 inspectors......
look for a mech compliment in PIT of around 300 people total for base.....
and if you check on the HUB......logon,go to divisions.......go to maintenance ops...open right drop box an look up base maintenance tracks....clt/pit are listed and you can only view from work unless you have lakefield for a suckbuddy.... (does not work from home)
HURRY and start the bumping, can't WAIT to get bumped out of PHILLY!!!!!! :up: 🙄 😛
700UW said:
Your hypocrisy is evident, just read your own post.
This is another "NON answer"!!! Just trying to get your last word in.......beat it loser!!! Read the thread...PIT ONLY.... Goodbye dump-boy......FOR THE THIRD TIME....MODERATORS...... REMIND 700 OF THE IGNORE FEATURE!!!!!!! Good day!!!!!
NeedForSpeed said:
Had to get your final shot, 700??? I don't think so......By the way Noone is "telling" you what to do....There are merely some on these boards who DISAGREE with you and your constant diatribes......Keep trying, someday you may be something, but, I doubt it!! Again, put me on ignore..... GOOD DAY!!!
By the way, ah...700. Show the WHOLE post you are quoting....not just what fits for you so you can try to show other posters that your "correct"...To the contrary.....you, my friend are a Capital "L"!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: GOOD DAY!!!!!
NeedForSpeed said:
.......beat it loser!!! Read the thread...PIT ONLY.... Goodbye dump-boy......FOR THE THIRD TIME....MODERATORS...... REMIND 700 OF THE IGNORE FEATURE!!!!!!! Good day!!!!!

Glad to see all you can do is attack and insult and not add to the topic, I guess the 30 days off did nothing to improve you demeanor.

Your obsession is not healthy.
700UW said:
What is it going to take for all of you to understand the IAM could never have reached an agreement with US as they wanted 50% of the workforce to be laid off?

IAM could always have negotiated a minor change to the mgmt. offer (which most of the other unions did) so that what was submitted to the members was an improvement over the management last ask. That's the union's job.

Clearly the base situation of a 50% workforce layoff is not desirable in the least, but it should have been recognized as reality, and the union should have put its mindset into negotiating a less bad situation.

The valor of refusing to give into a bad long-term trend needs to be marginalized in the name of negotiating the best solution for the current union members.
Ok lets get back on topic.

The latest news from PIT hangars is confirmation that hangars 1 and 2 are going to close in March. The last Q is now in hangar 2 and that is going to be it.

3 more 737 Q's in hangar 5 and thats the end of that.

Hangar 5 is going to 2 S checks and one Drop in. The South Dock Tail Dock is going to be removed and shipped to CLT.

The headcount for mechanics excluding leads is 75/shift over 3 shifts. The Composite Shop, Sheetmetal and Machine Shop are going to be combined into one department. The headcount will be 14/14/8 covering 7 days, 3 shifts.

Seat shop is going to be disposed of and all work sent to a vendor or minor work to be accomplished on the hangar floor.

The Final Assembly Building is going to remain with about 10 mechanics working the QEC work.

They are going to keep some Plant Maintenance but not much. Probably around 20 mechanics.. Line Maintenance is going to stay at current headcount unless there is a flight reduction.

Inspection is going to change.. The company is going to insert DQC qualified mechanics in the hangar along with a very limited number of inspectors.

The good news is no supervisory staff are going to lose their jobs..

The number right now is late 87 seniority to hold PIT. Subject to change depending on retirement and Voluntary Seperation.

Severance question was asked to the Shop Stewards and to the local. The local responded by saying the language is not clear and they will seek clarification on the subject. (exhausting system seniority vs station seniority to collect severance)

Now 700 you say what you want.. We can only tell you what our local is telling us.. Got it.. Not going to fight with you and we are not going to have a #### session. You believe what you want and when you get sent out the door and you get zippo the rest of us can say "told you so"..

When the local tells you "We need to get clarification" that tells you something.

Remember.. The union leadership says "They can do that".
I don't care what the local tells you, I believe the district.
700UW said:
I don't care what the local tells you, I believe the district.

Yeah of course.. The district is honest..

Take this, like and and dont forget to send us the dues money..

The district is a larger group of liars than the local..
The local lodge is not in charge of contract administration the district is, and I don't take kindly to be calling a liar.

But I guess it is easier for you to seat behind a monitor then to get involved and make things better, guess it is easier to complain instead of acting.
justaumechanic said:
Yeah of course.. The district is honest..

Take this, like and and dont forget to send us the dues money..

The district is a larger group of liars than the local..
Why don't you take some responsibility for your life's situation instead of getting on the internet and berating everyone and everything that, in your mind, stands in your path to happiness. Haven't you noticed that life just doesn’t happen to you but that your life is a consequence of your thoughts and the actions driven by those thoughts, change your thoughts and change your life. If the IAM were the true cause to your heartaches your posts would carry weight, but no one is responsible for your life except you, scary as that thought must be for you.
calibrator said:
Why don't you take some responsibility for your life's situation instead of getting on the internet and berating everyone and everything that, in your mind, stands in your path to happiness. Haven't you noticed that life just doesn’t happen to you but that your life is a consequence of your thoughts and the actions driven by those thoughts, change your thoughts and change your life. If the IAM were the true cause to your heartaches your posts would carry weight, but no one is responsible for your life except you, scary as that thought must be for you.
I think I understand what you are trying to say calibrator?? It is exactly what I did! I moved on.....But, for some reason there is one particular poster who is stalking me....must have some kind of wierd infatuation with me :shock: :shock: I believe people are starting to take stock in themselves...and when certain posters...(700) continue with their same old diatribe, it gets old!!! Ya know?? Your last post, by the way was much about nothing :lol: :lol: :lol:
700UW said:
Glad to see all you can do is attack and insult and not add to the topic, I guess the 30 days off did nothing to improve you demeanor.

Your obsession is not healthy.
700....are you trying to bait me again????? Glad to see that you NEVER can respond to my other posts in other threads!!! :lol: Why don't you go to your mod god buddies and get me sent to the cornfield for another 30 days????? HMMMMMM??? Your real good at sucking a##(and SH**t).......ONCE AGAIN....MODERATORS....TELLING 700 TO PUT ME ON IGNORE, BUT HE REFUSES!!! Why not send HIM to the cornfield for harassment/stalking???? OH!!! I forgot He is your buddy!!!!

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