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Union vs Non Union My Response

And as a stock clerk , I feel you were over-paid @ $22.00 an hour !

Just because a union says a dude should be paid $35.00 bucks an hour, for screwing a lug nut on, doesn't mean it makes good business sense !

So you will agree that RA is being overpaid too
As far as the lug nut comment , I was referring to someone that works for Government Motors on an assembly line and a stock clerk..................man you union dudes are touchy ! :down:

Once again you are off the subject. This is about Airline unions, unions work different in the airline industry then the auto industry
Once again you are off the subject. This is about Airline unions, unions work different in the airline industry then the auto industry

Once again................a union is a union is a union !
If being catholic will get you to heaven (union) then so be it.

Talk about your Zealots !

The term Zealot, in Hebrew kanai (קנ×￾×™, frequently used in plural form, קנ×￾×™×￾), means one who is zealous on behalf of God. The term derives from Greek ζηλωτής (zelotes), "emulator, zealous admirer or follower".[

Really like the follower part !
Then please tell me Tech, how much would you pay a stock clerk or someone putting the same nut on the same stud at "YOUR COMPANY" ?

No beatin' around the bush or commenting on the question or asking me for a source....................just answer the question !
The stock clerk at my last station was worth every bit of what he was paid (more than $22.00/hr). His thirty years of experience in keeping the right supplies on hand and being able to find them on a moments notice (among many other important things he did) saved many flights from being canceled or delayed. Saving one cancellation of an international connecting flight paid for his salary for a year.

Wasn't it you who said you look busy all day without accomplishing any work?

How much is that worth?

Go ahead and try it with the NWA managers...
The stock clerk at my last station was worth every bit of what he was paid (more than $22.00/hr). His thirty years of experience in keeping the right supplies on hand and being able to find them on a moments notice (among many other important things he did) saved many flights from being canceled or delayed. Saving one cancellation of an international connecting flight paid for his salary for a year.

Wasn't it you who said you look busy all day without accomplishing any work?

How much is that worth?

Go ahead and try it with the NWA managers...

And there you have it, cannot answer a question directly !
I asked ,"How much would you pay a stock clerk at "YOUR COMPANY"?...........meaning a company you owned !

And what I said was," I can look busy all day without accomplishing any work , without a union telling me to do so !

You always seem to leave out the important part !
It's called greed you know
well the point was it wouldn't make any sense for someone to go in and "wreck" the name only to
try and start over somewhere else and pull a stunt..

(after already being at the largest in the first place)

I guess I just would question, why in the world would someone do such a thing over and over, and here is the interesting part, why would other people continue to allow them?

there would come a point when that kind of person would eventually be stopped and not allowed to run another corporation.


I fully understand how money can change people, for some it will never be enough and its also very sad to the point its pathetic, the selfishness.

people who have access to that type of money or those kind of connections.. can do so much helping the community, building homes and shelters for animals, contributing to charity and actually helping people in need, but then it seems some only resort to destroying families.. only for personal gain.

but then,

I sort of think some people will label an individual greedy simply for being in a leadership role, regardless if it is true or not.

RA was respected prior to his departure, so I am not going out there and labeling that man something that may not apply.. other than the impression of being fair, respectful and many people liked him..(until otherwise thats all I can go on)

time will tell...
Market rates for pay are established by what the other carriers pay its all relative, carriers which are similar in size, compare apples to apples.

WN has the highest percentage of unionized workers, they are amongst the highest paid in the industry if not the highest and they seem to have been profitable for over 30 years and going.

And let me give you an example as why I was worth $22 an hour, there was an A330-300 going PHL-CDG and the HF radio broke, none in stock in PHL, showed we had one in CLT, wasnt at its location (granted we had millions of pieces in inventory in our Distribution Center), I searched high and low an after about an hour I found it, shipped it AOG to PHL and the 200+ passengers were on their way to CDG instead of having a flight cancel and them spend the night in PHL, just one example of why I was getting paid the rate of pay I was, cause if I was making $12 do you think my effort would have been as great?
You know there is more to a Stock Clerks job than just playing parts, hazmat and chemicals is a big part of it, building kits for checks, engine changes, and overhaul and mods. I know at US when I was a line clerk I had to go over the work release for the RONs and go on the system-wide conference call to ensure we had the parts or they were in transit for the RON work packages.

Its not just working behind the counter at Auto Zone or NAPA.

Inspecting parts, when they come back from a vendor to makes sure the FAA/JAA paperwork is correct, serial #s, and to see if they are serviceable and etc.

I know when I was all ready on the clock 16 hours and was time for me to go home and I had to load a Kalitta 747s with an RB211 and associated tooling for a grounded plane in SFO, I could have said, hey my shifts over time for me to go home, but I stayed and finished the job so the engine could get to SFO ASAP and get a plane back in the air.

Or the time I had a road trip from CLT to LGA to bring a landing gear for a 737-200, could have dropped the gear and headed back to CLT, but since the old gear was almost off we stayed and brought the old gear back with us (our idea and got management's ok) to save money on shipping costs.

In CLT we redid several aisles of the distribution center and millions of dollars of inventory was recovered that was shown not to be in stock.

Do you think a $10 or $12 an hour worker would really go the extra mile?

Go ask the former HP Stock Clerks how grateful they are now to be IAM and they went from making like $12 an hour to $17 under our contract and their turnover was tremendous in PHX and were hiring off the street, that has since stopped.

I Guess you do get what you pay for!
And there you have it, cannot answer a question directly !
I asked ,"How much would you pay a stock clerk at "YOUR COMPANY"?...........meaning a company you owned !

And what I said was," I can look busy all day without accomplishing any work , without a union telling me to do so !

You always seem to leave out the important part !
Well I do not own an airline and never will. So you are asking for an answer to a hypothetical situation. I gave you a real world answer. If you cannot comprehend what I said, then try this:

I would pay my clerk market rate or higher, especially if he was as qualified and dedicated as the one I described in my earlier post.

If the big "D" cuts your pay by 25%, deciding that you are not worth your current hourly rate, are you going to go that extra mile, or are you going to "look busy all day without accomplishing any work?"
I was getting paid the rate of pay I was, cause if I was making $12 do you think my effort would have been as great?
it should.

my grandfather told me once to always try to do the best job you can regardless of the pay... be it the higher end of the pay scale or even the other end.

because there is always someone paying attention to an individual's work ethic..

(and that someone may not even be a boss or a co-worker)

and down the road all the hard work will pay off, in some way

...it always does.
it should.

my grandfather told me once to always try to do the best job you can regardless of the pay... be it the higher end of the pay scale or even the other end.

because there is always someone paying attention to an individual's work ethic..

(and that someone may not even be a boss or a co-worker)

and down the road all the hard work will pay off, in some way

...it always does.

Dig...You rock!
This is your new boss, a man that belongs to a special clique, one that you are not privy to join. One that makes money beyond your wildest dreams. They don't give two shits about your dopey Delta culture or open door policy. These vampires float from company to company sucking the life blood out of them. Their careers last 3 to 7 years, then they move on.

You see my friend, you are living on "Fantasy Island", an island insulated from the outside world. You'll learn that hiding your head in the sand, you leave your ass way up in the air.
Read and enjoy.

Mr. Gorman noted: "I am pleased to become a member of the Board of Directors of Aviation Sales Company as the Company is a leader in the airframe heavy maintenance market. I look forward to working with the Board of Directors and management of Aviation Sales, and particularly to working with Gil West, the Company's new Chief Operating OfficerChief Operating Officer (COO)

The officer of a firm responsible for day-to-day management, usually the president or an executive vice-president.
..... Click the link for more information., with whom I worked for several years at Northwest."

Aviation Sales Company is a leading independent provider of fully integrated aviation maintenance, repair and overhaulMaintenance, Repair and Overhaul or MRO is a multi-billion dollar industry which works on international authorization rules to deliver a safe airline operation and to assure reliability and availability of customer fleets.
..... Click the link for more information. (MR&O) services for major commercial airlines and maintenance and repair facilities. The Company currently operates four MR&O businesses: TIMCO TIMCO Triad International Maintenance Company (Oscoda, Michigan) , which, with its five locations, is one of the largest independent providers of heavy aircraft maintenance services in North America; Aerocell Structures, which specializes in the MR&O of airframe components, including flight surfaces; Aircraft Interior Design, which specializes in the refurbishment of aircraft interior components; and TIMCO Engine Center, which refurbishes JT8D engines. The Company also operates TIMCO Engineered Systems, which provides engineering services to our MR&O operations and our customers.

To these clowns, theirs NEVER a right time for pay and benefit increases, and your their type of employee.

So you are saying Dignity is in this entity? Care to reply Dig?
Yea, whatever...View attachment 8526

When you ID-10-Ts are back to working 7/10's with no vacation/healthcare and your 'kids' work help you support your family, don't come asking 'me' for a hand out.

What a childish reply. I have never been forced to work 7-10s and with the laws in this nation you will only see it if our nations law makers change the law and even then your union won't be able to help you. I am one who actually gives 40 hours of actual work per week. I even give more by working through lunches and breaks when needed and don't charge my company OT. In return my boss doesn't question me if I need to leave a little early. You union peeps can keep your way of dong things.

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