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NWA tells attendants price of rejection

I don't think one really has any impact on the other. You think that if NWA had come to mutual terms with AMFA like was done with the pilots that the F/As would be more likely to ratify their agreement?
Probably not I suspect most are spineless jelly fish not unlike yourself.

If anything, the manner in which NWA defeated the AMFA work action would lead F/A's to think twice before any work action of their own.
You call that shamble of a maintenance operation a Victory? :lol:

I think the F/A's are going to act in their own best interest and show up to work like the professionals that they are. They may vote down the T/A and risk losing the early out program and the favorable outsourcing language, but I hope they don't take your advice and risk pissing their job away.
Since when have you had sympathy for the front line workers finny? admit it bean counter your worried about your own neck.

I think at the end of the day, the T/A terms are still much better for a vast majority of these poeple than the alternatives they might find in other fields. I won't go into the reasons why, but I think an honest sampling of F/As would show that they're not indifferent as to whether their job at NWA continues to exist, thus I don't think there is much stomach for forcing a Ch.7.
well then finny why don't you volunteer to be a replacement F/A and SCAB if the terms are so good? Heck you and pto can toast beers on what a suck-cess you have made the SCABAIR... :lol:
Probably not I suspect most are spineless jelly fish not unlike yourself.
So an NWA employee must be on strike in order to have a spine in your view? Are you sure your not mistaking having a spine with not having a brain?

You call that shamble of a maintenance operation a Victory? :lol:
A very dominating victory to be more precise. The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels, and doing so with drastically improved efficiency.

Since when have you had sympathy for the front line workers finny? admit it bean counter your worried about your own neck.
I always have had sympathy for the font-line workers. We're all in the same boat here.

well then finny why don't you volunteer to be a replacement F/A and SCAB if the terms are so good? Heck you and pto can toast beers on what a suck-cess you have made the SCABAIR... :lol:
I am better suited where I currently am, so I won't be volunteering for replacement duty. I'm not one of the few hundred management employees that were F/A trained during the previous contingency buildup. As for toasting beers with PTO, you're right, he does deserve a toast. What would you guys talk about if he weren't around to fuel the flames. If the week he was gone fishing is any indication, (where the only new topic what "where is PTO")this board would be pretty boring without him. He should be charging you guys counseling fees, as I'd guess that the venting that occurrs at PTO's expense is very therapuetic for all of you guys (and gals).
A very dominating victory to be more precise. The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels, and doing so with drastically improved efficiency.

Its not performing at pre-strike levels, because its NOT handling the work that was performed pre-strike.
Its not performing at pre-strike levels, because its NOT handling the work that was performed pre-strike.
To clarify, the maintenance operation as a whole is performing at pre-strike levels. This would be a measure of the quality, timeliness, etc. of the work that is being performed accross the operation (both internally and externally). The volume of work that is being done is irrelevant, because that reduction in volume drove a proportionate reduction in the maintenance resources necessary. As such, the performance measures are volume adjusted.
So an NWA employee must be on strike in order to have a spine in your view? Are you sure your not mistaking having a spine with not having a brain?
When the lord was giving out brains he must have thought they said trains and gave you a loco! :wacko:
A very dominating victory to be more precise. The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels, and doing so with drastically improved efficiency.
B.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Management propaganda! 😛h34r:
I always have had sympathy for the font-line workers. We're all in the same boat here.
Hope you got a bucket...that boats a sinking! <_<
I am better suited where I currently am, so I won't be volunteering for replacement duty. I'm not one of the few hundred management employees that were F/A trained during the previous contingency buildup.
Too bad you sound like you would really look hot in that F/A dress/uniform! 😳 gurlieman.........
As for toasting beers with PTO, you're right, he does deserve a toast. What would you guys talk about if he weren't around to fuel the flames. If the week he was gone fishing is any indication, (where the only new topic what "where is PTO")this board would be pretty boring without him. He should be charging you guys counseling fees, as I'd guess that the venting that occurrs at PTO's expense is very therapuetic for all of you guys (and gals).
Whats it to you????
At least you admit he fuels the flame....PTO super flamer 😛
counceling fees...LOL Now thats rich, oh right you got a loco :wacko:

thank you and have a nice life.........
Interfernce by NW Management during a vote is illegal under the RLA. This looks like it would fall under that category. :shock:
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='382936' date='May 22 2006, 02:37 PM']Interfernce by NW Management during a vote is illegal under the RLA. This looks like it would fall under that category. :shock:[/quote]
Please clarifiy what "this" is that you're referring to.

On the maintenance thing you're beginning to sound like Bagdad Bob, "There are no American Troops in Bagdad", "The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels"
Yeah, I know. Just playing a little devils advocate to all of the off-the-wall "planes falling from the sky" rhetoric that gets thrown around. The statistics show that that the maintenance side is performing well, but obviously, there's no way of knowing down to the nuts and bolts if the work being done now is the same quality as before. I have little reason at this point to believe that there is a discernable difference, since the only thing I have to go by is the ever growing amount of comparitive operating data.
To clarify, the maintenance operation as a whole is performing at pre-strike levels. This would be a measure of the quality, timeliness, etc. of the work that is being performed accross the operation (both internally and externally). The volume of work that is being done is irrelevant, because that reduction in volume drove a proportionate reduction in the maintenance resources necessary. As such, the performance measures are volume adjusted.
Horse hockey bootlicker. Can you explain the near weekly air-interrupts, the emergency landings, the stranded passengers, and the fact that even with reduced RSM's, your scab airline still ranks last in customer ratings? Stop talking in circles, your confusing yourself. Your POS scab airline is on the brink of a dirt nap, just admit it, try real hard, you can do it.

Your grandious view of how successful the Scab Air union busting was is by far premature. Remember, there is a very good chance Scab Air will not recover from this management induced death spiral. One little arrogant mistake, like the current over-reaching bad faith bargaining by management, and its over for you and the rest of the management bootlickers and criminals you aspire to.

Your scab airline is a shell of its former self. You have major cost reductions in place now and you management clowns still lost $1.1 BILLION. (I could care less what the BK costs were, its still a majorly huge loss) How many quarters can this go on? Not many. I can only hope the F/A's and the ground workers realize Scab Air is not a carrier worth working for any longer, and park it in Dougie Stealin' and Neil "the butcher" Coneheads a$$. 😉
So an NWA employee must be on strike in order to have a spine in your view? Are you sure your not mistaking having a spine with not having a brain?
What would you know about having a spine bootlicker? you probably jump thru your arse to make sure the coffee pots full for the boss man every morning.

A very dominating victory to be more precise. The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels, and doing so with drastically improved efficiency.
:lol: :lol: Yea, ok mr. mis-information minister we see how well that maintenance program is going over there. It makes the Friggin headlines almost weekly now...keep up the flawless job! :up:

As for toasting beers with PTO, you're right, he does deserve a toast. What would you guys talk about if he weren't around to fuel the flames. If the week he was gone fishing is any indication, (where the only new topic what "where is PTO")this board would be pretty boring without him. He should be charging you guys counseling fees, as I'd guess that the venting that occurrs at PTO's expense is very therapuetic for all of you guys (and gals).
I know Im right, you two are cut from the same mold. :shock: as far as bashing goes he started the whole thing and he will be continually abused like a plow mule as long as he chooses to SCAB!...Hey when he's gone we have a bean counter to vent on! :up:
Yeah, I know. Just playing a little devils advocate to all of the off-the-wall "planes falling from the sky" rhetoric that gets thrown around. The statistics show that that the maintenance side is performing well, but obviously, there's no way of knowing down to the nuts and bolts if the work being done now is the same quality as before. I have little reason at this point to believe that there is a discernable difference, since the only thing I have to go by is the ever growing amount of comparitive operating data.
what the hell do you know about aircraft maintenance bean counter? you sit behind a cubicle and shuffle papers all day, filling the coffee pot, polishing the mans shoes and what have you. Stick to math equations and making up statistics, you don't know squat about maintenance except where you can cut cost and corners perhaps.
i wouldnt say that SCAB AIR maintaince is at pre-strike levels when inf act the opposite is occuring. Heck, i know a couple of local FAA guys at my city who wont reccomend anyone to fly SCAB AIR. They even go as far as saying they dont believe that SCAB AIR wont be able to survive CH11. Of course I would expect you finman to say the opposite, but the truth does hurt, doesnt it? NWA planes are making more emergence landings since last Aug more than any other air carrier and that was even with UAL and US in ch11.
All of your replies were really lame. Not one substantive assertion or idea that even attempts to pass as reasoned debate. Very disappointing indeed.
debate what finny? this moronic statement?

QUOTE(finman @ May 22 2006, 12:12 PM)

A very dominating victory to be more precise. The maintenance operation is performing at pre-strike levels, and doing so with drastically improved efficiency.

Here let me say it more directly for you, You are a dumb arse bean counter who does'nt know squat about maintenance, stick to crunching numbers and bootlicking because you look like an idiot bragging about something you obviously have no understanding about. you just parrot what the boss man blows up your backside.

Finny's moto: "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, blind 'em with bullshit".

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