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Calling In Sick?

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pitguy said:
So what is the perfect system? I don't know. How do you protect the company and honest hard working people who deserve to be rewarded and treated fairly?

--Maybe this is as fair as it gets.
It's called integrity and it applies to both sides.
Great post!! The fact is unions are losing power in this country, have been for years and will continue to do so unless they stop living on their great grandfathers laurels.
MrAeroMan said:
Great post!! The fact is unions are losing power in this country, have been for years and will continue to do so unless they stop living on their great grandfathers laurels.
Spoken like a true blue dido head. I heard that statement when I started out years and years ago only to hear yet again live right here, how wrong you are and here is why.

As long as we have the human condition we will have unions to act as the absolutely necessary balancing device to keep corporate America from exploiting the very people that make them extremely wealthy.

When CEO and CFO's stop stealing via golden parachutes millions off the top while at the very same time leaving employees impoverished in their wake, than and only then will I change my attitude.

I laugh at all you self-righteous people who work yourselves to death making another person wealthy as you receive that-a-boys for your sweat and blood.

Sick time abuse is nothing compared to corporate America’s raping and exploiting of its workers.

Stop looking through your windows of distortion, integrity my behind. Lead by example and everything else will fall into place, otherwise, get real!
cavalier said:
As long as we have the human condition we will have unions to act as the absolutely necessary balancing device to keep corporate America from exploiting the very people that make them extremely wealthy.
Good point. Yours have done a fine job of keeping a parade of CEOs from taking hefty chunks of change and leaving US in a worse state than when they arrived, haven't they?
Good point regarding the union charge MWeiss. Actually I think I have the answer to the perfect system and we're in it. Its called competition and free enterprise. And its forcing the junk out of the system so to speak like it or not. Survive or not.

And for all the pro union folk so consumed by corporate compensation: make it stop. You have the power and control. Make it number one on the list of demands non negotiable.
mweiss said:
Good point. Yours have done a fine job of keeping a parade of CEOs from taking hefty chunks of change and leaving US in a worse state than when they arrived, haven't they?
Exactly smart guy. Now imagine how much worse it would be minus unions.

Would slavery come back to do the tasks of the masters, damn right it would and what station would you be in given that kind of world, smart guy? One of bondage?

You need to get off these boards and live reality instead of looking at everything with what you believe makes the world go around, business.

The Jews believed business made the world go around too, and look what happened to them.
cavalier said:
Exactly smart guy. Now imagine how much worse it would be minus unions.

Would slavery come back to do the tasks of the masters, damn right it would and what station would you be in given that kind of world, smart guy? One of bondage?

You need to get off these boards and live reality instead of looking at everything with what you believe makes the world go around, business.

The Jews believed business made the world go around too, and look what happened to them.
Though it has taken some time, I have finally realized who Cav is...

He is the 21st Century reincarnation of Karl Marx.

lindy said:
Though it has taken some time, I have finally realized who Cav is...

He is the 21st Century reincarnation of Karl Marx.

I am sorry you lack understanding to my meaning with reference to the Jews, nonetheless it’s very true to those that can see.

No Lindy, you have absolutely NO idea just who I am. I have PM’s from you wanting pitbull gone because you HATE anything that stands for unions. In your perfect little world there is no hate or evil I guess, but out here were I live it’s glaring.

If you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth it’s real easy to take what you perceive as the high ground making unions full of nasty lazy individuals who don’t deserve or have the right to exist above poverty level.

Remember Lindy dear; I have your PM’s.
mweiss said:
Good point. Yours have done a fine job of keeping a parade of CEOs from taking hefty chunks of change and leaving US in a worse state than when they arrived, haven't they?

Have you not witnessed the public outcry over CEO compensation and lack of accountability over the past few years?

Don't you think unions shining spotlights on it has had something to do with it?

If there wasn't that attention now, don't you think BODs and CEOs would still be receiving even more obscene compensation?
cavalier said:
I am sorry you lack understanding to my meaning with reference to the Jews, nonetheless it’s very true to those that can see.

No Lindy, you have absolutely NO idea just who I am. I have PM’s from you wanting pitbull gone because you HATE anything that stands for unions. In your perfect little world there is no hate or evil I guess, but out here were I live it’s glaring.

If you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth it’s real easy to take what you perceive as the high ground making unions full of nasty lazy individuals who don’t deserve or have the right to exist above poverty level.

Remember Lindy dear; I have your PM’s.

In the time I have been on this board, I have PM'd three people. The one and only time I PM'd you was on November 23, 2003. Following is what I sent you:

"Me and the Bull together in a hug.

Naw, don't think so.


You must have me confused with someone else. Either that or you enjoy distorting the truth in order to discredit anyone who disagrees with you.

One last item. Don't threaten me. Oh, wait, what am I thinking?? You are so swaddled in the blankets of Union mentality, threats and intimidation are part
of your never ending mantra.

Exactly smart guy. Now imagine how much worse it would be minus unions.

Would slavery come back to do the tasks of the masters, damn right it would and what station would you be in given that kind of world, smart guy? One of bondage?

Frightening comments Cavalier and unfortunatly, the uneducated, prejudiced view of many in the union. Resist all change or any knowledge. Make sure you print out many of your comments on here as examples to show just how unbiased and intelligent you are during your next airline interview. I'm sure jblu and their employees need to immediately understand the exploitation and unhappyness they're experiencing and how unionization will fix everything. I'd say Jew alot too, and slavery during the interview, companies like that.
lindy said:

In the time I have been on this board, I have PM'd three people. The one and only time I PM'd you was on November 23, 2003. Following is what I sent you:

"Me and the Bull together in a hug.

Naw, don't think so.


You must have me confused with someone else. Either that or you enjoy distorting the truth in order to discredit anyone who disagrees with you.

One last item. Don't threaten me. Oh, wait, what am I thinking?? You are so swaddled in the blankets of Union mentality, threats and intimidation are part
of your never ending mantra.

No threat at all Lindy...who says I was "cavalier"?
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