Shucks....I'm naturally fully greatfull that you've "allowed" me anything at all
"what makes you think you are ENTITLED to anything" I dunno, perhaps several times your flight time and work experience...not that such counts for anything within your perspective, as I do certainly realize.
If you'll be so very kind as to explain WTF it is that you're currently braying about...? I honestly don't have the slightest clue here. 77 east retirements?..Within what time period are we talking here? Five years? = Hardly any realistic sum for that period of time. Are you perhaps, also considering the announcments regarding additional international flying, evidently to be based out east? Sigh...I can imagine that must be a wee bit frustrating for you.
As per the imaginary, plastic-fantastic, instantly wonderful, to be had yesterday "contract"....I'm still seeing NOTHING whatsoever that provides the tiniest inkling that supports your notions in any way. Mangement's stated that they're not going to toss a buncha' cash on the table, other than essentially parity for the east and 3-4% gain for the west. How that would get anyone out west excited's beyond me...without any instant St Nic visit that is. How that would serve as any source of joy to anyone out east is equally beyond me. Upper management's stated that there is no feeling that the east would vote in any contract with Nic's poison included...perhaps you feel that you fully know better.
PS: Aren't you overdue for some session of calling us all "sheep" out east?, and/or assuring yourself, via your own postings, that we'll all just merrilly cave into the Nic bit for a few coins?
I'm almost starting to miss all the childish and gleefully spoken "Practice Cactus"/"It's OVER!!"/"Binding arbitration!!"/and all the vast rivers of such stuff, that was so respectfull and considerate, constantly flowing from your side all this time. All the recent whining's just tiresome, and frankly,...pathetic.