Actually I have been told this and the source is credible,
OK, what is your "source" and exactly what was said?
I have no reason to make this up,
You must be joking! You have every reason to make up lies, you desperately want to keep the TWU in place at any price. THe truth certainly does not help your arguement.
I do believe conversations took place and Steve was advised as you say to take a lessor position.
Sure, maybe they did, or maybe it was ultimately a strategic move on the part of McFarland, similar to Edwards not opposing Kerry. Pressure? No pressure is when the ruling elite (Sonny's gang) systematically eliminate or threaten to eliminate potential rivals. Sonny has threatened several Local 100 officers, had his allies in management terminate rivals, some of whom were Union officers(Toussaint, the Local 501 E-board for example), and personally removed other officers(Schalk & I), used audits as a means of trying to intimidate locals (he must think that all union officers are crooks like him that have something to hide) all of whom were rivals at the last Convention or critics of the current International administration. So how many of Delles rivals, officers elected by popular vote has Delle removed?
Pressure, Think about it! Their is a growing animosity against this group within Amfa and look at the lost revenue McCormick and Seham will be losing if Steve got in and eliminated their contracts?
How much would they be losing? Are AMFAs administration costs more or less than the TWUs? Has Steve stated that he wants to get rid of McCormick and Seham?
Are you aware, at the TWU the President has not run unopposed! Why is their a difference?
Who ran against Sonny in 1997?
Show me the ballots to any TWU Presidential election. I have in my possesion a Ballot for the AMFA Natiuonal elections. A secret ballott for the election of the top officers of AMFA. This is something that NO TWU member in the ATD has ever recieved! In fact no delegate has ever received such a ballott. With the TWU, the International has the means and the ability to record how each delegate votes, but the members do not. THis allows the Hall gang to target opponents.
Toussaint ran against Hall in 2001, Sonny's gang voilated their own rules and had literature accusing Toussaint and Local 100 of being friends of Bin Laden. The Lirterature was placed on all the tables during a recess where the room was cleared and under surveilance from Mike Bakalas security, in other words there is no way that they could not have known who put that stuff out. Sonny lied to the whole Convention and said that he would discipline "those responsible". It was later revealed that Taust wrote it and Bakala had it distributed. Sonny did nothing, both are still in office and no charges were brought against either of them.
Since the Convention, Hall has consistantly attacked the leadership of Local 100, torpedoed their Contract negotiations, tried to split off the Bus division of Local 100 into a seperate local-(rejected by the membership), had his management friends at AA fire Jack Sullivan, who ran for Treasurer against Kerrigan, interfered and placed an International lackey in the Presidents slot of Local 234 and removed me from office(I had lobbied hard among the Line Locals and was able to pursuade the Line Locals to vote in favor of most of Toussants ticket).
Can you cite any similar action at AMFA?
I believe when you jumped in to the Amfa arena in 1999 you believed Amfa was a good thing. Well that Amfa is no longer in existence. Amfa is now controlled by the McCormick group and Seham offices. In turn have expanded out and is now becoming an organization you tell us you despise. Tell us it ain't so?
There is no doubt that AMFA has and will continue to change. However one thing that has not changes is that the claim that the members control AMFA is not just lip service like at the TWU. The TWU tells members that they have control, however when ever the elected representatives try to put that into practice the TWU testifies in court thats not the case. All you have to do is look at all the court cases that have been heard against the International. Time and time again you will see the TWU lies. Her are two of their favorites.
"The members have the right to vote on any and all contracts"
The TWU testified in court that the members do not have the right to vote on contracts, they cited other court cases that upheld this(although the assumption of the court obviously was that Union leaders were accountable to the members) and stated that the TWU Constitution language that states that the members have this right only applies to completely "new" contracts, as you know, under the RLA contracts do not expire, the bemome amendable, there fore we never have the right with the TWU to vote on our contracts.
"The Presidents council has control of your contract."
The court has cited that according to the TWU constitution the Presidents council is a body with no authority over the contract or the Constitution. This has been cited on multiple occasions such as when Sonny Hall, over the opposition of the Presidents council split several locals up and in the recent 501 lawsuit where the Judge explicitly stated that the local is not a party to the contract.
By the way, You really didn't answer the question instead you attacked the TWU! Why is this?
Look who is talking!