I figured by now Informer, Amfaman, Hopeful....one of you who hate the TWU would have posted the results. We lost 3 strong union men. My guess as to why they HAVE NOT posted the results.....the folks who did get voted in....let's just say the next 3 years are more than likely going to be interesting for lack of a better word. One signed an AMFA card a few years back and another one has no idea about what it means to be "union". And this couldn't have come at a worse time. These are the folks taking us into negotiations! I don't think those of you who voted some out were thinking about reprocussions. Thousands and thousands of folks will be affected. I guess you honestly think that the company is going to accept your form or lack of form of "working together (because despite what you want to believe IS NOT going away) and give these new folks credibility. More power to you.
Oh great, the two chief ANTI-AMFA TEAM TWU Leaders (Hammack and Thompson) were left out of the election riggin and Bill is all upset.
That is what happens with the TWU, they use you, then lose you! Wells, Hammack, and Thompson the three stooges of Team TWU have now been left in the cold and sent to pasture by the TWU Leadership.
It is obvious the voting was stacked for the incumbent E-Board Offciers to hold the fort down, while the Chairman Positions were left to membership decision making to make it look good and legit.
Even the Election Committee doesnt know how it was done nor do they have knowledge of the illegal activity.
Who ever controls the data base of voters and label printing simply looked closley at member voting history databases and held back known "Non-Voters" ballots. (They were never mailed, nor given to the Election Board). Those that came to get a replacement ballot in a timely manner were given one. Then within the last week of the balloting, appx. 400 of those non-voters ballots were filled out and mailed in by the corruption kings at the Local Union Hall.
It appears to me that 400 ballots were mailed by the corruption kings, 200 each split for Steve Luis and Terry Lesperance for the position of President. And 400 each marked for all incumbent E-Board Officers. That simple little 400 ballot swing mailing created the desired result for the Kremlin on PIne Street.
Hammack and Thompson were the sacrificial lambs to insure success and smoke screens of change, but the core was protected from membership rage. Plus the Chairman (Non At Large) positions are not as easy to cover-up the rigged results.
What a shame that the two TEAM TWU heroes were sent to pasture after so much expended energy and effort to defend the TWU from the evil AMFA. Afterall, if not for Kevin, Kevin, and Kirk (KKK), we would surely have a democratic union and we would no longer be saved from ourselves by the Union Leaders that know what is best for us.
Of course Bill, if you indeed have proof that one of the elected officials signed an AMFA card as you say, you are the one who failed to file a complaint with the election committee to remove him from the ballot like Hayes and Inman were removed.
Thus you shot our foot off for our future, not we shot ourselves in the foot. If you have that proof, you not only failed the membership, you also failed your duty and oath to the TWU. If you dont have that proof, then you sound like a sour grape incumbent who lost a position. So quit your bitchin and get back to your toolbox!