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Team Twu Coming To Mci

TWU informer said:
mojo13 said:
The way I see it is TA showed the membership what AMFA is all about, me,me,me.

His statement will go down in the archives of stupid comments. I'm glad he got up in front of everone and made a fool of himself.

Not the kind of leadership we are looking for.
If you really get down to it,

I would bet each of has made comments we regret. Some of us *wink, wink* have even done so in writing or E-MAIL?

And some of us can also prove beyond a doubt where our allegiance lies.

There should be a law against confidential/secret e-mails? What do you think?
Informer, are you threatening to expose my fishing expeditions???
Checking it Out said:
Actually right now the overwhelming majority at MCI is TWU supporters, even amfaman has posted numbers that refect this. I believe you have made the comment, so what are your numbers?

The meetings went great and I believe that someone is stretching the numbers amfaman.
We can see the overwhelming support MCI has for the TWU with their COPE numbers.

7% of MCI contributes to COPE. When you figure that systemwide most only give 50 cents a month, not exactly a huge committment, and only 7% of MCI will give that means that 93% of MCI really cant be bothered with the TWU.

The fact is that more people have voluntarily filled out AMFA cards at MCI than have voluntarily filled out COPE cards.
Checking it Out said:
Actually right now the overwhelming majority at MCI is TWU supporters, even amfaman has posted numbers that refect this. I believe you have made the comment, so what are your numbers?

The meetings went great and I believe that someone is stretching the numbers amfaman.

The meetings went great and I believe that someone is stretching the numbers amfaman.

STRETCHING THE NUMBERS??????? AMFA??????? :shock:

You'd think they would use another strategy huh CIO!! But then again that seems to be the only thing they are good at!!!
I was there, you thought I was a TWU lackey but guess what mojo dude, many of us you think are followers are leading our craft forward with our vote. I'll shake your hand and smile in your face as a friend, but my card will read AMFA_NOW!!!
twuer said:
STRETCHING THE NUMBERS??????? AMFA??????? :shock:

Thats right, like how they stretched the going rate for mechanics from $25/hr to $35/hr. I like that kind of stretch, dont you?
You'd think they would use another strategy huh CIO!! But then again that seems to be the only thing they are good at!!!

Well thats more than what the TWU is good for. Totally Worthless Union.
Checking it Out said:
Actually right now the overwhelming majority at MCI is TWU supporters, even amfaman has posted numbers that refect this. I believe you have made the comment, so what are your numbers?

The meetings went great and I believe that someone is stretching the numbers amfaman.
What part do you don't understand, do I need to type slower? We are now at 450 at MCI and headed for 500 by next week. With a info meeting coming this month, my new goal is over 600 or close to 50%. :shock: :shock:
mojo13 said:
Informer, are you threatening to expose my fishing expeditions???
I didn't even know you were a fisherman mojo.

You appear to be right where you belong to me.
Checking it Out said:
Actually right now the overwhelming majority at MCI is TWU supporters, even amfaman has posted numbers that refect this. I believe you have made the comment, so what are your numbers?

The meetings went great and I believe that someone is stretching the numbers amfaman.
What part do you don't understand, do I need to type slower? We are now at 450 at MCI and headed for 500 by next week. With a info meeting coming this month, my new goal is over 600 or close to 50%. :shock: :shock:
What part do you don't understand, do I need to type slower? We are now at 450 at MCI and headed for 500 by next week. With a info meeting coming this month, my new goal is over 600 or close to 50%

In reality, less than 10% might show an interest for AMFA at MCI, but when the time comes to actually vote, if there ever is a time, MY guess would be 1%?

Maybe we could say, after the AMFA supporters heard T.A. Haines statement, AMFA actually lost what cards they had at MCI?

From T.A...............Let em close the bases, let em lay off everyone, I dont care, I have my A&P, I will find employment..............

Is he implying hes better than the rest of us? Is he showingt what AMFA is about? That AMFA dont care about the workforce, stating lay em off, close the bases? SHouldnt AMFA care and want to keep as many mechanics employed as possible?
Guess not, guess only TWU actually cares for us
In reality, less than 10% might show an interest for AMFA at MCI, but when the time comes to actually vote, if there ever is a time, MY guess would be 1%?

So you admit that there is more interest in AMFA than the TWU in MCI. Only 7% of MCI gives voluntary support to the TWu, while you admit that at least 10% have voluntarily signed cards for AMFA.

Maybe we could say, after the AMFA supporters heard T.A. Haines statement, AMFA actually lost what cards they had at MCI?

From T.A...............Let em close the bases, let em lay off everyone, I dont care, I have my A&P, I will find employment..............

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no doubt if this is what he said you took it out of context.

That AMFA dont care about the workforce, stating lay em off, close the bases? SHouldnt AMFA care and want to keep as many mechanics employed as possible?

Of course they care, AMFA cares about the profession. They have to because if Aircraft mechanics dont like the direction they are leading us then we can vote them out, unlike the TWU. In addition to the layoffs, that they are fighting at NWA and UAL (what ever happened to our force majeure grievance?) they are keeping on top and informing their members on issues such as FAR145 and FAR 66. As AMFA grows they will have more resources to devote to mechanics interests whereas with the TWU our dues are used for getting AMTRACK funding and scores of other non-aircraft mechanics issues. You should remember that as far as the TWU is concerned we are still doing good. At $30/hr we make double of what the average TWU member makes-$15/hr. The only thing that the TWU cares about is keeping our dues coming in so they can use them for other things.

Guess not, guess only TWU actually cares for us

If thats what you believe then you need help. Just remember how much they cared about you during integration where you got 4/10/01.
Bob, MCI does not have a cope committee set up yet and has not advertised much for the membership to get involved. All of that is going to change soon though because the committee is being set up and the push to get delegates to the democratic convention is on. This local is young and still evolving.
My World said:
Bob, MCI does not have a cope committee set up yet and has not advertised much for the membership to get involved. All of that is going to change soon though because the committee is being set up and the push to get delegates to the democratic convention is on. This local is young and still evolving.
Why Bother?

Wait for AMFA.
My World said:
Bob, MCI does not have a cope committee set up yet and has not advertised much for the membership to get involved. All of that is going to change soon though because the committee is being set up and the push to get delegates to the democratic convention is on. This local is young and still evolving.
Your push toward the convention is fine. With the united strength of Local 530, I sense massive democratic change in our future. The coalition of Local 530 will "blister" the Sonny Hall coalition. I am so thankful that American purchased TWA, now we can have real change from within. Thank You Local 530 and I really hope that you show the International what real unionism is about.
Brother TA Haines stated reality. We will succeed here, you will not. Our card count is high at MCI, not 1%, maybe 30%, but not less than 1%, or is that fuzzy logic?

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