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Team Twu Coming To Mci

If you guys wish to remain "overwhelming TWU", and you are all concessions for jobs die-hards, then why not volunteer to return to your old payscales and stop the bleeding you have caused in the overall pay package increases even after the concessions?

Does that fall in line with your Tulsa is overmanned comment?
The TRUTH is the TRUTH.

I don't create the truth, I simply speak of it.

It is the TWU and those that only speak of what you want to hear that acutally create the truth, while claiming denial of it's existence.

If you could speak the truth, what would you really say about the TWU?
You surely do not want me to take your past comments and use them against you out of context?

Did you ever read the entire e-mail I wrote to Mr. Ken Neal?
Or just the TWU extracted and chopped up paragraph?
Some of you guys are way out there..... All I want is to be able to vote on LOA's and have recall rights over anyone who I pay to take care of my union buisness. Whats the easiest way??
I know..........I've already signed it. In fact I've been keeping one current since 1989.

See you guys down at the Local 12............

TWU Informer.....Keep rattling their cages.......I love it!!!!!

Here's to the twu..........
LOA's by membership approval only............NOT!!!!!!
TWU Informer.....Keep rattling their cages.......I love it!!!!!

mojo13 said:
TWU Informer.....Keep rattling their cages.......I love it!!!!!


Wish I had a nickel everytime I heard that from a twu rep!!!!!!

Out the Door in 04...........It's got to be!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many times does it have to be repeated, that the majority of the TWU was for stapling the former IAM mechanic and related to the bottom of the seniority list? At least those that are from Local 514. Why would former IAM members be so loyal to those who would have placed you in such a position?
Buck said:
How many times does it have to be repeated, that the majority of the TWU was for stapling the former IAM mechanic and related to the bottom of the seniority list? At least those that are from Local 514. Why would former IAM members be so loyal to those who would have placed you in such a position?
I agree with you on that issue. No argument. BUT...it was just as much you amfa supporters as it was twu followers. You both wanted us stapled to the bottom.

I know of only two people who have said otherwise.
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
mojo13 said:
TWU Informer.....Keep rattling their cages.......I love it!!!!!


Wish I had a nickel everytime I heard that from a twu rep!!!!!!

Out the Door in 04...........It's got to be!!!!!!!!!!!!
You funny guy...but looks aren't everything.
mojo13 said:
SO in your mind AMFA was on the property and in control before certification? That is NOT was expressed on other websites at the time of the election. And that is NOT what NMB documents, nor BK documents state.

Maybe not in control but they (organizers) were on the property influencing the outcome.
I have a wish list of things for the twu for many years, to date they have never been filled, I guess us AMFA guys just don't have much influence. 😛h34r:

Your argument is not only ridiculous but rather obsurd. Were you going to blame AMFA if AA went into BK. I voted NO, along with thousands others. CIO and yourself say we don't have that kind of support but yet the vote only passed by a few hundred votes. Was that AMFA saying vote NO or twu members saying it is time to fight and preserve what we once had?
mojo13 said:
SO in your mind AMFA was on the property and in control before certification? That is NOT was expressed on other websites at the time of the election. And that is NOT what NMB documents, nor BK documents state.

Maybe not in control but they (organizers) were on the property influencing the outcome.
I have a wish list of things for the twu for many years, to date they have never been filled, I guess us AMFA guys just don't have much influence. 😛h34r:

Your argument is not only ridiculous but rather obsurd. Were you going to blame AMFA if AA went into BK. I voted NO, along with thousands others. CIO and yourself say we don't have that kind of support but yet the vote only passed by a few hundred votes. Was that AMFA saying vote NO or twu members saying it is time to fight and preserve what we once had?
I believe I was refering to UAL, not AA. The only thing that is rediculous or obsurd is that there are people out there that would look to you for leadership. I'm convinced that you would lead us straight to the unemployment line. Go preach to your buddies. They are the only ones listening. :down:
So if the Local Presidents do what the members wanted them to do thats being a leader, unless of course thats not what the International wants them to do.

According to the International being a leader is doing "the hard thing" of what the International wants them to do.

So far it cost Rodriguez from RDU his leadership position. He was being the type of leader the International wanted.

The members removed him.

More will likely follow.

However Local 562s President stuck to his guns and was also removed, but not by the members who put him there, he was removed by the International. He insisted on doing what his members wanted.

The President, or leader of MCI was also removed, but once again, not by the members. I heard that a majority of MCI signed a petition calling for his reinstatement, yet he is still out.

So in two out of three cases its not the members who remove the leaders are they?
In 2 out of 3 cases the leaders were removed against the will of the members.

In one case the leader was removed because he did what the International wanted instead of the members.

So our odds of getting true represention are two against one with the TWU.
Still riding that ole horse Bob? Poor ole Bob, got cought with no integrity, his word is worthless, and now he wants us to feel sorry for him and his plight. Poor ole Bob, lost $800/mo. by shooting his mouth off, poor ole Bob, just doing what others tell him to, no backbone of his own, poor ole Bob.

I heard that a majority of MCI signed a petition calling for his reinstatement

Hey Bob, how would a guy go about legally getting re-instated to an office within the TWU, through a petition? Get real man, rules are in place for a reason, though you never thought so, unless of course you made them. And what else did ya hear Bob, like I really give a hoot, go have a burger and chill out biggun', keep your concerns to your local and leave mine alone.

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