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Gary Yingst Vote letter is incorrect.....go figure?

WeAAsles said:
I don't want the company to know how many people such as yourself that there are among our ranks. It would only go to prove how effective the company and there lobbyists have been in turning the sheep towards the cliff.
I am not in your "ranks". I left the airline business and started a new career. I got tired of the UNION giving away my life piece by piece. I was not going to leave my home just to chase the job. It was not worth it anymore.
I left American Airlines and gained pay, vacation time, holiday pay, great hours, and weekends off.  Just what cliff is it you think I walked off of?
I have a theory. I think deep down you know you are such a lousy worker that you could not retain employment without hiding behind your "big brother" UNION. Am I right?
I think the thought of no UNION scares you to death because you know without them you would be gone. You are incapable of standing on your own two feet. Just a theory.
The TWU is pushing you over that cliff one contract at a time.
Did you really walk away, or were you laid off?

If you did not leave prior to being laid off, were you one of those "lousy workers" that was hiding behind your union until they let you down?

Did you get a union negotiated payout when laid off?

What union benefit did you receive when laid off?

Did you get a government subsidy to get ahead and away from "the cliff"?
Force Majeure said:
Did you really walk away, or were you laid off?

Did you get a union payout when laid off?

What union benefit did you receive when laid off?

Did you get a government subsidy to get ahead and away from "the cliff"?
Are you asking me or WeAAsles?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I am not in your "ranks". I left the airline business and started a new career. I got tired of the UNION giving away my life piece by piece. I was not going to leave my home just to chase the job. It was not worth it anymore.
I left American Airlines and gained pay, vacation time, holiday pay, great hours, and weekends off.  Just what cliff is it you think I walked off of?
I have a theory. I think deep down you know you are such a lousy worker that you could not retain employment without hiding behind your "big brother" UNION. Am I right?
I think the thought of no UNION scares you to death because you know without them you would be gone. You are incapable of standing on your own two feet. Just a theory.
The TWU is pushing you over that cliff one contract at a time.
You are 100% correct in your assessment of me. Thank you for making me aware of my shortcomings. I shall aspire to change my direction in life.

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Are you asking me or WeAAsles?
I think he was asking you? Now go ahead, make sure you tell him that you were and are none of those things now.

You make sure to let him know that, YOU ARE A WINNER.
Force Majeure said:
Did you really walk away, or were you laid off?
I guess that depends on how you look at it. 
I knew if I wanted to stay at American Airlines I was going to have to move to keep my job. I had to sit down and consider if it was actually worth it to stay with pay and benefits in decline. I was on the fence for a while, then one day I overheard a fellow Fleet Service Clerk say "American Airlines is no longer a career, it is just a job..... they took too much". That knocked me off the proverbial fence. That was the day I made the decision to start school. 
I considered putting a transfer into electrical maintenance. That is where I wanted to go when I first started American Airlines, I have an electrical background, I do not know if I could have gotten that or not because after consideration I decided I did not want to start as a first day employee so I never even went as far as looking at the transfer list for that position or even if they were hiring for it. I could have put a transfer in for DFW. That is where a lot of people in my "window" of seniority went part time after they shut the shop down. My understanding is you can make a lot of money in DFW working part time because of CS's. 
I ended up starting school and then 6 months later asked my boss if he would release me from service 2 months early so that I could pursue my studies. He agreed and I was walked out the next day.
I made the decision I was going to quit 8 months before I did and 10 months before I actually had to. Would I have made the decision to leave if they were not shutting down my shop? Probably not. 
Make your own decision if I quit or got laid off. In the end it does not really matter. The fact is I started a new career and have accomplished already what it took years to achieve at American Airlines. All without the "benefit" of a UNION.
Yingst will never correct his misinformation.
He will misguide the Shop Stewards, the membership, or anyone else required to protect the TWU and his little ego building throne.
I agree. The TWU has always painted a doom and gloom picture during negotiations. The TWU leads Tulsa into believing in saving jobs through wage and benefit cuts. They also tell them the Line guys are your enemies. That is how the division has been maintained for years and years on end. The creation of the OSM, SRP, Junior Mechanic and now the newly created AMTO position. You kind of wonder at what point will the TWU followers wake up and make a decision on their own to finally see the light. Maybe this alliance thing will finally make or break the final straw.
TWU informer said:
Yingst will never correct his misinformation.
He will misguide the Shop Stewards, the membership, or anyone else required to protect the TWU and his little ego building throne.
So how/why does he keep getting a union position in Tulsa?   Incredible!
Rogallo said:
So how/why does he keep getting a union position in Tulsa?   Incredible!
The same could be said of J.Hewitt who is now a shop stew or half the EBoarders. Can't get rid of these people.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I guess that depends on how you look at it. 
I knew if I wanted to stay at American Airlines I was going to have to move to keep my job. I had to sit down and consider if it was actually worth it to stay with pay and benefits in decline. I was on the fence for a while, then one day I overheard a fellow Fleet Service Clerk say "American Airlines is no longer a career, it is just a job..... they took too much". That knocked me off the proverbial fence. That was the day I made the decision to start school. 
I considered putting a transfer into electrical maintenance. That is where I wanted to go when I first started American Airlines, I have an electrical background, I do not know if I could have gotten that or not because after consideration I decided I did not want to start as a first day employee so I never even went as far as looking at the transfer list for that position or even if they were hiring for it. I could have put a transfer in for DFW. That is where a lot of people in my "window" of seniority went part time after they shut the shop down. My understanding is you can make a lot of money in DFW working part time because of CS's. 
I ended up starting school and then 6 months later asked my boss if he would release me from service 2 months early so that I could pursue my studies. He agreed and I was walked out the next day.
I made the decision I was going to quit 8 months before I did and 10 months before I actually had to. Would I have made the decision to leave if they were not shutting down my shop? Probably not. 
Make your own decision if I quit or got laid off. In the end it does not really matter. The fact is I started a new career and have accomplished already what it took years to achieve at American Airlines. All without the "benefit" of a UNION.
LaLi you left on your own terms and walked away with your head held high.  I am glad for you that you are doing well now and really not surprised at all.  I remember when you posted about how there were only two Tulsa FSC allowed to transfer to plant maint and one was Sam Cirri and the other one was the chairwoman of Fleet Service.  Interestingly enough, I saw her today discussing something with the great Rick Mullings who lost his six figure international job and is now back to plant maint and 50% sick time and all the other lousy benefits he pushed on us with no intention of ever having to live with them.  I was wondering today if since he got booted from the international does he have to pick up the payments on his 2014 Ford pickup truck the TWU bought for him?  You are free of all of this stuff now and I know you are relieved.  I am happy for you.
BigMac said:
The same could be said of J.Hewitt who is now a shop stew or half the EBoarders. Can't get rid of these people.
Yes you can. 
Tulsa, You're Killin' us!
Rogallo said:
So how/why does he keep getting a union position in Tulsa?   Incredible!
Because the membership cannot vote him out of his position, that's why...
OldGuy@AA said:
LaLi you left on your own terms and walked away with your head held high.  I am glad for you that you are doing well now and really not surprised at all.  I remember when you posted about how there were only two Tulsa FSC allowed to transfer to plant maint and one was Sam Cirri and the other one was the chairwoman of Fleet Service.  Interestingly enough, I saw her today discussing something with the great Rick Mullings who lost his six figure international job and is now back to plant maint and 50% sick time and all the other lousy benefits he pushed on us with no intention of ever having to live with them.  I was wondering today if since he got booted from the international does he have to pick up the payments on his 2014 Ford pickup truck the TWU bought for him?  You are free of all of this stuff now and I know you are relieved.  I am happy for you.
Thank you.