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Team Twu Coming To Mci

My World said:
Bob, MCI does not have a cope committee set up yet and has not advertised much for the membership to get involved. All of that is going to change soon though because the committee is being set up and the push to get delegates to the democratic convention is on. This local is young and still evolving.
Change from within you say?? Check out twu Local 100 New Directions Group. They have their own website. Largest local in the twu. They of all people in the twu have the greatest chance for a democratic change from within the twu. They have not been able to get it done. I admire you for wanting to spend the rest of your career trying to make the twu a democratic union. It indeed would be nice to vote on LOA's, have recall rights for the people who aren't up to par and a constitution and by-laws that do not infringe upon the members rights. I wish you guys the best of luck. I myself took the easy road to democracy and signed my AMFA card. I encourage all others to do the same.
How long has the twu been around????
Do you think your small local is the one to bring change after all these years????
You haven't been in the twu long have you??????

Here's to the twu.............
The industries most DOCILE union........
Do you think your small local is the one to bring change after all these years????

It appears that Local 530 does......
If you want to help the TWU change from within then the best way you can do that is fill out an AMFA card.

The fact is that Sonny has the ATD in his pocket. Between Don V and Randy McDonald and most of the other Presidents there is very little dissent. Most are hoping for an International spot.

As I told the Local 100 EB back in September, although they do not want us to leave, perhaps its the best thing for all of us. Airline workers should belong to industrywide unions and our exodus will clear the way for Local 100 to take back the Union.

The fact is that Sonny is an isolated dictator who refuses to face his members. He stays locked away in his ivory tower looking down on the world from his luxurious corner office on Broadway. While Sonny has done a lousy job for the members he has been successful at concentrating power in himself. All that he cares about is keeping his power. He may retire as he has claimed but he has to insure that he gets to appoint someone to replace him who will not look too deep into what Sonny has done.

Local 530 change things? After what I saw I doubt it, they lack the courage.

That is a damn good point.

If we all leave, we gain control of our new union. And the Local 100 group gains control of theirs.


AMFA_NOW said:
I was there, you thought I was a TWU lackey but guess what mojo dude, many of us you think are followers are leading our craft forward with our vote. I'll shake your hand and smile in your face as a friend, but my card will read AMFA_NOW!!!
With the leadership (hahaha) you have at MCI do you think I should worry about your empty threats. You say that you will shake my hand and smile in my face as a friend (gulp, who could this be???) Yeah, I think I'll stay up all night and worry about it you sorry puke. :down: :down: :down:

I understand that Conners admitted that he never worked under AMFA or paid union dues to AMFA? And was in fact laid-off before took over.

I also hear that Kevin Hammack admitted there was never a direct vote of the membership regarding TWA seniority?

Did this happen or not?

Tell us again how the TWU support was overwhelming?
What Conners' said is that the membership was stupid enough to follow AMFA's advise and reject UAL's last contract offer while still with the IAM. The result? Bankruptcy, closing down of two overhaul bases and yes, the loss of his job. Good advise amfa!!!

Seniority vote? Kevin said that the members, TWU and AMFA supporters both, demanded that their Local Presidents vote to staple the TWA people to the bottom. It was the local presidents doing what their members demanded them to do. The TWU International and the IAM were not in favor of this and decided to take it to arbitration, thus we have the Kasher agreement.

As far as overwhelming TWU support? I guess you will find out when you lose the vote for representation!
mojo13 said:
What Conners' said is that the membership was stupid enough to follow AMFA's advise and reject UAL's last contract offer while still with the IAM. The result? Bankruptcy, closing down of two overhaul bases and yes, the loss of his job. Good advise amfa!!!

Seniority vote? Kevin said that the members, TWU and AMFA supporters both, demanded that their Local Presidents vote to staple the TWA people to the bottom. It was the local presidents doing what their members demanded them to do. The TWU International and the IAM were not in favor of this and decided to take it to arbitration, thus we have the Kasher agreement.

As far as overwhelming TWU support? I guess you will find out when you lose the vote for representation!
Yeah and your going to give us a copy of the AMFA National directive to vote down that UAL contract. It was probally the same directive that the membership gave regarding seniority, none. Keep on spinning MOJO, eventually you'll complete the circle and return to the intelligent human being that you once were. Wanna bet on your support during an election??????
mojo13 said:
Seniority vote? Kevin said that the members, TWU and AMFA supporters both, demanded that their Local Presidents vote to staple the TWA people to the bottom. It was the local presidents doing what their members demanded them to do. The TWU International and the IAM were not in favor of this and decided to take it to arbitration, thus we have the Kasher agreement.
He was surely NOT saying the UNION failed to do what the members demanded?

Say it ain't so!

Truth is the membership voted for the 2001 contract that included Allegeheny-Mowhawk Language. And that language is what gave you arbitration. Read the transcripts of that Arbitration and tell us again the TWU International WAS NOT ADVOCATING STAPLE you to the bottom. Do you find it strange, when we "pass" concessions it is our fault, when we voted for seniority arbitration, the TWU saved you? It's always the forked tongue that spews two different stories.

What makes you so sure AMFA will lose the vote?

SO in your mind AMFA was on the property and in control before certification? That is NOT was expressed on other websites at the time of the election. And that is NOT what NMB documents, nor BK documents state.
mojo13 said:
Seniority vote? Kevin said that the members, TWU and AMFA supporters both, demanded that their Local Presidents vote to staple the TWA people to the bottom. It was the local presidents doing what their members demanded them to do. The TWU International and the IAM were not in favor of this and decided to take it to arbitration, thus we have the Kasher agreement.

When I read the TWU position statement from the Kasher Award, I find that the document directly conflicts with Kevin Hammack claims.

The TWU and James C. Little in arbitation testimony were advocating 4/10/2001 for EACH OF YOU!

Don't you just hate it when someone lies and the documented facts can prove they lie?

Read for yourself:


And even more evidence that Kevin Hammack lied to the members at MCI

SO in your mind AMFA was on the property and in control before certification? That is NOT was expressed on other websites at the time of the election. And that is NOT what NMB documents, nor BK documents state.

Maybe not in control but they (organizers) were on the property influencing the outcome.
And the Seniority issue will always be a thorn in everyones side...especially ours.
mojo13 said:
And the Seniority issue will always be a thorn in everyones side...especially ours.

It appears that the "thorn" in our side is of a different animal.

Mr. Davis testified that bringing your pay up to ours cost AA $260 Million per year.

That is only $50 Million less than our group gave in concessions.

Maybe we paid in other ways, than the seniority issue. As in industry leading concessions, that we may never fully recover.

If you guys wish to remain "overwhelming TWU", and you are all concessions for jobs die-hards, then why not volunteer to return to your old payscales and stop the bleeding you have caused in the overall pay package increases even after the concessions?

I personally think you should have been dovetailed and the TWU should have negotiated our pension plan formulas for you and everyone would have ended up much happier in the end. Many of you could then afford to retire, and the headcount issue would not be so harsh because attrition would have been accelerated. Of course this was not even considered because the TWU heroes were all about screwing you instead of helping you out.

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