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ALPA/USAPA topic of the week

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USAPA News Flash

MARCH 14, 2008

ALPA MEC Meltdown Continues:

Union representation on the property has now disintegrated to a catastrophic level, leaving approximately half the US Airways pilots unrepresented and the MEC without critical Committee structure to serve the needs of the US Airways pilots.

Seven MEC Committee Chairman, eight MEC elected representatives, and many committee members have submitted their resignation and will no longer work inside the ALPA organization. Many of these pilots continue to find ways to better the US Airways pilot group.

USAPA, Built by US Airways Pilots, For US Airways Pilots
I appreciate USAPA's continued efforts to modify their story as the weather changes... we can't come to PHX- no time... wait, we can. Nope, sorry, we can't. Oh, we just found some time to take our circus act out west.
Here is a little advice, if you want to be taken seriously by all pilots, you need to visit all pilots and stick to your plans/ schedule. How many times has the west endured promises for a USAPA visit just to be disappointed later? Hopefully you guys will show up in Phoenix this time, as promised. At least you set a date this time...
There were no modifications. The schedule last month was not workable for the leadership. But since your descriptive of "circus act" only reaffirms my feelings as to your intent.

We are sticking to our plans and schedules. It's one thing to make an attempt, it's another altogether to actually schedule something. Unlike you, who has access to FPL and positive space travel, the USAPA leaders are not afforded that luxury.

Lets hope the flight schedule operates as published. I would hate to hear you spin that as some USAPA conspiracy to keep the west out of the loop somehow.
US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

Press Release

The RLA requires the company to maintain "laboratory conditions" until the vote is completed on April 17.

It is true that the west pilots have every right to open Section 6 negotiations, I doubt the company will be able to "find the time" to get to the bargaining table with them before April 18. Why would they risk an NMB violation and just drag this election process out even longer? Look for a letter from Hemenway to the west MEC saying, "Yes. We will meet you at the table as soon as we can for Section 6. Our schedule is full until April 18, though."

And, then on April 18th, the AWA MEC becomes a non-entity and a new dawn presents itself.
US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

Press Release
"It's long past time for management to make this merger right for the hard working pilots out West, whose contributions and sacrifices enabled the creation of the new US Airways."

Please...Please..Please Tell Us On The East What "Contributions and Sacrifices" Your group Has Endured? We REALLY Would like to Know! You Enjoying The Profit Share Check You Get Every year From The "Contributions and Sacrifices" We on the East Have Endured!! :down:
US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

Press Release

This confirms what we thought all along -- the America West pilots are a group of selfish, self-centered, ego-maniacal, self-serving slugs of society. All they care about is getting to fly the A330, as evident in the press release. From flying for a desert hopping, broke down, worthless airline to suddenly feeling entitled to fly transatlantic routes and take seniority from their "brothers and sisters" on the East. What a sick joke. The way that the HP pilots have handled this entire thing leaves a nasty smear on the entire aviation industry and certainly on anyone who truly respects and supports a labor union. Brothers and sisters, my a$$!! If you were truly brothers and sisters, you would have agreed to DOH integration. SICK, SICK, SICK.


BTW -- this is a feeble attempt that will mean absolutely nothing in a month or so. All this is doing is further alienating the HP group from their new union, USAPA.
"It's long past time for management to make this merger right for the hard working pilots out West, whose contributions and sacrifices enabled the creation of the new US Airways."

Please...Please..Please Tell Us On The East What "Contributions and Sacrifices" Your group Has Endured? We REALLY Would like to Know! You Enjoying The Profit Share Check You Get Every year From The "Contributions and Sacrifices" We on the East Have Endured!! :down:

If it wasn't for this merger you wouldn't have any profit to share! How big was your profit sharing check for 2005? 2004? 2003? etc, etc...
This confirms what we thought all along -- the America West pilots are a group of selfish, self-centered, ego-maniacal, self-serving slugs of society. All they care about is getting to fly the A330, as evident in the press release. From flying for a desert hopping, broke down, worthless airline to suddenly feeling entitled to fly transatlantic routes and take seniority from their "brothers and sisters" on the East. What a sick joke. The way that the HP pilots have handled this entire thing leaves a nasty smear on the entire aviation industry and certainly on anyone who truly respects and supports a labor union. Brothers and sisters, my a$$!! If you were truly brothers and sisters, you would have agreed to DOH integration. SICK, SICK, SICK.


BTW -- this is a feeble attempt that will mean absolutely nothing in a month or so. All this is doing is further alienating the HP group from their new union, USAPA.

Where does it say anything about flying transatlantic routes? These 330 negotiations are for out west flying. Besides I don't know of ANYONE out west who wants to commute across the country to do red-eye A330 flying. This is one self-serving slug who says "you can have it". And BTW, maybe if you were truly brothers and sisters you would've agreed to play by the rules.
This confirms what we thought all along -- the America West pilots are a group of selfish, self-centered, ego-maniacal, self-serving slugs of society. All they care about is getting to fly the A330, as evident in the press release. From flying for a desert hopping, broke down, worthless airline to suddenly feeling entitled to fly transatlantic routes and take seniority from their "brothers and sisters" on the East. What a sick joke. The way that the HP pilots have handled this entire thing leaves a nasty smear on the entire aviation industry and certainly on anyone who truly respects and supports a labor union. Brothers and sisters, my a$$!! If you were truly brothers and sisters, you would have agreed to DOH integration. SICK, SICK, SICK.


BTW -- this is a feeble attempt that will mean absolutely nothing in a month or so. All this is doing is further alienating the HP group from their new union, USAPA.
Are you kidding. go back to the galley were you belong you have no dog in this fight. remember 3 years ago you were on the verge on asking shoppers would you like paper or plastic.
This confirms what we thought all along -- the America West pilots are a group of selfish, self-centered, ego-maniacal, self-serving slugs of society. All they care about is getting to fly the A330, as evident in the press release. From flying for a desert hopping, broke down, worthless airline to suddenly feeling entitled to fly transatlantic routes and take seniority from their "brothers and sisters" on the East. What a sick joke. The way that the HP pilots have handled this entire thing leaves a nasty smear on the entire aviation industry and certainly on anyone who truly respects and supports a labor union. Brothers and sisters, my a$$!! If you were truly brothers and sisters, you would have agreed to DOH integration. SICK, SICK, SICK.


BTW -- this is a feeble attempt that will mean absolutely nothing in a month or so. All this is doing is further alienating the HP group from their new union, USAPA.
Hey CTOM -
You might want to try at least researching a little history before you go foaming all over your keyboard. The Section 6 process has been available to the west the entire time - even since before the merger. We held off all of this time in hope of negotiating with the east. So far, that group has refused to negotiate, period. Not only that, but now, the east demands seperate negotiations with the company regarding the China flying. Once again the east refuses to include the west - they want it all.
The west pilot contract became amenable on January 1, 2007. We have been exceedingly patient with the east - until now.
So you tell me: exactly who is the "selfish, self-centered, ego-maniacal, self-serving slug" pilot group?
Well, Lil Darlin', it shore ain't the west.
p.s. - noticed any of those ALPA lanyards roaming around in PHL and CLT lately? Don't let your bloomers fall off when the votes are tallied.....
I'm not on either side of this and I recognize there is much tension between the groups.

But generally, recommencing section 6 is a good legal maneuver that should have happened a while ago to keep the company accountable and to further the path of negotiations. ALPA did this a little too late it seems.

Since the west already triggered section 6 a couple years ago, the section 6 became a part of your agreement [duration article] that ALPA was legally bound to enforce. The problem was that the west ALPA leaders chose to side with the INTL ALPA Bosses and recess these important talks in hopes of a joint contract. The proper path would have been to run both talks parallel instead of screwing around for 2 years recessing the section 6, which is the 'holy grail' in this industry. This played right into the company's hands.

At any rate, it's a good thing that the west ALPA leaders finally restarted these section 6 talks since it will force USAPA to enforce the west contract or the west pilots can file a DFR. That's what this is all about IMO since the company can not make any improvements to the west contract within the next 60 days since there is currently a representational dispute election taking place.

Remember, only the west can enforce section 6 and I would hope the east pilots would respect that and honor that since the east contract sez it doesn't have to cross picket lines [i am told]. In the end, section 6 would be beneficial to both east and west provided solidarity between the groups was actually possible.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Truly amazing. The west fires into our front yard and now your telling us (F/A's) to get back in the galley. When a west pilot advocates for separate contract neg with the company I would say you have welcomed us into your debate. I have been holding my tongue agreeing that we should sit this one out. I have heard the cases on both sides and have made my own decision. They are few pilots that I have spoken with to express my views on the matter. First we have our house in order and have followed the rules. It was the west that tried to change our by laws. Second when did a merger become a buy out of US Airways? While US Airways may have been heading down the road to a memory; we were merged with a company about to take the first steps down that road as well. I don't remember our CEO in front of congress asking for a hand out just days after 9-11. Change once again is heading down the road for the cabin crews ( like it or not we work in the same metal tube that you do). The outcome of the vote will impact what the F/A's will do themselves. As for the A-330 I believe the passengers loads coming out of Europe will save our bacon in the long run. A weak dollar and a wanderlust that propels Europeans to travel can only help our bottom line. I am sure the grandeur of tubing down the salt river is going to pack those PHX flights out of FRA or MUC. Who really wants to see a mouse or the beach when they have the dry heat of the sandbox calling to them. In closing fence of the west, work with the new union and stop the madness. Get you own house in order before you start stirring the other pot.
The problem was that the west ALPA leaders chose to side with the INTL ALPA Bosses and recess these important talks in hopes of a joint contract.
While it's easy to point fingers with 20/20 hindsight, I personally feel that one should judge decisions within the context of the circumstances when they were made. Recall that when that decision was made - a couple of months before the merger was officially comsumated upon BK exit - everyone was optimistic that things would go relatively smoothly - a joint contract would be negotiated, seniority issues would be settled to at least the grudging acceptance of both sides, etc. In that context, putting all the effort into getting a joint contract probably seemed like a good idea - I'm not sure anyone could have foreseen the mess that would exist 2-1/2 years later. But at least someone was smart enough to leave open the option of resuming West section 6 negotiations.

Truly amazing. The west fires into our front yard and now your telling us (F/A's) to get back in the galley. >>>snip<<< Get you own house in order before you start stirring the other pot.

Whew -

Now that's what I call a RANT.

Meanwhile us westies are going for payraises, baby!! Sorry you easties decided not to come along........ 😀
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