Here is another concern of mine. I am so sick of junior people with very little transatlantic experience being juniored into the CSD position! I remember when I was in PHL talking to reserves who would be forced to be the CSD and D on a trip while all the senior f/as worked in the back or where they would make the junior f/a be the CSD yet the senior f/as wouldn't help out and would be very mean or try to boss the CSD around and try to tell him/her what to do! How can someone deliver the best service that envoy pax deserve when f/as are being juniored into an unfamiliar position and don't know what to do and have little support from the crew? I sincerely believe Mike needs to implement a purser/CSD program where you have to go through special training and only those f/as can work envoy or be the purser. I'm sure someone will say that goes against seniority or will never work but trust me it is a problem and it isn't just happening to junior reserves I have seen it happen to blockholders are perhaps have 25 years whereas the rest have 40. It's not right! I have worked with flight attendants in the past who were CSDs who really should not have been because of how rude they are. I wish they would only let flight attendants with a good track record be in the program so they rude and bitter ones who just want the extra money or who are on a power trip can't be a CSD. I mean, imagine being a passenger and spending all that extra money for an envoy ticket and having to put up with a surly flight attendant who doesn't care. OK I know I am just dreaming.
Calgon, take me [and my run on sentence] away!