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AFA Labor Relations Thread 12/30-

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Absolutely positively agree!! Every other airline separates from there pilots and it seems to work just fine. We are the only airline who sticks with them and look at where we are. Its all in what we negotiate people .That's all. Change people,Change.

But etops1, as a FA, checking into a hotel and not having the First Officer or Captain sign in for you can be a very terrifying experience! :shock: I say we keep the me-too! I would be horrified being in an airport trying to find the crew van all by myself!!
But etops1, as a FA, checking into a hotel and not having the First Officer or Captain sign in for you can be a very terrifying experience! :shock: I say we keep the me-too! I would be horrified being in an airport trying to find the crew van all by myself!!

You have at least two other flight attendants working with you so you will not be alone.
You have at least two other flight attendants working with you so you will not be alone.

They were obviously making a joke, hello...

At US you could be flying with anything from just one other F/A to ten other F/As, btw.
But etops1, as a FA, checking into a hotel and not having the First Officer or Captain sign in for you can be a very terrifying experience! :shock: I say we keep the me-too! I would be horrified being in an airport trying to find the crew van all by myself!!

:mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff:

The canidates are out and about in CLT., making promises they cant keep. Please be careful what you buy,and look into the facts most important vote.


Now remember this MIKE THE MEC is controlling the contract negotiations and clt lec dosent have the votes to remove him or Carol Auston the negotiator.

they only way to fix our current problems is to call your lec and demand they recall him.

BTW has anyone seen the phl mec...........im just gonna say this you have to be a qualified f/a to be in a union posistion and there is no way the phl mec could pass the recurrent size preformance test.

so that leads me to think who is he in bed with?????

thats why nothing here gets done the mec keeps his job quite possibly for helping the phl lec keep his....

this is why we reserves have a awful contract.


The canidates are out and about in CLT., making promises they cant keep. Please be careful what you buy,and look into the facts most important vote.


Now remember this MIKE THE MEC is controlling the contract negotiations and clt lec dosent have the votes to remove him or Carol Auston the negotiator.

they only way to fix our current problems is to call your lec and demand they recall him.

BTW has anyone seen the phl mec...........im just gonna say this you have to be a qualified f/a to be in a union posistion and there is no way the phl mec could pass the recurrent size preformance test.

so that leads me to think who is he in bed with?????

thats why nothing here gets done the mec keeps his job quite possibly for helping the phl lec keep his....

this is why we reserves have a awful contract.


The comment about the Phl Mec Was NOT called for!! If you have a problem with his weight confront him in person and NOT on this forum!! Thats Cheeky!!
The comment about the Phl Mec Was NOT called for!! If you have a problem with his weight confront him in person and NOT on this forum!! Thats Cheeky!!

the problem is not with his weight, its with his ability to qualify as a f/a. he CAN NOT pass the size preformance part of recurrent.

the bigger issue is why?

could the mec be protecting him for the phl vote?

could the company be protecting him to keep the mec in place for negotiations?

i think so.........if he were on the line he would not be flying PERIOD.
I don't think airportman is trying to cut the PHL president down at all. What he's doing is stating a FACT about not being able to actually "FLY". If it were you or I on the line.....well you wouldn't be flying. I believe there is an element of truth to the speculation as to why the situation is the way it is.
S.U.'s email regarding why we need to KEEP the "Me Too" Clause is drawing alot of controversey. MF sent out a response to her saying she is grandstanding and making serious assumptions to her view. This begs me to once again give my points of view. First off, I am a seasoned veteran of 28 years as a F/A. I am more than ready to get rid of the MT for many reasons. First and formost, I want change. The only way to get change is by radically defyning our contract with new and improved language. Some of the senior f/a's I have worked with think I am crazy to feel the way I do. But you see, staying with the pilots and their cause will only bring more of the same.

Getting rid of the me to Will

1 Get us a substantial raise
2 Give us improved duty rigs (negotiated my company and union)
3 More vacation time
4 Finally - Pref-Bid which will allow us to bid our sked 2 wks in advance rather than 2 months
5 Sick time payout at 100 percent
6 Hourly pay for training rather than a set ammount
7 A COB that has been completely re-written, (no more side letters, a set of definitions agreed to by both parties so there is no mis-understanding)
8 A new reserve system

Not giving up the me to will:


More of the same.

Bottom line is this. Seperating the pilots does many things, most of which is change. As f/a's we would need to know what our legalities are and abide by them. This makes a union stronger not weaker... Having the pilot group decide our own destiny is just plane wrong. And face it, Our contract is no due up until the end of next year, the pilots are no closer to merging their problems than they where yrs. ago. If we do nothing, we will be stuck in the same rut we are in 5 to 7 years from now. Do you want that, I think not...

Remember this... Your contract is negotiable... Meaning that improvements can take place as needed. Allowing the pilot group to negotiate your future takes YOU out of the picture. Are you that lame that you can't stand on your own two feet and make decisions for yourself? Buck up people... Stand on your own... Don't allow others to make decisions you don't agree with and can do nothing about, for you...

Take a deep breath...

Look over the proposal when it comes...
Ask questions... Talk it over with your fellow employee's
and for gods sake... VOTE...

Whether you like it or not.... YOU have the voice...
And this time it is black or white...
Yes or No...

Just my opinion...
Stud Muffin,
Good Post however, we do not in fact know that we will definitely get a raise or more vacation time w/o the pilots. What we DO know is that if we get rid of the Me Too clause we then will have the freedom to negotiate each item separatly and say yay or nay to what we want/do not want.
Staying with the pilots has dragged us down in the past yet F/As want to hang on to a group who no longer benefits us. Years ago when the pilots had a good contract and it benefitted us then the Me Too was a good thing however that's no longer true. F/As are scared of letting go. It's sad they do not have the confidence in themselves to take the plunge, step away from this clause and if they don't like what's negotiated then just vote no.
Keeping the Me too clause is antiquated thinking and will only continue to hurt us when we have the ability to renogotiate away from the pilots and get something better.
Just my 2 cents........

AFA US Airways Council 41 E-Line
March 16, 2010
"Ill timed and ill conceived
US Airways to Displace DCA Flight Attendants

"Ill timed and ill conceived" is how one management official
referred to the announcement that 67 DCA flight attendants will
be displaced to PHL and CLT. With the information provided to
AFA, or lack there of, that is a gross understatement.

On Monday I participated in a conference call with Cindi Simone
(cindi.simone@usairways.com) and Paul Kinsey
(paul.kinsey@usairways.com) who informed me of their plan to
displace 67 flight attendants from DCA. When I asked for the
financial information to justify the displacement I was
continually stonewalled. Let me just say that in my dealings
with this management team in PHX I have found that not a single
decision is made without running it by the Finance Department.
The fact Ms. Simone and Mr. Kinsey did not have any of the
information available for the call and became increasing
defensive as to why the information was being asked for in the
first place highlighted the fact that this decision is "ill
timed and ill conceived".

On a subsequent conference call later in the day the information
I requested was still not provided. I was told earlier in the
day that CLT was 40 people short and PHL was 27 people short.
During the second conference call I was told by "crew planning"
that CLT was then 70 people short. This lack of information and
changing data only highlighted the fact that "crew planning" has
no idea what they are doing, in my opinion. To date I still have
not received a correct answer.

As well I asked if there was a plan in place if/when the
transfer of the Delta slot transaction is approved. This could
have a significant impact in DCA. Ms Simone told me that "we do
not have a plan in place". I also asked questions about the cost
to train these 67 flight attendants, to date no answer. The cost
of "moving days", to date no answer. I firmly believe that not
only all 67 of these flight attendants but every flight
attendant currently working for US Airways are entitled to these
and many more answers. These are 67 lives, not just a number on
a spreadsheet! You deserve better than "I don't know".

During the conference call, Ms. Simone stated that the Company
did everything possible to avoid these displacements. The only
thing the Company did was to open the May transfers up for a
second round of bidding. That is hardly doing everything they
can do. Displacements should be executed after all other avenues
have been exhausted.

We will continue to push for the justification of this poor
decision. The economic impact will be devastating for all
involved. The Company made the decision to close BOS and LGA and
move the majority of the block hours to PHL and CLT creating
this problem. You deserve better than "I don't know".

One important thing to note is that you can transfer at this
time to either PHL or CLT regardless of the number of openings
as long as there is at least one flight attendant junior to you.
In fact all 67 displaced flight attendants could choose PHL if
one flight attendant is junior to the entire group




Stud Muffin,
Good Post however, we do not in fact know that we will definitely get a raise or more vacation time w/o the pilots. What we DO know is that if we get rid of the Me Too clause we then will have the freedom to negotiate each item separatly and say yay or nay to what we want/do not want.
Staying with the pilots has dragged us down in the past yet F/As want to hang on to a group who no longer benefits us. Years ago when the pilots had a good contract and it benefitted us then the Me Too was a good thing however that's no longer true. F/As are scared of letting go. It's sad they do not have the confidence in themselves to take the plunge, step away from this clause and if they don't like what's negotiated then just vote no.
Keeping the Me too clause is antiquated thinking and will only continue to hurt us when we have the ability to renogotiate away from the pilots and get something better.
Just my 2 cents........

Agreed. The worst part is letting go ... Its time to move on. My goodness, our Catcrew system is from the 80's! Can we finally grow up?

Right now, we are NOT getting pay raises to split from pilots. We are getting the same regurtitated system, just the verbiage is different. I will vote NO!
the problem is not with his weight, its with his ability to qualify as a f/a. he CAN NOT pass the size preformance part of recurrent.

the bigger issue is why?

could the mec be protecting him for the phl vote?

could the company be protecting him to keep the mec in place for negotiations?

i think so.........if he were on the line he would not be flying PERIOD.

Have you lost your mind?

I don't even know the man, but you assertions are absurd.

For your information...he does go through recurrent just like everyone else. He passed.
The training dept. doesn't let anyone get past them. No one gets a pass!!! The FAA is there...all the time. They live there.

You might want to rethink your assumptions.
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