S.U.'s email regarding why we need to KEEP the "Me Too" Clause is drawing alot of controversey. MF sent out a response to her saying she is grandstanding and making serious assumptions to her view. This begs me to once again give my points of view. First off, I am a seasoned veteran of 28 years as a F/A. I am more than ready to get rid of the MT for many reasons. First and formost, I want change. The only way to get change is by radically defyning our contract with new and improved language. Some of the senior f/a's I have worked with think I am crazy to feel the way I do. But you see, staying with the pilots and their cause will only bring more of the same.
Getting rid of the me to Will
1 Get us a substantial raise
2 Give us improved duty rigs (negotiated my company and union)
3 More vacation time
4 Finally - Pref-Bid which will allow us to bid our sked 2 wks in advance rather than 2 months
5 Sick time payout at 100 percent
6 Hourly pay for training rather than a set ammount
7 A COB that has been completely re-written, (no more side letters, a set of definitions agreed to by both parties so there is no mis-understanding)
8 A new reserve system
Not giving up the me to will:
More of the same.
Bottom line is this. Seperating the pilots does many things, most of which is change. As f/a's we would need to know what our legalities are and abide by them. This makes a union stronger not weaker... Having the pilot group decide our own destiny is just plane wrong. And face it, Our contract is no due up until the end of next year, the pilots are no closer to merging their problems than they where yrs. ago. If we do nothing, we will be stuck in the same rut we are in 5 to 7 years from now. Do you want that, I think not...
Remember this... Your contract is negotiable... Meaning that improvements can take place as needed. Allowing the pilot group to negotiate your future takes YOU out of the picture. Are you that lame that you can't stand on your own two feet and make decisions for yourself? Buck up people... Stand on your own... Don't allow others to make decisions you don't agree with and can do nothing about, for you...
Take a deep breath...
Look over the proposal when it comes...
Ask questions... Talk it over with your fellow employee's
and for gods sake... VOTE...
Whether you like it or not.... YOU have the voice...
And this time it is black or white...
Yes or No...
Just my opinion...