I have a reply for you also. How do you know substantial raises aren't in the offering? The M-T clause is a valuable bargining tool to use in these negotiations, that is why the company is more than willing to put up the "Show me the Money". Also these "Jerks" you so eloquently described them as have, like I said been totally re-writing the contract. Word for Word. And please bear in mind, the company is in no obligation to negotiate. It is not our negotiators that are dragging their feet, it is the company. However, major strides have already taken place and will be welcome to what we lost previously.
Secondly, What makes you think the company won't negotiate better rigs for us? Seperating us from the pilot group and all of their rules and regs frees them up to negotiate a proper set of duty rigs in tune with Pref Bidding... Something they couldn't have done, should we keep with the pilots...
As for Vacation, bring it on. I for one would love more vacation... If for nothing else... to get away from the airline... Stupid on my part... how do you figure... Do you think I should just say.... "Sure my vacation is fine... Don't give me any... I have plenty...." Yea right...
Ah yes, and to the meat of the matter... Pref Bid...
Do you like your present way of bidding? Do you like having to bid 2 months in advance? Do you like having to bid your vacation so far in advance that you can't make solid plans because your not sure if you will have a sked you can deal with for your vacation? If you answered yes then you are seeing only what we have presently... Pref Bid is a whole new ball game... Much more flexibility, and user friendly. It will allow you to sked yourself 2 wks in advance rather than 2 months... That my friends is a good thing not bad. Not being under the pilot umbrella will put F/A's in the position of being line holders rather than reserves.... Let's see more lines... Less reserves... What's not to like?....
Ah, I know....
Bright Ideas, are those that provoke a new way of looking at things... Not same-O-same-O...
FlyBy... I hope you take a long look at the NEW ways of possibly doing your job as opposed to what is comfortable to you...
Just my opinion...