....Oh. If you only knew, you'd actually pee in your pants laughing.
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Posted on: Apr 24 2005, 08:32 PM
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Member No.: 153
As far as the pilots are concerned. The USAir(ways) pilots are working for a pretty much dead company, and as such no longer have any realistic career expectations. They should be totally stapled below the HP pilots.
Yes, that means a 30 year USAir(ways) pilot should go below a HP New Hire hired the day before the merger.
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Posted on: Aug 2 2005, 07:29 AM
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QUOTE(L1011Ret @ Aug 1 2005, 05:49 PM)
Your opinion is near right on. Word has it that the evidence against ALPA is pretty strong.
Exactly. Plus since the discovery process began...oh..about 6 months ago or so, it has recently been discovered that ALPA shredded over 250 boxes of related TWA/AA merger material - long after the lawsuit started. This will be fun watching play out.
It is RICO related (ie: ALPA, APA and AMR playing footsie), but as other have pointed out - the Feds have to bring that case.
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Posted on: May 19 2004, 08:12 PM
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QUOTE(sentrido @ May 19 2004, 08:12 AM)
The thing thats annoying to me about his (320's) posts is that he writes about things like the infamous "painful clause" like he knows something we dont, but never explains what exactly the "painful clause" is.
The thing I like about 320 is he does tend to start a lot of topics, and this does keep the board going.
As a lurker I agree with your sentiment. And for the most part A320 is respectful and.. dare I say sometimes even outright "polite".
At the end of the session I find it is his posts I have read, and look forward to the next one the most.
Usually when I see a post by 700, or Kitty, Cav, Pit, et al, I know what's coming even before they clack the first key. Usually by reading the first word or two, I know I don't need to continue reading. A320 always keeps it interesting as well as "informative", and I'm thankful for his thick skin.
At any rate, I'll go back to lurking. Best of luck to the survivors of the UAir transformation. I hope you all make it successfully. It would set the airline world on it's ears.
nostradamus observation
You are another slimy lizard who never had a father. You are a hypocrite.
cockroach worked as a TWA pilot he complained about ALPA above, getting rid of evidence. He decided to change his principles of thought when it met his needs.
Your integrity is intact. Good man.