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AAA ALPA Thread 9/28 to 10/5

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Nos, BF, and who esle? Just the few Temper Children From the yEast... :shock:

4 years? 9? 19? Who cares, it's was a merger. Your elected reps took you thru this path, choose this road. These are the results. Now step up and be a MAN!

And EastUS, a typical example of eating your own??? Shame on YOU!

QUOTE(Jetz @ Oct 1 2007, 11:51 PM)
Yes sir, but please don't judge me as I have traveled the same road from which you came. If your boots are as worn as mine you will understand.

Awww...po' widdle baby. You're 'bout fixin' ta' break my fragile widdle heart here. Make whatever submissive, and fully "It's all a'bout ME jess lahk Momma said" choices you want,.....don't expect the tiniest bit of Respect for doing so though. you've my fullest contempt, and I'd rather offer you the back of my hand than shake yours.

"If your boots are as worn as mine you will understand." Well sir...mine have at least the same mileage, and have trod on far worse surfaces than a family farm...so get lost with your whining.

If you feel any need for "absolution" via the support from such as yourself....try your shaving mirror Mr Arnold...and good luck with that.

PS: If merely the last five years at this place have led to you to total "mental anguish/exhaustion"...you truly have led a sheltered life, and perhaps feel more comfortable just thinking like a slave....which may feel "safe" to you.
Nos, BF, and who esle? Just the few Temper Children From the yEast... :shock:

4 years? 9? 19? Who cares, it's was a merger. Your elected reps took you thru this path, choose this road. These are the results. Now step up and be a MAN!

And EastUS, a typical example of eating your own??? Shame on YOU!

QUOTE(Jetz @ Oct 1 2007, 11:51 PM)
Yes sir, but please don't judge me as I have traveled the same road from which you came. If your boots are as worn as mine you will understand.

"4 years? 9? 19? Who cares," = Anyone with a brain larger, and hopefully more functional than that of common lice.

"b]And EastUS, a typical example of eating your own??? Shame on YOU![/b]" Hardly one of my "own"...I've little time for self obsessed weasels of any background....said types of brought about this sad issue in the first place, and the vast majority of the evils committed throughout history. Spare me the "shame", as I've none to offer for my views and principles....check your mirrors out there.

As for a typically adolescent AWA barb: "Now step up and be a MAN!" What's your terms/wager/rules of engagement punk?...or is the "rat" part of your tag the truly telling issue? Oh...I see..what you're really mouthing off about's just more self-serving: "Waaah!!...I want my St Nic presents NOW!"??
Anyone with an IQ north of 80 knows that the job you hold is more important than the number of years it took you to get that job.

Cry of the East - "Whaah.......I want to steal your job cause I don't like mine".
Anyone with an IQ north of 80 knows that the job you hold is more important than the number of years it took you to get that job.

Cry of the East - "Whaaaa.......I want to steal your job cause I don't like mine".

Your first premise is both inane and frankly absurd. This mess isn't related to how long it took anyone to gain any job, but rather how long they've practiced it. Your astonigishingly brilliant "IQ north of 80" observation utterly eliminates even the most rudimentary notions of 'seniority", as any who hold "the job" should seemingly then all be exactly equal in your model. I'll have to presume that you would be fine offering up whatever you do to the lowest/last hired/etc on anyone's "list" immediately then. After all?...they have "the job" and, by your "logic"...you should have zero preferential treatment/schedules/anything...right? I'm striving mightilly to not overwork the "IQ" bit you laid out here.....sigh....you do make that difficult.

I don't want to steal anyone's job, nor does St Nic particularly affect me. Nice try though, and a fine apparent projection of your own "It's all about ME!!!" thinking. Enough such souls so ready for compromise and defeat can make a difference. I'm sure that the French still bristle with pride from 1940. Sorry....insults from ferrets fret me none 😉
I dumb this down some more so maybe you can get it.

Seniority is you position relative to your peers, not your length of service.

If you were the bottom reserve First Officer on the USAir East list for 5 years are you anymore senior in year five than year one?
Seems that ALPA is getting a little fed up with the East MEC's antics. Prater has sent a "stern letter" to the East chairman outlining a number of actions that the East MEC must take at a special MEC meeting to be called "no later than" Oct 8.

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For some historical context of what Prater's letter means:

Prelude to Surrender
On April 3, Richmond fell to Union troops as Robert E. Lee led his Army of Northern Virginia in retreat to the West pursued by Grant and the Army of the Potomac. A running battle ensued as each Army moved farther to the West in an effort to out flank, or prevent being out flanked by the enemy. Finally, on April 7, General Grant initiated a series of dispatches leading to a meeting between the two commanders.

"General R.E. Lee, Commanding C.S.A.:
5 P.M., April 7th, 1865.
The results of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army known as the Army of Northern Virginia.
U.S. Grant, Lieutenant-General"

The note was carried through the Confederate lines and Lee promptly responded:

"April 7th, 1865.
General: I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender.
R.E. Lee, General."

Grant received Lee's message after midnight and replied early in the morning giving his terms for surrender:

"April 8th, 1865.
General R.E. Lee, Commanding C.S.A.:
Your note of last evening in reply to mine of the same date, asking the conditions on which I will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, is just received. In reply I would say that, peace being my great desire, there is but one condition I would insist upon,--namely, that the men and officers surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or will designate officers to meet any officers you may name for the same purpose, at any point agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia will be received.
U.S. Grant, Lieutenant-General"

The fighting continued and as Lee retreated further to the West he replied to Grant's message:

You can find the rest here: http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/appomatx.htm
I'm curious to know if Garland has anything to say about the letter from Prater?

I wonder if his actions and that of the rest of the MEC might lead to trusteeship...

Seems to me Prater is "concerned" about USAPA. He's not very bright. All these letters do is confirm what we already know: ALPA is useless, bloated, myopic organization that pays its secretaries 100K (more than the first officers at its member carriers) and also fattens the pockets of Prater who makes 450K for being ALPA's Chief Dunce. Sorry, it's time to put cement shoes on ALPO and throw them overboard. Good riddance!

Seems to me Prater is "concerned" about USAPA. He's not very bright. All these letters do is confirm what we already know: ALPA is useless, bloated, myopic organization that pays its secretaries 100K (more than the first officers at its member carriers) and also fattens the pockets of Prater who makes 450K for being ALPA's Chief Dunce. Sorry, it's time to put cement shoes on ALPO and throw them overboard. Good riddance!


I'm pretty certain you will see an election. Question is will the easties come through for you guys. I know, I know. You've never in your 1 million years of flying seen so much unity. Well I still believe that when it come down to it your bretheren will vote as they always have. With themselves in mind. Or to be fair with their families in mind. Not one spouse or child really gives a crap about your politics or your fight for your idea of justice. That does not pay the bills. Just look at Traderjake or Jetz. They may disagree with the results but at least they are honest enough to say what the others won't... So at the end of the day I believe you will see ALPA as our bargaining agent.
I guess ALPA national sent old Jack the "letter" today. Calls on the East MEC to call a special meeting on OCT 8, and forces them to get back into the JNC talks also for the US MEC to rally against USAPA. Now it's gettin gooood.
Tiger, don't forget Jetz said he had not decided yet. I too am based in CLT and would grab ALPA by the back belt buckle and pick it up and throw it off of the propety so fast your head would spin.
Tiger, don't forget Jetz said he had not decided yet. I too am based in CLT and would grab ALPA by the back belt buckle and pick it up and throw it off of the propety so fast your head would spin.

True. Jetz did say that. But it still lends itself to my point. And that is your illusion of unity will most likely crumble when the results from the election come in. Now if I am wrong then I promise to loudly proclaim usapa as the new bargaining agent... Fair?
True. Jetz did say that. But it still lends itself to my point. And that is your illusion of unity will most likely crumble when the results from the election come in. Now if I am wrong then I promise to loudly proclaim usapa as the new bargaining agent... Fair?

Sending in a card is not the same as sending in a vote for USAPA.
If the roosters around here think one card = one vote they are about as stupid as the C41 stooges.

There may be a vote if Chip has peddled and mailed in enough cards, but in the end USAPA will fail miserably. They probably will not get even one third of the east vote.

BTW, I look forward to flying with Chip!
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