AWA320 said: "Hahaha you're killing me!! You ain't gonna impose jack on us!! I suggest you ready yourself for EAL, CAL part two. No one in the west will pay dues, no one in the west will support your efforts in fact I can assure you that the west will do the exact opposite of all you do."
USA320Pilot comments: Unnion members are required to pay dues and assesments and if they do not they are placed in bad standing. However, the company is still required to withhold a portion of your dues, which will be forwarded to USAPA. And, if a pilot does not pay their remaining dues then USAPA can request the company begin termination proceedings, which the company is required to do.
Bullcrap!! You go ahead and attempt an agency shop and see how willing the company is to terminate 1900 pilots wasting your time on this pilot bro, I know the rules and again not one AWA pilot will contribute!! Good luck with that threat though!!
Therefore, do not pay your USAPA dues and get fired, which I'm sure is o.k. with the majority of East pilots. By the way, will you take Prechillill, Junebug, and Luvn737s with you? I believe Virgin America and JetBlue are accepting applications.
Again you will never ever get this company to conform to an agency shop attempt with that many pilots not paying period so your threats are hollow brother!! BTW you will be way to busy dealing with the law suits that will bankrupt your little faction within a year and without any vote from the west on a new contract, its LOA 93 pay till the last day!!!
As I said, the last Wilson Poll has shown that the majority of West pilots would take a small raise for giving the east up to a 6-year fence, a new seniority integration, and widebody (current and replacement) freezes. After that when DOH furlough protection and future merger protections are incorporated into a joint contract and then the parties can negotiate the rest of the joint contract beginning on September 24. Otherwise, the West pilots will likely feel union "imposition" if there is not a compromise.
Really, well I saw the real wilson poll results, YOU DID NOT!! save your lies partner the real wilson poll showed that you east pilot group was broken in to 4 groups with the two largest stating "get us a new contract". If you gonna lie, don't do it with someone who see the real results...
I found it interesting that both ALPA and the Company have clearly shown their USAPA fear with their recent letters, especially ALPA's begging the East pilots to not decertify. Don't you agree that if USAPA ws not a threat there would be no need for both the Company and ALAP to write letters, two days before the EC meeting with the two MEC's?
I didn't see the companies letter but I fully expect ALPA to. You see you and your USAPA mantra are misleading once again the east pilot group into thinking that they will be able to walk away from the award and collective agreement. You further mislead the east pilot group into thinking that the transition agreement is just null and void but that too is a lie and will ensure that the east will live under LOA 93 for years to come all while this new shop you set up is being sued into the ground. End result?? The east pilot groups loses more money while stuck to a BK contract LOA 93.
By the way, today US Airways East (not West) had another Furlough Indoc class with about 70 pilots scheduled to attend. Everybody knows that not all 70 will report, but CLT Training personel will report to USAPA who attended and who resigned. This will permit USAPA to verify the exact authorization count validty for these 70 pilots, and, with just one more Furlough Indoc scheduled in early October, then USAPA will know the exact number of cards necessary to force an election and then the NMB Form 1 can be filed.
Really, so are you stating here that training personel is givinig out to Bradford and company confidential information?? I will fwd this statement of yours to the company and demand that who ever is giving out such info to NON entitled personel be terminated. Thanks bro.
I can't wait to see "Just the Facts III"...
Me too at least it won't be the lies and mis information that USAPA puts out!!!