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US Airways ALPA MEC Cairman's Message - June 26, 2007

It's called "Enlightened Self Interest" and I make no apologies. I've explained my motivations on here ad nauseum and I'm not doing it again.

I have never advocated contacting the DOT on the China application I asked a question.

Right now to be very honest I don't give a rat's rear end about FF perks.

It's way above that. I've have REAL concerns that this airline is going to have a tragedy. IMO US hasn't earned the right to even apply for a China route.

I'm not so sure I'd listen too much to HP_FA. He/she sounds like a "cat's paw" to me. Just my opinion.

If it's safety you're worried about, don't be. We may not be looking pretty but we're sound. Believe me...I'd be the first to send up the signal flare. As well as every mechanic in the system. Yes, we have labor issues but that is put aside when we are working/flying. We slam the door shut with our personal, and or labor issues when we step on the aircraft.

The East operation is far more experienced with mergers than AWA. We know how it's done. Been there..done that.
They are babies where this concerned. It's just a damned shame that after 2 years they are just now trying to set up employee Focus groups to help them identify and resolve issues. This should have been done from the begining. You know it, I know it.

I'm sorry your travel on us/Us has been so bad and I do appreciate your support for us/Us also.

I hope I get to meet you some day.