Wrong pronoun. There is no "we" in this process and there never will be. The lists that were forwarded the very next day illustrate a past practice that should be happening today. I attribute the difference between then and now as function of a weak invividual who probably won't last much longer in his cush Herndon job. The upside to this exercise in frivolity is that ALPA can be joined as a co-defendant, along with Nic and both pilot neutrals. The longer this drags on though, the better. Another merger is inevitable and there won't be enough chairs for everybody at the next table. It's painfully clear over the last two years why AAA was a failing airline, on the verge of oblivion, and it wasn't because of the managements. Doug has no hope of fixing PHL any more than the previous suits. Much on the East is just unfixable, just like Jack's stupidity is unfixable. The PHL 22 thugs are unfixable. The outright disrespect shown by every East employee group towards West management is uncalled for and once again should remind the powerbrokers of who they are dealing with. There is but one solution, and only one solution, which is to synergize the problem away in the next merger. Doug is dealing people who clearly have reaped what they have sown over the years. If they want more, then karmic justice will surely dish it out to them.