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US Airways ALPA MEC Cairman's Message - June 26, 2007

The lawsuit now puts everything on hold, stops EC action, and allows the East pilots to continue to benefit from their attrtion. In addition, it maintains both the US Airways and AWA pilot's career expectations because each party keeps their current and pre-merger domicile flying while the case proceeds.

Also noteworthy, the suit stops the company's merger integration process.



It absolutely does not do any of that until the court issues injunctive relief to that effect.

Where do you come up with this stuff? If lawsuits against ALPA "stopped progress" you would still have a pension.

If you are going to try for fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), you at least have to sound slightly credible. Work on it.

5% of the membership. What percentage of dues? $$$$$?
I don't know. Do you? Please provide it.

It is in their interest to maximize happy participants (for which reason they were raised to National).
Depends on the costs of that "maximization."

As with any business, the general rule is that you keep your customers happy -- HOWEVER, at some point, certain customers are simply not worth it. Their demands may be so unreasonable or out of touch with reality that the expense of keeping them "happy" plus the amount of negativity they generate againt the business may outweigh the revenue they bring in. (We have a nice example of an LCC customer like that right here on USAviation, but I digress.)

Such appears to be the case with the East pilots, IMO.
Disrespect? I can't even get past Contempt to work my way up to Disrespect :down: :down: :down: :down:

I have more respect for the kid who mows my grass than I do for Tempe. See the kid shows up on time, completes his tasks in a timely and efficient manner at the aggreed upon price which is both fair and reasonable. Frankly Tempe can't lay claim to any of the above, Like it or Don't it's true. Sad but true.

But Christ on a bike, you still fly the airline don't you?

If I have a view of a company/product/individual that is that negative,it'll take an act of god to get me to use their product or services again.

You #### moan and complain, but you still pony up and still fly the airline.Despite your message board sermonizing,emails with Tempe and everything else.
It's VERY VERY Tough when PHL is your home airport. IF Continental ran the hub or came back to ACY, I'd be off Airways TODAY.

Bob, the following is not not intended to be a personal attack and I hope you can understand that.

You contend that the present LCC is a crappy airline. You like the front line folks, but despise management. However LCC does provide the most transportation (note I didn't say "service") from your airport of choice...Philadelphia.

You continue to want stuff from LCC that LCC has displayed no interest in providing you, yet you rant and rave incessently about it. Why don't you either start flying out of EWR? (I suspect the answer is because it is inconvienent.) Why don't you fly LUV? (I suspect that it is because you don't care for LUV's service, clientele and/or amenities.) Why are you trying to make LCC love you and care for you when you seemingly don't love yourself enough to drive a little farther or switch to another carrier (except only when LCC doesn't fly to your destinatrion).

FFocus is apparently doing some form of action that is encouraging folks to book away from LCC. Fine. That is doing something pro-active when they percieve that LCC isn't meeting, or meaningfully attempting to meet, their needs. You don't seem to be willing to really do what FFocus is espousing because, I suspect, you want the kind of service you want at the airport closest to you and seem to feel that LCC owes you that. Unfortunately, at the end of the proverbial day, they don't.
As usual, he wants others to actually do the heavy lifting and fight the hard battles for him.

He wants the employees to take action and threaten to strike to "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC.

He wants other frequent flyers to book away from LCC to "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC.

He wants to contact the DOL and protest LCC's China application to have the DOT "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC, no matter how disappointing that would be for LCC employees or other passengers that might want LCC to fly to China. (Hey, Bob rarely if ever goes to China, so why would he care about the impact of his actions?)

Anything except actually inconveniencing himself by having to drive a litte longer to EWR and paying a dollar or two in tolls, or having to change planes somewhere (because that would take a little extra time -- yet oddly, he will still deal with bing hourse late on LCC).

No, better to let "someone else" do the dirty work, and he'll just enjoy the fruits of their labor.

It's been his modus operandi for a while now.

Now stand by for a strange, incoherent off-topic response about "ambulance chasers."
As usual, he wants others to actually do the heavy lifting and fight the hard battles for him.

He wants the employees to take action and threaten to strike to "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC.

He wants other frequent flyers to book away from LCC to "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC.

He wants to contact the DOL and protest LCC's China application to have the DOT "send a message" to Tempe to make it more pleasant for HIM to keep on flying LCC, no matter how disappointing that would be for LCC employees or other passengers that might want LCC to fly to China. (Hey, Bob rarely if ever goes to China, so why would he care about the impact of his actions?)

Anything except actually inconveniencing himself by having to drive a litte longer to EWR and paying a dollar or two in tolls, or having to change planes somewhere (because that would take a little extra time -- yet oddly, he will still deal with bing hourse late on LCC).

No, better to let "someone else" do the dirty work, and he'll just enjoy the fruits of their labor.

It's been his modus operandi for a while now.

Now stand by for a strange, incoherent off-topic response about "ambulance chasers."

Well said.
It's called "Enlightened Self Interest" and I make no apologies. I've explained my motivations on here ad nauseum and I'm not doing it again.

How does "Enlightened Self Interest" square with your position in FFocus and you advocating folks change carriers?

It's way above that. I've have REAL concerns that this airline is going to have a tragedy. IMO US hasn't earned the right to even apply for a China route.

I don't know how you are defining "tragedy" as used in your sentence. If the "tragedy" is going out of business that's one thing. If you are using it in the context of an accident and you really believe that then you should not be booking on LCC at all.
OK, the answer was fair enough. But I suggest that if you really have ligitimate safety concerns that you should really book elsewhere. That is strictly common sense.

If your decision to fly on US in based on the posts of disgruntled employees then you truly are misinformed. The res-migration debacle has taken a few months to recover from, but for the most part our operation is just as reliable as any of our competitors with the exception of maybe two.

The old AWA prides itself in its accident free history, and I believe the new US Airways is the safest airline in the world. We have learned from past mistakes and both pilot groups continue to make safety their number one priority, regardless of their differences concerning the seniority list.

Please give us a try again in the near future, I'm sure you will see improvements as each month goes by.

I'm genuinely concerned of the safety of the aircraft and booking on US extends to the 14th of this month. After that I'm not sure.

As for FFOCUS, I suggezt you ask Art the above question as he is the official spokesman for FFOCUS, not me. YES, I'm one of 9 policy board members, some of whom are employees of US Airways, but I DO NOT speak for them in any official capacity. As long as you see Chuck Wepner as my avatar and not the FFOCUS logo it means the posts are my own and no one elses.

Personally I'm advocating that everyone do what is in their one best interests. I'm not advocating that people do anything other than to be vocal consumers. Write the DOT, whomever you need to, but don't sit quietly while you get crapped on by a company that places no value on the Customer or Employee at anytime.

Bear96 thinks we should all just up and leave. It's an idea not without merit. An idea that would frankly simplify my life considerably in some areas but complicate it in others. So for now status quo remains my best option, IF You don't take safety Concerns into account. SOoooooo then what am I gonna do? No earthly idea.

One thing I will say is I'm loyal to a fault when it comes to vendor relations.

If your decision to fly on US in based on the posts of disgruntled employees then you truly are misinformed. The res-migration debacle has taken a few months to recover from, but for the most part our operation is just as reliable as any of our competitors with the exception of maybe two.

Please give us a try again in the near future, I'm sure you will see improvements as each month goes by.
Callsign Cactus cure
I have a carefulfree e attitude tonight and I jsut dn't gvei a danm if I make a miscake.

At least you caught the error...maybe there is hope

Drinking while flying, driving or posting is not a good idea. You should have known this with you past observances.