But.... but.... but..... US Airways is offering you a better future! Or at least that's what I read in the press release from the unions last week...
The cold hard dispassionate fact of the matter is US Airways is offering you a better future. Many don't want to accept that statement as reality, but of the two options presently before you, which one is better? I understand that neither one is good, but of the two, which one is better?
The offers from US Airways are clearly superior for workers than what AA has made to you so far. It may not be all you want, it may have aspects to it that you dislike, but it's surely a better offer than what you have. You are in BK and the game changes and all of your old expectations of fairness will be shattered. I don't agree with it but I'm just stating what the circumstances are.
Don't interpret this as me beating the drum for Doug and pushing for the merger. I understand the roller coaster of emotions that the AA people are riding at this difficult time. My mind is not made up either for or against the merger idea. I have been through several mergers and they are not particularly enjoyable. When I look at this combination I see a lot of headaches and yet I do believe it will keep more AA and US people employed five years down the road than may happen otherwise.
Many people at AA seem to be looking down their nose at US Airways. I understand you are one of the proud legacy airlines, I respect your history, but I think many of the remarks are unfair. Many of the comments are cheap shots that no longer have much basis in reality but are easy to throw out there. Put aside your prejudices for a few moments and take a realistic look at all the options in front of you and make an intelligent assessment of the facts as opposed to an emotional one. US people are just like AA people, we come in and do the job, we #### and moan about management, we worry about the future, and we want a fair wage. We're more alike than not alike.
The AA workforce is fortunate to have a very unique situation present itself during your BK. None of the other airlines which made that trip through BK had an option to preserve jobs, and even come out with pay raises such as promised the FA's and pilots. It is unfortunate you are in BK and faced with losing jobs and cutbacks, but so far the changes I've read are not as severe as what other major airlines went through, and you have the added possibility of US saving some jobs.
When US filed, M&R took a 21% paycut right away, and another cut later on. Imagine your check reduced that drastically, and then another paycut on top of that, losing 3 weeks vacation, etc, etc, etc. BK is brutal and not fair.
As I have consistently stated in earlier posts, the severest cuts come from M&R and fleet. I don't like it, but historically it is the nature of this corporate beast. The unfortunate trend to MRO's and subcontracting the ramp at smaller stations is not going away. The prudent approach would be how do we go through this and survive with as many jobs intact as we can, because these changes are coming whether anyone wants them or not.
Good luck to all at AA and US.