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Flight Attendant Term Sheet

I don't think anyone with a straight face and half a brain could possibly think for a moment this company has any credible business plan much less a track record over the last 10-15 years that would prove that assumption to begin with. I agree that their one purpose is to go straight to court, the negation process, the unions and the employees be damed.

I have no doubt their was great joy and relief in centerport when this c-11 was announced, high fives all around. And perhaps as well a great number of posters here, not to point fingers, who are rather happy with the prospect of the contracts being thrown out. Sure they, the cheerleaders, realize there is blood in the water now and it's painful ...but many are under the delusion that somehow a service company can beat up it's frontline employees time and time again, pay them the lowest possible wage under rock bottom conditions and yet still expect a SUPERIOR product to be delivered by those very employees...

um...how does that work?

There are about a hundred competitors out there doing everything possible to steal away our business and have the ability to do that. I, at 34 years, fully expect this entire process to end badly for not only me as in no job, but for everyone else at this company. If things don't change quickly with the way the company is handling this entire process AA will not exist as we know it in 10-15 months. Their management team is exhibiting behavior that can only be seen as foolhardy, shortsighted and deadly.

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