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Unlike you, Bob, if I end up being wrong I'll readily admit it. However, I'll leave the crowing about being right until the facts are actually in place instead of counting those chickens before they hatch. How's that retro pay you promised after AA filed bankruptcy working out?

And Negotiations CONTINUE !
Show some proof to back up your claim that I promised anything Companyboy.

Bob, you must recognize that at the end of the day you and your membership have to work from the terms imposed by the courts. People like Jim, FWAAA, Eolesen, WorldTraveler and myself can weigh in but we will not be bound by those terms of employment. Do as you please but it really doesn't serve you well to put Jim on the defensive and send him searching your post history to prove you've promised retroactive pay increases for the membership.

Bob, you must recognize that at the end of the day you and your membership have to work from the terms imposed by the courts.

That's just it, we dont and if they try I suspect that you won't be getting where you want to go.

As far as promises I'm sure Company Boy is looking. I don't make many promises. Lots of opinions, suggestions as to what path I believe we should take but few promises. I would never make promises over a process that I have little control over.
That's just it, we dont and if they try I suspect that you won't be getting where you want to go.

As far as promises I'm sure Company Boy is looking. I don't make many promises. Lots of opinions, suggestions as to what path I believe we should take but few promises. I would never make promises over a process that I have little control over.

Bob, who is company boy. Mr V.?? or 514's Mr. John Chairmunch?
Ok there are thousands that would fit into that category! Don;t spill the beans.

About hammering out a deal: Would be necessary to avoid any open language, just to stay out of that dang ol' rabbit hole. If there is open language or they say "we can work out the details later" then my response is a big nasty NO vote. With all the gazillions the co. spends on attourneys, you would think they know how to write something that we all can understand! And hey, with all the fees paid by the co. you would think they could afford a translator contract temp agency secretary. It should not be written iin legalese verbage, like notwithstanding Company Boy's rationale to the contrary, but written in plain talk language that even a 5th grader could understand. If most have to use their Acme Airways Super Decoder Ring or consult a legal dictionary to decifer a Letter of Memorandum, then that should be replaced with plain common sense english, just to make it simple for the country boys. Hee Haaw, pass the grits, Bubba.

The co. wants to nail us with measly insulting pay raises that don't even keep up with inflation, while the gov't keeps pringing so much money the presses are overheating. A nice cost of living allowance would be better than the few scraps of moldy cheese being thrown at us, while the Co. says they don't want to cut our pay; Ask the soon to be demoted AMT to OSM who will lose $22k per year. OUCH. Now that's a grand slam home-run big daddy pay cut. The mother of all pay cuts.

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