Found this part of the article very interesting:
"The only thing I have in front of me," he said, "is whether to reject a collective bargaining agreement. You're all still stuck with each other.
You still have to negotiate new agreements."
Even if Lane abrogated agreements with the pilots, flight attendants and transport workers,
American would, nonetheless, have to come up with consensual agreements with its unions.
"I urge -- and I cannot urge this any more strongly -- that the parties resolve this where need to resolve this. The negotiating table," said Lane.
"Regardless of what I do, you're going to have to do it anyway."
Mediation is due to start next week between American and the labor groups before another bankruptcy judge and Lane would like a resolution that does not require him to make a decision.
"I'll do it even if I'm reluctant to do it," he said.
I'll be honest, this sounds to me like AA would be compelled to negotiate a deal even if the judge rules in their favor and this goes totally against what we were being told leading up to the vote. If there is in fact a 6 yr term imposed, maybe the judge means
eventually, they will need to negotiate a new deal, well that could be 6 months or 6 years from now. I wish we could get more clarity on this issue, it has been beaten to death and we still don't know for sure.