There is a communication on 514's we site that explains what I just said.
The terms presented to the court will be used when the judge rejects AND they are worse than the LBO because the LBO Was put together AFTER the court proceeding began.
But you have to live with it till 2018, whereas if we reject it we continue to negotiate.
There are some improvements but not enough to make it worth accepting for the next six or more years.
The International deliberately dragged out negotiations by never putting forward any real effort for a release. Those of us who were pushing for it were rebuffed time and time again. The first time we agreed to ask the International told the mediator that we are asking to be released but we really dont want to be released. If the contract is abrogated I would expect the TWU to put maximum effort into getting a deal , including demanding a release if the company stonewalled because members would pay only as long as they felt like it. In other words they would really have to work for the members even if iot costs them their A-5 travel privileges.
We are at the bottom of the industry, if any group stands a chance of not getting their contract rejected its M&R, but we have to agree to freezing the pension, which is in there, retireee medical, in there but they are also grabbing our prefunding match-unacceptable, and allowing them to outsource at the same rates as other carriers, the new langauge allows more than other carriers, but in return we should get similar pay, not in there, similar benefits, holidays, vacation, sick time etc, not in there, and equity and a better 401k match.
Even if they do abrogate our deal we should not settle before the Pilots. After the company settles with the Pilots they may be more reasonable, they even admitted that our deal was "rediculously bad" but they would not enhance it because then all the other groups would want the same.
Remember this the International stands to lose more with an abrogation than we do and they do not have to live under it.