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West Pilots, Would you ever consider an AAADomicile?

Would you consider an East Domicile

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Understood...please try to get that after "All that Alpa's done for/mostly to us"...just dumping Alpa would bring a smile to many, many faces out here :up:
Funny thing is that I'm part of a class-action lawsuit (DFR) against ALPA on behalf of the former TWA pilots. I'm no cheerleader for ALPA, just somebody who's also been a Teamster and an Allied Pilot's Association (APA) member. It doesn't matter which union you choose; it all boils down to the pilots and their leadership. My point is that dumping ALPA for spite won't solve anything. I'm way too pragmatic to play childish games with my representation.
If you feel that Fences would be an "extorted concession"...you're clearly trying for a perssonal land grab,
What's even more funny is that you believe that. The arbitrator ruled and the new seniority list is OURS. How can it be a "land grab" to wish to keep what's already ours? You want us to give to you something that we own. That's selfish.
... and aren't the least bit interested in actually working out anything that's possible in the real world, as things actually are now.
We don't need to be interested unless you force us to. That's called extortion.
That's no way for an FO to address his senior officer.

We shall see. Respect is earned not stolen. When you do come east please run your mouth like you do now. You wont though because you will be the one with the deer in the head light look.
The arbitrator ruled and the new seniority list is OURS.

We don't need to be interested unless you force us to.

"...the new seniority list is OURS"!!!!

Ummm...let me know how it all works out for those of "OURS" at AWA whom, by your own hand, tacitly admit "own" the list?

"We don't need to be interested unless you force us to"

So be it then.
How do you know the 1988 hire has 7 years more flying experience? Maybe the 2005 hire was over 50 years old when... 2000 hours flying C141s around the world for the Air Force. Which would be more safe? .

I agree whole heartedly. The interesting point as per discussing this "award" is that I personally know people that have experience far in excess of the 2000 Hours heavy USAF airlift and/or significant fighter time, as well as many years of airline experience, that would be amongst those "stapled" below someone who had just set foot on AWA. They're less than pleased.
I agree whole heartedly. The interesting point as per discussing this "award" is that I personally know people that have experience far in excess of the 2000 Hours heavy USAF airlift and/or significant fighter time, as well as many years of airline experience, that would be amongst those "stapled" below someone who had just set foot on AWA. They're less than pleased.
So be it, but a year of hire is almost useless when it comes to measuring total aviation experience. I still think it is fair that a bottom reserve FO in either one of the old companies stays as a bottom reserve FO in the new company. You keep the same job you brought to this merger. I believe anything else would be a windfall.
My point is that dumping ALPA for spite won't solve anything.

Try finding one east US pilot who would dump ALPA for "spite". There are good, valid reasons to dump ALPA, none having anything to do with "spite".

You and your tit-suckers need to get over yourselves. Trying to cast those opposed to the "award" as children will not get you very far.
So be it, but a year of hire is almost useless when it comes to measuring total aviation experience.

Quit bogartin' that weed, man. Share a little.

You want a list based on total aviation experience? OK, base the list on total verified time. My 25,000+ hours to your, what? 1700 hours? How would you rate my combat time?
OK, let us give you one for one. Every one of my hours of being shot at by Migs, with emergencies you will never experience, is equivalent to an hour of you droning around a pattern with a student in a 172. Every hour instructing a foreign student in a jet, who, two years prior thought a spear was the height of technology versus you interpreting English from some Emory Riddle school where your biggest crisis was, do you have a clean sock to masterbate with.

Fine. Rank us by flight time. My pleasure. Perhaps our next union will consider that appropriate. I am on board.
<<Every one of my hours of being shot at by Migs...>>

How many HOURS were you shot at by Migs? Doubt you ever were shot at even once. No one on property flew combat in SEA (except perhaps a former Army Warrant who may still be less than 60, though none were shot at by Migs) and there were no valid Gulf 1 Mig shots other than a couple of out of range Hail Marys.

<<with emergencies you will never experience...>>

Probably because they never existed or you created them through a lack of systems knowledge.

I'm not affected by the merger and actually believe East got screwed, but I've never been able to stomache any pilot who would say any of the above.
It's always an option... Head back home for a small commute.

20+ years left on the left seat... I might take it...

Sorry guys but you gambled it All or Nothing!

Blame UR MEC/MC.

I did NOT do it!

Quit bogartin' that weed, man. Share a little.

You want a list based on total aviation experience? OK, base the list on total verified time. My 25,000+ hours to your, what? 1700 hours? How would you rate my combat time?

Fine. Rank us by flight time. My pleasure. Perhaps our next union will consider that appropriate. I am on board.

Hey Maverick,

How 'bout we rank by safety record. Since you returned from the Battle at Poon-tang ( I'll assume you were there, even though the math is a little fuzzy) the professionals at AAA have made more than their share of smoking holes in the ground. Us 1700-hour Cessna wonders have a perfect record.

If you want, I've got the number of that trucking school for you.

Try finding one east US pilot who would dump ALPA for "spite". There are good, valid reasons to dump ALPA, none having anything to do with "spite".
I carefully explained how dumping ALPA, even for "good, valid" reasons will not benefit you. That leaves only spite. Now in 1963 when the APA split off from ALPA they had good reason. But has it really benefitted them? The APA is every bit as disfunctional as ALPA. What they lack is the lobbying power of ALPA. Teamsters and the independants are equaly irrelevant in D.C.
You and your tit-suckers need to get over yourselves. Trying to cast those opposed to the "award" as children will not get you very far.
Ooh, you're a big man who can hurl a good insult. Now that I'm done crying I can tell you you have every right to disagree with the Award -- and that's just as irrelevent as us agreeing with most of it. What's wholly inappropriate (childish, selfish, whatever adjective you prefer) is your attempt to end-run around a process you already agreed to and/or to extort concessions from the AWA group. And then you sanctimoniously accuse US of poor behavior for daring not to agree with your attacks on Nicolau and ALPA policy.
Hey Maverick,

How 'bout we rank by safety record. Since you returned from the Battle at Poon-tang ( I'll assume you were there, even though the math is a little fuzzy) the professionals at AAA have made more than their share of smoking holes in the ground. Us 1700-hour Cessna wonders have a perfect record.

If you want, I've got the number of that trucking school for you.


I do not know the individual you are responding to...But: You've just "crossed the line" as per being a smart-mouthed punk.

You're History is a "little fuzzy", or you are intending to prove that you skipped out on math classes? Here's one for you:

1972/3 untill 2007 = How many years? Now assume that an individual was a "fresh meat" Lt at that time. Now; let's just "pretend" that there was a war going on with Migs being "an issue" then...especially for B52 crews, who suffered ugly losses. Following this so far sonny?..I realize that you probably weren't yet born then. Now; how long does it usually take to garner 25K flight time?

As for your "smoking holes" smartazzed BS...Know that I'd personally rather have a bag of sand in the right seat than someone with your "professional qualifications" and "Nothing can happen to me!!".."Im really GREAT!" BS attitude...which merely serves to demonstrate your total ignorance and inexperience.

You, very clearly, haven't seen squat by way of bad scenarios aloft. If you actually ARE a "Captain"...Lord help us.

Do tell all in a quarter of a century or so with an update on your glorious "career".
Quit bogartin' that weed, man. Share a little.

You want a list based on total aviation experience?
No. Not really. I prefer a list where pilots keep the same jobs with the same relative seniority they had when the merger was anounced.

BTW I can't wait to hear about the first time ussnark and CaptainZitface fly together. Just make sure my family is not on board.

"You stay classy San Diego..." -Ron Burgundy
You've just "crossed the line" as per being a smart-mouthed punk.

Really? I'm not the one who decided to start questioning another pilot group's professional qualifications (which, BTW were hardly, if at all, mentioned in neither the proceedings nor the award). If you start lobbying grenades, expect for them to be thrown back at you.

As far as flying with Maverick is concerned: even if he was a 21 year-old USAF Lieutenant (he doesn't sound smart enough to have been a Naval Aviator) in 1972, he'd be 55+ right now and staring retirement in the face......I don't think it's going to be an issue, unless I decide to bid down to A-330 FO (which of course is impossible, because of the fence)
Really? I'm not the one who decided to start questioning another pilot group's professional qualifications (which, BTW were hardly, if at all, mentioned in neither the proceedings nor the award). If you start lobbying grenades, expect for them to be thrown back at you.

As far as flying with Maverick is concerned: even if he was a 21 year-old USAF Lieutenant (he doesn't sound smart enough to have been a Naval Aviator) in 1972, he'd be 55+ right now and staring retirement in the face......I don't think it's going to be an issue, unless I decide to bid down to A-330 FO (which of course is impossible, because of the fence)

As for 55/facing retirement/etc: You'ld perhaps be surprised just how irritated we antiques can get over issues that may not directly effect us, but that we perceive to be utterly just "wrong".

As per USN vs USAF: I've high regard for Navy comrades in general. My late father, who was 30 years USN, advised me to go USAF via the following sage advice: "Catch a perfect Trap, and you're still faced with a shipload of ugly guys/no women/no cold beers/and certainly no golf course." I'll leave the "smart" evaluation up to you. :lol:

"...the professionals at AAA have made more than their share of smoking holes in the ground. Us 1700-hour Cessna wonders have a perfect record."

I'll stick with the "smart-mouthed punk" for now.

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