West pilots will you answer this?

Alright then stud you start the fire and I'll bring the marshmallows. Let's see how much fun we can have. You won't be bringing me down because life to me is more than just this job so i am ready.

Glad to see ya on board FO...
Remember though...If you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk...
Glad to see ya on board FO...
Remember though...If you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk...

You have to do the work yourself stud. I am not going to burn this place down. I am going to do the job they hired me for. My previous post just means that I am not going to cave in to you guys just to save my job. If you want to take this place down then it is all on your shoulders and I will have the good view.
I posted this as a reply to another topic, but got no answers, guess nobody saw it. Sorry to repeat, but curious.
Why do you guys feel the need to pour salt in the wounds?
I've been following these threads since the arbitration decision was announced. From what I saw, the West pilots were quiet for the first few days. It seemed like after a respectful time of silence, they simply got tired of reading the abuse and misinformation coming from the East pilots, and starting defending themselves and their position.
Why quit, when we can bring you down with us...
It's more fun that way...
Gee, and you wonder why we "pour salt" on your wounds.

You guys made your bed.

Get over it.

Oh ya, and as for bringing this place down, May 9th showed an improvement in operations over the previous day. Completion rate was at 99.4% and cancellations were down to 9.

Nice job tough guys. If you destroy the place any harder, we should see 100% and 0 by Sunday.
Karma has no tense, it's a circle.

But you were referring to negative karma, and that has already happened (a.k.a. "What goes around, comes around). Prospective karma is fine for AWA pilots. We sleep well at night and can look at ourselves in the mirror every morning. I have no conflict in instructing my kids that they must obey their parents and teachers, that they should not lie, and that they should accept the consequences for their actions. Karma is only a b!tch for those who can't understand the basic tenets that my five year old understands.
Sorry you took it negatively then. My six, eight, and ten year old know that positive will bring more positive.

And the reverse is true as well. It's a simple law. Best part is that I can tell my kids that Mom and Dad didn't write the rules. If they don't believe us, then they can find out the hard way, out in the real world. Whatever karma is going on in this situation, however, is probably due to a select few rather than the rest of the individuals. So much of "me me me" and feeding the juniors to the aligators in the misguided belief that nobility awaited at the end of the path. Turns out, they have reaped what they have sown. It's unfortunate because so many others are not that kind of people. They didn't have the time or the energy to reel the bad ones in; time with family is too scant and the paycheck is only going so far. Now they are paying for the selfish and self-righteous greed of a select few.
And therein lies the answer to your question Pi. The digs and insults started with the east pilots attacking and blaming the west pilots, which had absolutely no say in the decision.

lol, I heard on my last trip that no one will quit or die off just to piss off the Westies.
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And therein lies the answer to your question Pi. The digs and insults started with the east pilots attacking and blaming the west pilots, which had absolutely no say in the decision.

No CC, it doesn't answer the question. The question was does anyone from the West believe it would have been any different if the decision went the other way. Since several West pilots are on film complaining about it before the decision was made, I don't think it would.

There have been some pretty low class posts on here from both sides.

Still no answer from aquagreen.
the F/A's support and ditto that.

This feeling of hopelessness by US Airways workgroups reminds me of research by the psychologist, Martin Seligman. He placed a dog in a metal cage and then shocks were applied to the cage with no avenue of escape for the dog. A red light would appear with a horn blast before the shock was presented. Initially, the dog would attempt to escape the shocks. Eventually, the dog realized that all attempts were futile and he gave up. He just layed down and accepted the shocks. Then a section of cage was attached where there were no shocks. The dog could have easily stepped into this section by stepping over a small barrier. But the dog still layed there and took his shocks. He would just lay there and say, "I don't give a f$%^ anymore". Seligman named this theory "learned helplessness". Many of us feel like this poor old dog, East and West.
This feeling of hopelessness by US Airways workgroups reminds me of research by the psychologist, Martin Seligman. He placed a dog in a metal cage and then shocks were applied to the cage with no avenue of escape for the dog. A red light would appear with a horn blast before the shock was presented. Initially, the dog would attempt to escape the shocks. Eventually, the dog realized that all attempts were futile and he gave up. He just layed down and accepted the shocks. Then a section of cage was attached where there were no shocks. The dog could have easily stepped into this section by stepping over a small barrier. But the dog still layed there and took his shocks. He would just lay there and say, "I don't give a f$%^ anymore". Seligman named this theory "learned helplessness". Many of us feel like this poor old dog, East and West.
I understand the frustration but you are not a dog stuck in a cage. Break free from the chains that make you miserable here. Life is short, enjoy it while you can.
Ok, fair enough. If the East was awarded DOH I cannot deny my reaction to that would have been outrage, and yes I probably would have focused some of my anger toward the east pilots. Honestly though, I am almost positive most of my anger would have been directed toward my MC for not protecting my career expectations. With that said, I am not happy with the award either for reasons I have mentioned in other posts.

There were injustices on both sides of the award but neither group is going to convince the other of just exactly what they are.

I can engage in healthy intellectual debate or cage fight with wannabe pilot A320 at the 6th grade level.

No CC, it doesn't answer the question. The question was does anyone from the West believe it would have been any different if the decision went the other way. Since several West pilots are on film complaining about it before the decision was made, I don't think it would.

There have been some pretty low class posts on here from both sides.

Still no answer from aquagreen.

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