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An Open Letter from Capt. Prater to all AAA and AWA Pilots

Once again nostradamus comes back with a useless and intellectually absent response.

Still no answer though. How was that LGA meeting? (rumor has it your MEC guys and the vocal minority didn't really like what they had to say, and were afraid that the truth might get out to the "average" line pilot.)

Comments (facts) anyone??

Give it time 767 USA320 will be on here in a bit say how the "unified east pilots" told ALPA to kiss off and ran them out of town on rails!! The truth I'm sure will be much less dramatic :up:
So, how was the meeting at LGA?

Can anyone tell us all how the meeting in LGA went today? What's the big secret?...
(all I hear is crickets...)

Don't know how thigs went as I wasn't there. Why don't you simply develop some standard imaginary scenario for such, put your usal spin on it, and just post whatever you wish? It'd be every bit as much in touch with reality as was this one. It's news to me that the east MEC was up in arms about Prater's pitiful posturing...never hear word one about "don't go" or any such thing. I'm clearly not any Alpo/MEC fan though. You also make a typically grandiouse Alpo-centric assumption that many out east think that talking with Prater, or even giving him the time of day, is anything worth wasting time on.

"Once again nostradamus comes back with a useless and intellectually absent response"
Then you should certainly feel right at home with the conversational tones :lol:
What difference does it make what airline he flys for, we all pay dues to the same union Nos??????

Hypocrisy is the difference. Lets say that some of your members were flying drugs illegally. Do you not think that the rest of the pilot group should speak up about it? For instance, lets say that you had all your pilot management out flying drugs around illegally, is it not your responsibility to put a stop to it. You are the company you keep.
I find it interesting that the East MEC was so against ALPA National coming and actually talking to the line pilots face to face.

However did you come to the conclusion that the "East MEC was so against ALPA National coming and actually talking to the line pilots face to face"?

The PHL reps encouraged such an interface. There has been nothing written that I have seen that would support your very erroneous conclusion.

Perhaps your own reps are making things up, yet again?
How do you put a cute little message on each of your posts at the bottom? I did not find it in settings.
You're using a firehose to put out a BBQ pit fire!! Over kill Nos get rid of those who failed and lied to you not the process...

We'll have to accept that our ideas on "fixing things" are simply diametrically opposed. I see 'the process" itself as fatally flawed, and have no wish to maintain it's structure in any way.

Swapping out people won't change the things I see as seriously imbalanced and unworkable within the Alpa structure itself. By design; Alpa ceates a caste of rarely or even totally non-flying permanent "politicians"..and that's just woefully counterproductive to reasonable representation for line pilots...and that's merely the starting point for the "short version". I see a sufficiency of defects in the "union" that it would waste this entire page just starting on them.
My bad :lol: :lol: , I was looking at you request for signature and then moved to east's comments while still thinking of yours.
How does someone put a quote at the bottom of their post. I could not find the signature icon to click.
You're using a firehose to put out a BBQ pit fire!! Over kill Nos get rid of those who failed and lied to you not the process...

Get rid of the unity? I think not.

But I think there will be a recall coming your way in the near future. See how long your guys like watching the movement on the East. See how your guys like your payrates from contract what. AWA has always been the bottom of the barrel for contracts and getting rid of the tag is highly desired by your guys. How long will it take till they revolt and start the recalls?

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