Hawkhunter: Don't bother, I've met a few...and there are laws against child abuse. I now feel that this is a cultural, even generational divide of epic proportions. The vast majority of these guys seem to have hatched from commuter flying into what they perceive/fantasize to be some semblance of a stable/predictable/etc "real" airline, that finally pays them something for flying. For most: It's their first "Big League" experience. They're still seemingly at "that age" when it's all "new" and no/zip/zero vision of any long distance future's even possible for them. It seems that they're fully wrapped up in the fantasy that "We've just got to work on a contract now"..and pretty much have ZERO clue as to the sentiment out east as to that complete absurdity...much less the respective numbers ratio east-west. The communal assumption feeding said fantasy is that, at some level..we're "like them", and will roll over for a few bucks, or because the arbitrations' a "done deal" and all will then be well. From another thread, when it was noted that some mouthy moron spouting off about our "sense of entitlement" was...drumroll...A "Check Airman" who would "welcome you to his simulator"...well...It's apparent that these are largely people in their aviation infancy that still find check rides as something to be fearfull of. We'll never be on the same page here. This will have to take it's course in full.