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Pilots for quality contract

Please don't become another USA320Pilot.

My opinion on the subject:

The award does not comply with ALPA Merger Policy.
Captain Prater and the EVP's should not allow it to stand.

Don't you ever insult me like that again!!!!! 😀

Where does it not comply with merger policy?? Because it won't allow a land grab? Because it won't allow an unemployed pilot to leap frog line holding captains?? Where??

ALPA has no mechanism by which they can interfere with this award. Now they can stall but that too will wear thin in short order and cause a backbreaking lawsuit.

I strongly believe there will be no new joint pilot contract until the seniority integration problem is resolved.

The US Airways MEC will not agree to a TA and even if they did, I believe the majority of the East pilots would vote it down to prevent the Nicolau Award from being implemented.



Funny you should say this because I was just in Bos and spoke with a few east crews and got the opposite from them. I was told that the non radicals were getting pretty sick and tire of the radicals!! Looks like it's gonna get real interesting in your neck of the woods.
Here's what we're up against:

East Pilot: "I never thought we would lose this bad. Now that we have, we'll do ANYTHING to get it changed."

West Pilot: "I never thought we would win this big. Now that we have, we'll do ANYTHING to keep it.

A320 Driver B)
Winner: Management
East Pilot quote: Probably accurate

West Pilot quote: Not even close

Winner: Still management
If even a handful of pilots in the west thought that the east would have been willing to seek a compromise had the decision been reversed, you might be seeing a glimmer of hope for some sort of adjustment.

I think this Nicolau decision could be a watershed event for the east and cause them to lose their bullying reputation they have earned with every group with which they have worked. Perhaps this dose of long overdue medicine will help the east learn to be productive participants rather than oppressive dictatorial street bosses.

If they're the men they claim to be, they'll realize that the list is what it is, the time for consensual compromise has passed, and go forward and see how it all turns out. Their only alternative is to stew and sow vengeance and reap it's bitter harvest.

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