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An Open Letter from Capt. Prater to all AAA and AWA Pilots

However did you come to the conclusion that the "East MEC was so against ALPA National coming and actually talking to the line pilots face to face"?

There has been nothing written that I have seen that would support your very erroneous conclusion.

How about THIS:

US Airways ALPA LEC Council 135 (LGA) Update - August 18, 2007

Fellow LGA pilots:

It has come to our attention that ALPA National Officers and members of the Rice Committee are going to pursue a campaign to communicate directly with you. We only became aware that such a "communication" session was scheduled for LGA the same way you did, on very short notice via a mass distributed Fast Read e-m.

As a matter of protocol and common courtesy, you would think that those who contrived such a communication session might have contacted the local Reps for their input on the proceedings prior to scheduling the event. This however was not the case. This lack of decorum gives the appearance of ALPA National intentionally circumventing proper protocol in an attempt to address pilots directly without their Representatives present. It is the sort of contemptible and irresponsible activity management would engage in during contentious contract negotiations. While we would expect such disrespectful action by management personnel, we would not expect it nor will we tolerate it from the leadership of our Association.

As Representatives it is our duty to provide opportunities for communication that are both open and safe from public scrutiny. Apparently it is the intention of the President of the Association and others within the ALPA National structure to spend time talking to pilots in the food court in the LGA Terminal. The session scheduled by ALPA National focuses on internal ALPA matters, yet the National Communications dpartment and apparently ALPA National Officers believe that it is perfectly fine to conduct internal ALPA communications sessions openly in public.

We as your Reps cannot fathom a much worse situation than to have pilots in uniform engage the Officers of the Association, the EC or the Rice Committee in an open public forum, especially during these times when emotions are running so high. There is too much exposure for any pilot to saying something in an open public forum which might cause negative attention to be focused on them individually. Such an occurrence might well be viewed by management as "conduct unbecoming" while "representing the crporation" in uniform, and could lead to disciplinary action. We find the notion of conducting open public meetings to be ill conceived and naive on the part of those who conjured up the idea, and poentially "dangerous" for our pilots.

While we appreciate the fact that Captain Prater members of the EC and the Rice Committee have made themselves available for direct communication with you, we do not appreciate the fact that we were neither notified of the event, nor invited to participate in it. We also object to it being held in the food court and will do what we can to ensure that forum is not utilized during this session. We strongly believe that NO pilot should engage the ALPA National personnel in a public venue. It is our intention to escort Captain Prater down to the Crew room, and provide an opportunity for you to speak with him out of ear shot of the public. Please do no place yourself in a jeopardy situation by engaging anyone from ALPA National in eyesight or earshot of the public. Save that for the private forum we intend to provide, as nothing good will likely come for an open of such an exchange in a public setting.


Don & Sergio

Sounds to me like a bunch of MEC reps afraid that line pilots might actually have an intelligent conversation with Prater or one of the other ALPA National reps available at LGA, without the East MEC being able to control the forum, the topic, or the conversation. So they shuffled everyone into a private room where the East MEC could exert their peer pressure on the group. Then if any moderate and reasonable East pilot piped up with an independent thought, they could be squashed and silenced in short order for not toting the MEC's line. Heavens forbid if any East pilot were able to actually hear and consider and discuss the benefits they could enjoy through the JNC process, while avoiding the pitfalls of the East MEC's chosen course! :down:

FYI, this is exactly what the National reps were concerned with... that their ability to talk face to face and individually with line pilots would be compromised by the LGA MEC reps who are hell bent on controlling any message that reaches the pilots.

Now, back to my question... Anyone care to share what went on in that "private" room. It couldn't possibly have been anything the East MEC or guys like you or USA320pilot wanted to hear. Because if it was, one of you would surely be on this forum berating the West for "not following Prater's mandate" and other such nonsense.
How about THIS:
Sounds to me like a bunch of MEC reps afraid that line pilots might actually have an intelligent conversation with Prater or one of the other ALPA National reps available at LGA, without the East MEC being able to control the forum, the topic, or the conversation. So they shuffled everyone into a private room where the East MEC could exert their peer pressure on the group. Then if any moderate and reasonable East pilot piped up with an independent thought, they could be squashed and silenced in short order for not toting the MEC's line. Heavens forbid if any East pilot were able to actually hear and consider and discuss the benefits they could enjoy through the JNC process, while avoiding the pitfalls of the East MEC's chosen course! :down:

FYI, this is exactly what the National reps were concerned with... that their ability to talk face to face and individually with line pilots would be compromised by the LGA MEC reps who are hell bent on controlling any message that reaches the pilots.

Now, back to my question... Anyone care to share what went on in that "private" room. It couldn't possibly have been anything the East MEC or guys like you or USA320pilot wanted to hear. Because if it was, one of you would surely be on this forum berating the West for "not following Prater's mandate" and other such nonsense.
I think you should stop a Usairways pilot and ask them their opinion when you are out on the line. Not an AWA pilot, but Usiairways. Please come back with your results.

Meanwhile I am going to bed right now and my dream will be that you stopped me and said I am a UAL pilot and pontificated as you do on this board. Britney would have the night off in my dreams, with you I would be in a all male prison and you entered my cell after many lonely years and I would introduce you to my friend bubba.
Is Prater and the other ALPA National types discussing ALPA stuff at the food court in LGA fundementally different from all of the pilots discussing ALPA stuff on a public message board?
Is Prater and the other ALPA National types discussing ALPA stuff at the food court in LGA fundementally different from all of the pilots discussing ALPA stuff on a public message board?
No, fundamentally it is all bull ####.
767jetz hypocrisy. This gentleman is on this board criticizing Usairways pilots and admonishing them for their behavior as pilots. I have a link here from one of his fellow United pilots on how they handle union matters.

767jetz united pilots idea of good union tactics

Ahh, there you go, quoting your scab buddies again. I guess you guys are gunning to join there ranks anyway. :shock: :lol:
How about THIS:
Sounds to me like a bunch of MEC reps afraid that line pilots might actually have an intelligent conversation with Prater or one of the other ALPA National

That has it's own built in "safe guards" = How would it be even possible to "have an intelligent conversation with Prater or one of the other ALPA National" ? :lol:

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