What are you doin' there boo boo? You tryin' to show everyone what a tough guy you are?
That "all flaps and no throttle" line is really cool. Are you a cool pilot?
What are you doin' there boo boo? You tryin' to show everyone what a tough guy you are?
That "all flaps and no throttle" line is really cool. Are you a cool pilot?
The solution was there - mediation/arbitration by a Federal Mediator as agreed to by BOTH sides (arbitration at the insistance of the east BTW). Now, for some reason, binding arbitration doesn't count.I don't know folks but to borrow a phrase from Texas it seems like we have a lot of posters who are:
All Hat & No Cattle
Interestingly they seem to come from East and West.
They ONLY reason I am sticking my nose into this is that it has gone on long enough. You guys are supposed to be the educated ones, The polite Professional with good communication and diplomacy skills and yet I see the worst case of "Ramp Mouth" (it's a close cousin to Potty Mouth) on pilot related threads.
These solutions are challenging I agree, However the solutions are there and if 5,000 or so people who who are bright enough and skilled enough to fly jets around the USA and some parts of the globe can't figure this out, Lord help you.
If you guys don't get pull your head out of your arse, somebody is going to do it for you and my best guess is NOBODY is gonna like the outcome.
Lets see Bottomfeeder,
ALPA crossed the picket line at NWA and UAL.
And you all made a secret deal to cross the IAM picket line at US and every pilot got paid regardless if he/she flew or not. All the DC9, MD80, F28, and F100s were grounded and yet you could not run to cross the picket line fast enough.
ALPA pilots cleaned planes during the 30 day cooling off period and during the six days we were on strike.
Are you the pot or the kettle?
And apparently PFAA, TWU and ALPA all crossed the picket lines at NWA and you do not know the history between AMFA and the IAM, the IAM would never support AFMA.
Guess you dont know how to read a CBA also, the IAM Ramp Contract contained the language that the Ramp can perform airstarts and ancillary duties and when the 30 day count was up, NWA imposed new terms on AMFA and deleted the work from their CBA.
Don't let the facts get in your way!
Come back with something new when you can.
Ya, LOL. That's cool too.
The work was removed from the AMFA/NW CBA and the language was all ready in the IAM ramp CBA to perform ancillary duties as they been performing that work at numerous stations before the strike.
Answer ONE question please.
At NWA the AMFA went on strike. Was the struck work performed by the IAM? Yes or No
Let me re-phrase that. Potential windfall. If you have no desire to go west, you got no windfall. If a senior west guy has no desire to fly Int'l, he got no windfall. The Nic award left all vacancies in PHX open to anyone, so if a hundred or so very senior west coast commuters decide they want PHX, no west F/Os get to upgrade in their base, and the guy that was bidding number 1 is now not number 1. I think we both know a very senior AB capt. in PHL that lives in SAN. He had no chance of being based out west without this merger. This award was a windfall to him. We can't just look at their potential windfall and ignore ours. I really can't understand why the west guys aren't willing to talk and avoid this. I guess it is the junior guys that really did get a windfall, like AWA320, that are running the show.
I realize the damage Nic does in any future merger. Trust me, I'm in the seniority range to really get hosed, I just don't see it completely being thrown out. In a perfect world maybe our leaders would say "Hey, this thing bit us all in he rear. Let's throw out all the old terms and come up with something we can all live with." I just don't see that happening.
p.s. Their is no reason to be a smart A##. I don't think I need to look up windfall.
So, how was the meeting at LGA?
I find it interesting that the East MEC was so against ALPA National coming and actually talking to the line pilots face to face. Seems like they are afraid that they might loose control of the message and propaganda they are trying to hold such a tight grip on.
If they are so unified, then what is there to be afraid of? Wouldn't it send a strong message to Prater if the US line pilots met with him face to face and told him where to shove it? Or could it be that the East MEC is scared that the truth might get out? That their "show of solidarity" is a thinly veiled attempt to control what people see and hear, and that they and their supporters are actually the vocal minority???
Can anyone tell us all how the meeting in LGA went today? What's the big secret?...
(all I hear is crickets...)
767jetz is a United Pilot. Here is what his own pilot group thinks of ALPA.
Click here for some United Airlines pilots thoughts about ALPA
Uhhh, NO!
this a lawsuit brought by SCABS. The union arranged a sell of union members stock prior to BK exit. No one knew if they would get more or less than the value of the shares after exit. they were lucky enough to get more. The point is that the union negotiated for stock and gave the worthless POS scabs just as much as union members got. Now they are mad that the union negotiated with someone OTHER THAN THE COMPANY a sale of some of those shares on behalf of UNION MEMBERS. I don't understand how the union has a responsibility to do non-contract work for SCABS. I guess we have to give them the union plus credit card also.... 🙄
Get your facts straight (for once)
Once again nostradamus comes back with a useless and intellectually absent response.767jetz is a United Pilot. Here is what his own pilot group thinks of ALPA.
So, how was the meeting at LGA?
I find it interesting that the East MEC was so against ALPA National coming and actually talking to the line pilots face to face. Seems like they are afraid that they might loose control of the message and propaganda they are trying to hold such a tight grip on.
If they are so unified, then what is there to be afraid of? Wouldn't it send a strong message to Prater if the US line pilots met with him face to face and told him where to shove it? Or could it be that the East MEC is scared that the truth might get out? That their "show of solidarity" is a thinly veiled attempt to control what people see and hear, and that they and their supporters are actually the vocal minority???
Can anyone tell us all how the meeting in LGA went today? What's the big secret?...
(all I hear is crickets...)