Take this to heart from a 30 year guy who's been through a few mergers, bankruptcies, pension loss, in house union bloodlettings, threatened liquidations, being "saved" by you guys, BA, GE Capital, Bronner, Wolf, and others.
You are in for a rude awakening.
In my 30 years I've NEVER seen this group more unified or pissed off than now. I can assure you, regardless of your opinions or legal pontificating, this seniority list will not stand, one way or another, if this company is to be merged.
I'm not opining here. I'm stating a fact. Not one pilot on the East side is going to allow this nonsense.
Regardless of where he sits on the seniority list.
Regardless of what ALPA policy is.
And regardless of what Parker may or may not do.
Ain't gonna happen boys. If you think it is you just don't understand seniority and what it means.
Hopefully some cool heads will prevail but if not there are going to be ramifications that will spell the end of this airline.
And I'm tellin you fellas this isn't a threat. This is going to happen.