My questions is this.....
The company did not advocate the seniority issue, the union did. The company did not come up with this solution, an arbitrator did. Why would your frustrations with your UNION and the ARBITRATOR be taken out on your fellow employees and our customers (ie, working by the book, etc)? Is there a way for you to channel your frustrations to the appropriate entity?
Although the pilot seniority issue is the hot topic
du jour, I would suggest that the other employees from Parker on down should be much more concerned about the operation as a whole.
The "suits" should come out from the shelter of the Sandcastle and ride around on the East system for a couple of days.
Hang around the gates at DCA and PHL and see how utterly frustrated the understaffed, overworked agents are with your new-and-improved Heathkit reservation system; and how that frustration manifests itself in the agents being curt with the paying customers.
Ask the US Shuttle agents how many big corporate accounts have been lost recently because a long-time customer can't show up an hour earlier than his or her reserved flight and just jump on the earlier one, because the 286 processor at the gate won't allow it. Ask how the Shuttle loads have been. Then go fly a leg on the Delta Shuttle, and take the time to look up from the free newspaper or magazine that carrier provides its best customers, and observe how much better the service is.
And, by all means, spend a weekend in the PHL ramp tower, and watch just how the East operation runs with "military precision".
If the East pilots
were to decide to slow down, it would hardly be noticed. Most delays -- and most customer complaints -- are created by circumstances well out of the pilots' hands.
What the pilot seniority/contract situation
will do is give Tempe another means of deflecting blame for their continued, gross incompetence when the summer meltdown
really hits.
All Parker has to do is tell one of his lap-dog reporters that the pilots are slowing down or calling in sick, and the clueless, irresponsible media will take it and run with it.
After all, "Pilot Sickout" makes a much better headline than "Management Incompetent"