This statement represents everything that's wrong with ALPA.
I can not fathom why some people on this board have it in for the wholey owned pilots.
What is it going to cost any mainline pilot to allow a wholey owned pilot to flow into an EMB190 position?
As long as you buy into the idea that the wholey owned pilots are not part of US Airways. Management will always have the upper hand.
Yes, The US Airways MEC represents only the interests of the US Airways pilots and of course "the wholey owned pilots are not US Air."
Whatever. Just don't be giving me any of that ALPA brother crap.
The next time you wonder what happened to that good airline job with a pension and benefits you aspired to. Look in the mirror.
Hmmm, where to start...
1. I stated the fact that Bebe, and any other US Airways MEC Officer's only
duty is to the pilots he/she represents, as a counter statement to the assertion that they have some sort of legal responsibility to further/or protect the interests of the subsidiary pilots. That is dead wrong.
2. It does not mean that they are out to "get you", but it does mean that in most cases they will look at anything to do with your pilot groups, with a "what's in it for me" filter...
3. Some people on this board are quite upset at at the actions (and inactions) of a small number of Wholly Owned pilots (and they know who they are), that does not mean that we are upset at all of them.
But one thing is for sure, we DONT want to hear some junior PSA pilot crying about how screwed he/she is because a handful of furloughed mainline pilots turned his super-fast upgrade into only a fast upgrade. <_<
4. If you want a better perspective on how you are viewed by mainline pilots, the best example is how you view the other Wholly Owned. You might be part of the same overall organization, but you are not in the same company. Otherwise you would gain when they gain, and lose when they lose. You would share common goals, and reap common benefits.
You talk the brotherhood talk, but do you walk the walk...?
Do you think the PDT pilots are thrilled that PSA got all the jets, and they have shrunk...? Do you think that the PSA pilots would be happy to see the PDT pilots get 50 new DHC-8/Q400's, if it meant that PSA would have to park all of their 50 seat RJ fleet...?
5. Face it, it does not
cost a mainline pilot anything to have a wholly owned pilot flow into the right seat of the E-190. Take my word for it, that they were very welcoming to us when we joined them in the E-170's cockpit, and when they saw that we were not willing to screw them when offfered the first Republic positions, we then stuck together and fought for one another right up to this very day.
But in many of the mainline pilot's opinion's (mine included), there is nothing to gain from having the wholly owned pilots flow up into the E-190 either.
Take a look back at this thread and you might see the reason why. Do you think that the active pilots have not noticed what has happened to those of us that were furloughed...?
Heard the comments about furloughed "scabs" taking JFJ jobs from your pilots...
Talked about how it seems that the wholly owneds are super cool with flowing up, but when the prospect of having to displace for, or allow a new JFJ positon to go to the former wholly owned pilots recently furloughed from the E-170 ----> That all we got (and still get) was static... :down:
Well, it makes us realize that the mainline pilots have gotten better treatment from the Affiliate Carriers than from the wholly owneds. Guess who wants a newhire job, vs. who is "demanding" a flow through...?
5. The next time you wonder what happened to that flow through you aspired to. Look in the mirror.
rico you sure do use the term IMHO alot could it be because you dont speak the true facts, only your OPPINION.
No, it is because I am not a lawyer, and I am only offering an opinion on an internet chat board.
That does not mean that I am wrong, it just means that I do not feel like opening myself up to become liable for stating anything other than my opinion.
I suggest you do the same.