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West F/A's wants a seperate contract ?

Separate contracts are not an option. Section 6 negotiations are not an option. Our MEC has stated this. We will have a single contract - who knows when, but that's the way it is.

East won, West lost and will always lose when it comes to the contract.


We WILL loose if we sit back and implode!!

We will win ONLY if we stop the senseless bull that is built around fear and division and send a strong message to management that we have ALL...and I repeat ALL sacrificed and it's time to take the best of both plus 5%. PERIOD!!

The only thing we have "won" is the namesake.

You have decided to be a victim before a contract has even been settled. Get off the pity pot and FIGHT, N903AW!!!

We WILL loose if we sit back and implode!!

We will win ONLY if we stop the senseless bull that is built around fear and division and send a strong message to management that we have ALL...and I repeat ALL sacrificed and it's time to take the best of both plus 5%. PERIOD!!

The only thing we have "won" is the namesake.

You have decided to be a victim before a contract has even been settled. Get off the pity pot and FIGHT, N903AW!!!

That's true. We haven't even seen the contract yet. Never give up hope. I am hoping for a better contract! Anything is better than we have now. I'd say, take the best of both contracts and get rid of the bad ones. I'm staying positive.
That's true. We haven't even seen the contract yet. Never give up hope. I am hoping for a better contract! Anything is better than we have now. I'd say, take the best of both contracts and get rid of the bad ones. I'm staying positive.

That's it!! WE as ONE have the power!! Divided, we are weak!
Hate to say "I told you so", but...

When the east AFA jammed DOH down the throats of west, without for a moment considering a compromise that would have mitigated the negative consequences of the merger, they made their own bed. With eyes wide open, they chose to screw the west and now they want to embrace in unity. A little foresight would have prevented this potential civil war. I only hope the east begins to learn from this mistake and remember that they may someday need the people they spit on today.
Hate to say "I told you so", but...

When the east AFA jammed DOH down the throats of west, without for a moment considering a compromise that would have mitigated the negative consequences of the merger, they made their own bed. With eyes wide open, they chose to screw the west and now they want to embrace in unity. A little foresight would have prevented this potential civil war. I only hope the east begins to learn from this mistake and remember that they may someday need the people they spit on today.

Hum..let's see..jammed?? Screwed?? Spit upon?? Please provide your proof!! Both AFA West and East had their say at the national AFA. Guess what, lightbulb, with a 9-1 vote, any change in the DOH policy was shot down.

Next lie?

Somewhere in the good ole US of A, Jerry Glass and Doug Parker are toasting with the finest of champaign!!!

After reading all the division and anger...some my own...I now conclude that they have WON!!

Not for nothing, but Jerry Glass has made a living dividing labor groups and DP hired that worm to do the same thing. We on the East know the DIVIDE AND CONQUER tactic VERY well. Glass and Parker now see a weak link in the f/a's. They know that many on the East are too whipped to care and many on the West will believe the fears and threats. BINGO!!...No unity and management wins!

I have been angered at some of the West because of the lies and missinformation here and the opinion that the West should stoop to the East lower level. PLEASE...PLEASE...someone quote where someone the East sincerely stated (and not in a fit I anger like I am guilty of) that they can't wait to take over the flying of the west and all the LIES that have been stated about East wanting it their way.

In the last few months, every change I have seen has gone the way of the West. I could care less. Change is always inevitable so it's no big deal.

Westies, I am in support of a singe contract that takes the BEST of BOTH contracts. SCREW cost neutreal!! Who is feeding the West the croc that you guys should give a damnn thing?? Who?? Please help me undestand because as it stands we are negotiating ONE contract and we have the ability to perform ONE CHAOS if negotiations fail. We are not in Ch. 11, so threats will NOT work..AND oil continues to fall so that excuse is now GONE!! BUH BYE!! I will vote NO on ANY contract that takes a dime from the Westies!!! PERIOD!!

I had a AA f/a on a flight the other day and I got the displeasure of seeing their contract. Their pay topped out is $50 an hour!! Yes, boys and girls..FIVE ZERO!!! Anything flown over 75 hrs is paid at $58 dollars an hour!! They are paid 100% DH and guess what? AA is making money and they still have a pension.

So if anyone here thinks a seperate contract will do anything good for the new US Airways, I have a piece of land in the Everglades that will perk.

I want to go on the record in saying I am sorry for any remarks that have come out of anger or missunderstanding. I realize here that it is VITAL that we stick together and FIGHT for a single contract. A HOUSE DIVIDED WILL FALL!!! We MUST start a campaign between East and West showing our UNITY!! Do any of you on the West REALLY believe we want you to adopt one bit of our crappy contract?? If that is the case, then you need to come over to visit us because you must REALLy have a low opinion of the East f/a's.

One thing I have learned about union leaders. They are all egotistical boobs that do not have the welfare of its membership in mind, but their own self promotion. That is true of both East AND West MEC Pres. Of COURSE, they will look to discredit the other side. They have alot to loose. Teddy on the East was the only TRUE leader we had and the jealous wannabees like the jerk East MEC Pres ousted here. IT's ALL POLITICS!!


Who's with me?
With you more than you know. All US FAs, East and West, should be *sick* to their stomachs. Where is the outrage? Are FA's afraid? Are they complacent? Are they not paying attention? We will have much more bargaining power if we stick together as ONE! Our pay, vacation, and benefits are disgustingly substandard (be it east or west..). Let us maintain professionalism, but let's never lose sight of the fact that cost neutral is a BIG LOSS for both sides. I picketed on the East in 2000, preparing for CHAOS, out there every day at 530am. Let's make them realize that we are serious as a group, together, east and west, rather than barking about a single contract. Pick your battles.......
Hate to say "I told you so", but...

When the east AFA jammed DOH down the throats of west, without for a moment considering a compromise that would have mitigated the negative consequences of the merger, they made their own bed. With eyes wide open, they chose to screw the west and now they want to embrace in unity. A little foresight would have prevented this potential civil war. I only hope the east begins to learn from this mistake and remember that they may someday need the people they spit on today.


#1. AFA National merger policy is DOH. SOOOO the East did not jam anyone. If you have a problem contact National and don't spin it as the East.

#2. You also need to open your eyes and read before you put your foot in your mouth.

#3. As to the mistakes.. you need to heed your own advice about the screwing and spitting.
With you more than you know. All US FAs, East and West, should be *sick* to their stomachs. Where is the outrage? Are FA's afraid? Are they complacent? Are they not paying attention? We will have much more bargaining power if we stick together as ONE! Our pay, vacation, and benefits are disgustingly substandard (be it east or west..). Let us maintain professionalism, but let's never lose sight of the fact that cost neutral is a BIG LOSS for both sides. I picketed on the East in 2000, preparing for CHAOS, out there every day at 530am. Let's make them realize that we are serious as a group, together, east and west, rather than barking about a single contract. Pick your battles.......




Hate to say "I told you so", but...

When the east AFA jammed DOH down the throats of west, without for a moment considering a compromise that would have mitigated the negative consequences of the merger, they made their own bed. With eyes wide open, they chose to screw the west and now they want to embrace in unity. A little foresight would have prevented this potential civil war. I only hope the east begins to learn from this mistake and remember that they may someday need the people they spit on today.
Oh get over it, the west knew that issue was dead in the water before they ever started that fight. It only made them look desperate and scared. AWA gained plenty from this merger, they became a global airline instead of a mere regional carrier. You talk about your precious DOH, what about all of our f/a's that have 5-10 yrs, how many of your f/a's are going to fall ahead of them, you don't see them whining about it.

I find it amazing that there are people still crying over this. When US bought PSA and Piedmont the US f/a's never once considered arguing the DOH issue. In fact we gave Empire f/a's their seniority back because Piedmont stuck them at the bottom of their seniority list. We did the same with the Eastern f/a's when the Shuttle was taken over from Trump.

One more thing, UEast didn't create the DOH language in the Constitution and Bylaws of AFA International. All we did was fight to preserve it, you would of done the same.
Oh get over it, the west knew that issue was dead in the water before they ever started that fight. It only made them look desperate and scared. AWA gained plenty from this merger, they became a global airline instead of a mere regional carrier. You talk about your precious DOH, what about all of our f/a's that have 5-10 yrs, how many of your f/a's are going to fall ahead of them, you don't see them whining about it.

I find it amazing that there are people still crying over this. When US bought PSA and Piedmont the US f/a's never once considered arguing the DOH issue. In fact we gave Empire f/a's their seniority back because Piedmont stuck them at the bottom of their seniority list. We did the same with the Eastern f/a's when the Shuttle was taken over from Trump.

One more thing, UEast didn't create the DOH language in the Constitution and Bylaws of AFA International. All we did was fight to preserve it, you would of done the same.
DOH is the way to go. Period. It may suck to you now, but later on, who knows? Let's be more concerned with the substandard pay, benefits, and work rules that we, both east and west, are enjoying. It's time for a change, and cost neutral aint the answer. Pass the word.....
Our pay, vacation, and benefits are disgustingly substandard (be it east or west..). Let us maintain professionalism, but let's never lose sight of the fact that cost neutral is a BIG LOSS for both sides.

sky high states: Saw a poster the other day, and it said, "I make US fly"....NOW PAY ME LIKE IT." :up: :up:

And, particularly, loved the one with Dougie Parker SMILING and HIS wheelbarrow FULL OF MONEY. :down: :down:

Finally we are starting to realize that it we cannot be divided if we are going to get a fair contract. Stop with the east/west sh1t. Not everyone out west is bad and not everyone out east is bad. We are basically in this boat together and better start getting along or management is going to shove whatever they want down our throats. He11 if any of you all want to live in PHX, have at it, the place is a sh1t hole. Brown, dirty, smoggy, hot (and during monsoon season humid) and it is no longer a cheap place to live.
Finally we are starting to realize that it we cannot be divided if we are going to get a fair contract. Stop with the east/west sh1t. Not everyone out west is bad and not everyone out east is bad. We are basically in this boat together and better start getting along or management is going to shove whatever they want down our throats. He11 if any of you all want to live in PHX, have at it, the place is a sh1t hole. Brown, dirty, smoggy, hot (and during monsoon season humid) and it is no longer a cheap place to live.
We are SOOOO on the same page!! :up: :up: :up: :up:
US East could have come to the west and offered a compromise to a strict DOH integration. They never needed to get AFA permission to do the right thing. They instead chose to implement an integration that all but insures that the next hiccup in the growth plan flushes away a substantial number of AWA F/A, only to be eventually replaced by any remaining east furloughees.

What is truly sad is that everyone who tries to justify what the east did, is oblivious to it's ramifications for the west FA's. They seem to say, "Just ignore that knife [we stuck]in your back and let's work together (even though there is a good chance you won't be here to enjoy the fruit of your labor).

"DOH" has a nice ring and "Staple Job" sounds so cruel, but in this case they are practically the same thing. Funny, huh?